Chapter One

Larson watched the players run back and forth over the court. Sam giggled and hopped in the seat next to her.

“Sam buddy sit down.” She told the six year old. He ignored her and kept watching the game. She quickly turned his face to look at her. “Sam, you need to sit.” He looked right through her and she pulled his face to hers before she said sternly. “Sam, sit, NOW.” It finally got his attention and he sat down, which only lasted till the players ran past them and he was jumping again.

“Bas-keet-bol! Bas-keet-bol!” He shouted gleefully, flapping his arms. Larson laughed at his motions and let him go. He loved basketball and it would be impossible to calm a normal six year old, never mind an autistic six year old who was obsessed with basketball. As long as he stayed put he’d be fine.

She leaned back in her seat and smiled at Sam. She had been working with him as his schoolteacher and basically fell in love with the little red haired freckled face boy on the first day. He definitely was her favorite out of the four that she worked with on a daily basis.

“Balls! Balls! Balls!” Sam said tugging on her sleeve and pointing at the same time.

“I see the balls Sam.” She said tickling his side and pulled him in for a hug. He burst out in an infectious giggle and she did too.

The buzzer rang and it was half time, she held Sam in her lap as people around them got up to get food and such. Sam tugged on her arm.

“Miss Lawrson, I want hot dog.”

“A hot dog? I think we can manage that.” She smiled and stood up with him.

“Hot dog, hot dog, hot dog, hot dog, hot dog…” He chanted and danced as she took his hand. She just laughed and walked with Sam up to the concession stand.

“Sam you’re being a good boy.”

“Me good? Hot dog! Hot dog!”

“We have to wait.” She said holding out her hand. Sam waited patiently for a few minutes and then suddenly he went to shoot off somewhere but Larson instinctively grabbed him and held him,

“Sam, stay.”

“Bye bye! Bye bye! Bye bye!” She said trying to run off again. Larson pulled him back to her,

“Sam, we’re getting a hot dog, no go bye bye.”

“Bye bye man! Bye bye man!” Sam said struggling more and Larson forced him to face her and held his arms at his side. “Bye bye man!” He kept repeating,

“No go bye bye. Basketball game.” She said calmly. Sam stamped his foot and tried to free of his arms. He began to scream and Larson instantly brought him over to the side out of the way,

“No screaming Sam.” She said sternly and he became really quiet,


“That’s okay. What do you want?” Sam turned and pointed,

“Bye bye man!” Larson looked in the direction of where he was pointing and still didn’t get it. He was pointing to a crowd of people. She turned him towards her,

“Show me what you want.”

“Miss Lawrson I want bye bye man!” He said tugging on her hand again.

“Bye bye man?” She got up, “Show me Sam.” She gave in and followed him as he dragged her into the crowd. He stopped in front of a large black man and pointed,

“Bye bye man!” Larson looked at the guy and raised her eyebrow,

“Sam, I only wished I knew what went on in your head.” He tugged her arm insistently,

“Miss Lawrson I want Bye bye man!” He pointed to the large man again. She sighed,

“The things I do for you.” She said and tapped the large man on the shoulder. He glanced back at her and raised an eyebrow in a silent question.

“Hi,” Larson started and picked up Sam in her arms, “Sam here wanted to say hi to you. I know this is weird but could you just talk to him for a second and we’ll be on our way.” She smiled at the large man who gave her a confused look. “Please?”

“Bye bye man!” Sam shouted and the man glanced behind him and then turned to Sam.

“Hey kid, I’m Lonnie.” He held out his hand to Sam who slapped him five and then yelled,

“I want bye bye man.”

“Sam this is who you wanted.” Larson tried to reason with the autistic six year old.

“Hey Lonnie, who you talking to?” Someone asked from behind Lonnie and he turned,

“A kid who wants to talk to me.” Lonnie replied,

“Someone wants to talk to you?” The mystery voice laughed and came around the side of the large black man. Sam immediately began to jump and squirm in Larson’s arms.

“Bye bye man! Bye bye man! Bye bye man!” He began to reach for the man and Larson glanced at the young man before realization hit her. How many times had she stared at his face in her best friend’s car? It was a guy from Nsync. She laughed,

“I think I’ve figured out the mystery here. Sorry Lonnie he didn’t want to talk to you, he wanted the bye, bye, BYE man.” She laughed some more, “But I really appreciate you talking to Sam though.”

“I figured as much.” Lonnie said and Larson tilted her head to the side with a smile, ignoring the wiggling six year old in her arms,

“Aww, Lonnie I want to talk to you. I think you’re cool. Not many people will stop and talk to a strange six year old.”

“Bye bye man! Bye bye man!” Sam shouted still fighting to get out of her arms. She looked to the Nsyncer,

“Please can he say hi to you before he rips my arms off?”

“Sure.” He smiled warmly at the two as Larson placed Sam on the floor and turned him to face her,

“Sam, tell me what you want.” Sam waved his hand in the Nsyncer’s direction and grunted, “Use your words, I don’t understand.” She said and Sam sighed,

“Miss Lawrson, I want bye bye man.”

“Good words Sam.” She smiled and ruffled his hair before turning him around. She glanced up at the Nsyncer as he squatted down to their level.

“He’s autistic, but he talks.”

“Hey Sam, I’m JC, it’s nice to meet you.” JC held out his hand to Sam who instantly slapped him five,

“Bye bye man!”

“Sam, say hi to JC.” Larson prompted from behind,

“Hi Jaw Cee.” Sam smiled shyly and then moved forward. He wrapped his arms around JC’s neck hugging him. JC hugged him back,

“Up.” Sam instructed.

“Sam.” Larson warned.

“No, it’s okay. He doesn’t look that heavy.” JC said and quickly picked him up. Larson stood up as well. JC looked at her and held out his hand,

“And you are?” She shook his hand,

“Larson Smith, it’s nice to meet you and you too Lonnie.” She winked at the large man who cracked a smile. “Hey can I take a quick picture for Sam’s mom? I’m sure she’d love it.” JC looked at Lonnie and then back to Larson,

“Sure, I’d love to.” Larson pulled out her camera and pointed it at the two and paused,

“Lonnie don’t think you’re getting out of this one. Come on big guy.” She smiled at Lonnie who moved into the picture. “Great.” She snapped the picture quickly.

“Thank you so much. His parent’s will love it.”

“Do you want one with you in it?” JC asked and she shook her head,

“Oh no, I’m fine.”

“It’d be no problem.”

“How about one of just me and Sam?”

“Okay.” JC said slowly,

“Do you really want to be in it? I’m sure I can accommodate you if you really want to be in it.” She said playfully and put her hands on her hips.

“No that’s okay.” He laughed and Larson traded Sam for the camera. JC quickly took the picture and handed the camera back to her.

“Thanks I owe you big time. I don’t have many pictures of me and my main man Sam.” She said tickling him a bit, making him laugh and she kissed his cheek. Larson turned back to JC and Lonnie. “It was nice to meet you two. Say Bye Sam.” She prompted and Sam waved,

“Bye, bye bye, bye, bye, bye, bye…” He repeated and she playfully rolled her eyes as the two laughed.

“Bye Sam, bye Larson.” JC said and she waved as she walked away.

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