Chapter One

“These next groups all have something unique about each of them.” Lance said into the microphone,

“One has crazy costumes, another has funky hip hop beats.” Joey said stepping up to the mike,

“One had June Cleaver in their video and one has the sexiest women drummer this side of the universe.” JC finished smiling directly into the crowd.

Krista blushed horribly as her brother poked her with his elbow playfully. JC Chasez of Nsync had called her the sexiest woman in the universe, sure he had read it off the teleprompter, but he had said it right? Damn her schoolgirl crush on him! She distracted herself by clapping for the other groups and crossing her fingers for their award.

“And the winner of the VMA for the best new rock/pop group is,” Justin said opening the envelope, “The Klemmers!”

A wave of shock overcame Krista. Dan nudged her up and she stood up hugging her band mates, her brother, Pauley, and her close friends, Dan and James.

“I can’t believe this.” She said to Dan smiled as he took her hand.

“Come on we’ve got a moon man to accept.” Krista took the lead and walked towards the stage. She didn’t know whether it was winning the award or meeting Nsync that was making her stomach flip flop. Krista had always loved Nsync since they had begun, but it had been a silly dream of hers to actually meet them. She never imagined that she would be here now, getting an award and meeting Nsync all at once. This was slightly overwhelming. Dan had a tight grip on her hand as if to hold her back from attacking the guys. She climbed the stage cautiously and was the first to meet the guys. Dan reluctantly let go of her hand as she hugged and kissed each member of Nsync. It was like a dream come true.

Krista took the award and began to give the band’s list of thank you’s. She shifted her weight from one side to the other. Her red lacy shawl like skirt hung loose on her hips. The fringe played across her thigh and knees. Her top was a black ruffle top that laid off of her shoulders. She knew all the eyes were on her and she loved it.

After they accepted their VMA, Nsync escorted them back stage.

“You don’t know how excited Krista was when you presented this award. She’s been in love with you forever!” Pauley said making Krista blush once again.

“I know,” James continued, “I thought that she was going to faint when JC called her the sexiest woman drummer in the universe.” Krista shot the guys dirty looks,

“I hate y’all, you know that?” Everyone laughed.

“Well that’s cool, we’re always excited to meet fans especially in this business.” Lance smiled warmly at her.

“We’re big fans of yours as well.” Justin added, “I think we all have a copy of your CD. It’s in my car right now. It’s completely out there.”

“Thank you, we really appreciate it. Hopefully our next album will do just as well.” Krista smiled at the five guys, mostly at JC; his eyes were almost too much.

A baby crying distracted Krista and she turned quickly to find the infantile source. Ashley her assistant had the crying infant with a pained look on her face. Krista instantly took the one year old into her arms and she settled down quickly.

“What happened?” Krista said to Ashley,

“I think it was all the noise or else she saw you on the monitor.”

“Oh, baby.” She said gently rubbing the infant’s back and rocking back and forth. Dan came over to her,

“Everything okay?”

“Yeah, my little Emma just got overexcited.”

“This isn’t the greatest place for a baby.” JC mentioned and Krista turned to him,

“I know that, but I never break a promise.” JC was about to question her more when a stagehand came over to them.

“Klemmers, we need you to talk to the press and then get ready for your performance.” Krista nodded and began to walk away. Dan snaked an arm around her waist and shot a dirty look at the guys over his shoulder.

“We obviously didn’t make a friend with him.” Joey said as they moved around backstage.

“Yeah, who would have thought that Krista Journey of the Klemmers would dig us?” Lance said,

“I know I wouldn’t have pegged her for our type of music.” Justin said.

“I wouldn’t have pegged her for a mother either.” JC mentioned,

“It’s probably that guy Dan’s. They’ve been dating off and on.” Joey said.

“Which would explain the dirty look he was giving us.” Chris mentioned.

Krista gave Emma back to Ashley before she went out on stage. She loved performing, always had. She sat down at her set and slid her drumsticks over each hand. It was her pre-show good luck ritual. The director gave them the cue and she began playing. Krista thought about the past few years of her life, amazed that here they were playing live, when it seemed like only yesterday they were playing in bars. Krista looked out into the audience and saw the blur of people. She tried to imagine that JC was watching her intently with his amazing blue eyes. It made her feel all giddy inside and began to laugh. Thank god she didn’t have a microphone near her, she didn’t sing, only played.

They sat back down in the audience again after their performance. This time she took Emma with her. She slept soundly in her arms throughout the rest of the VMAs. The guys wanted to hit the after parties, but she just wanted to go back to the hotel and rest. Their publicist said that they had to go out so Krista relented and sent Emma home with Ashley.

“I’ll be back in a few to check on her. Call me if anything happens.” Krista said as she handed the sleeping infant to Ashley,

“Yes Krista.” Ashley smiled, “You worry like she’s your own.” She teased as she adjusted the baby in her arms,

“That’s because that’s how I feel.” Krista smiled back and kissed Emma on the head before getting back into the limo.

“Come on Kris, it’s time to party and you’re acting like an old mother hen.” Pauley teased and Krista laid back against the seat,

“What would you know about being a mother hen?” She retorted. Dan leaned back and swung his arm around her shoulders.

“Ready to tear up the town, babe?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be.” She sighed,

“That coming from the sexiest drummer in the universe.” James teased.

“Maybe I’ll get a t-shirt that says that. I’ll wear it around the nursing home when I’m eighty. Maybe it’ll help me get a date.”

“You’ve got two sexy studs here to date.” James joked.

“Sexy studs? Where? I only see three horny little boys.” She teased.

“Ooo, low blow, Kris.” Dan said,

“Obviously you’ve never known a true low blow from me.” She winked and the other guys started to snicker. Dan just looked plain confused. “Put your mind in the gutter, Dan.” She said laughing at herself and it finally dawned on him and he turned bright pink.

The limo stopped and the chauffer opened the door for them. Pauley and James got out first, followed by Dan who held out his hand for Krista. Krista reluctantly took it and he never let go of her till they were in the party. Krista looked around the party,

“I hate schmoozing. Isn’t this why we have public relations people?”

“Aw, Krissie it’s cool, just pretend it’s a very extravagant Frat party.” Pauley joked squeezing her shoulder.

“Yeah, extremely extravagant.” She muttered as they smiled for pictures. Slowly but surely they made it over to their table that was waiting and sat down,

“Kris!” James hissed and nudged her side, “Guess who just walked in?”

“Who?” She said turning towards the entrance.

“It’s Nsync, your lover boys.” He taunted,

“Oh, we should get her a bib now before the drool ruins her outfit.” Pauley added and Krista laughed shaking her head.

“You two are impossible. Why don’t you go find some skanky hoes to hook up with?”

“Because we’re having too much fun teasing you.” Pauley retorted.

“I’m gonna find my own table.” She rolled her eyes at the boys,

“Ooo, so you can be alone with your lover boys?” James laughed.

“You’re just jealous cuz they’re cooler then you are.”

“No, cuz they’re gay!” Dan protested, joining in on the Nsync bashing.

“And they get more girls than you ever will!” She defended,

“She’s right.” Dan sighed, “That’s what’s so sad. Five wussy gay guys who prance around and sing, get more play then three, hulky men who play real music.” Dan said jokingly making a muscle. Krista pushed him playfully,

“Maybe you guys need to revamp your images, then maybe you could get a date instead of hanging around me, making me look bad.” She joked laughing at herself.

“Well aren’t we so funny?” Pauley said,

“You know we’re only hanging around here trying to score with you.” James teased.

“In your dreams James, you will never taste the Krista flavor.” She said with ghetto flair.

“God I think I’m gonna be sick.” Pauley said and everyone broke out into laughter once again.

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