Chapter One


Lisa stretched out on the stage next to Dee and watched the Nsync boys as they talked to their manager.  It was the first week of practice for Nsync’s Pop Odyssey Tour.  Everyone was there to learn the new choreography for the songs.


“If you stare any harder, your eyes will fall out.”  Dee teased.  Lisa groaned and flopped onto her back.


“I can’t help it, he is SO fine.”  She draped her arm over her eyes.  Dee rolled over on her stomach and smiled at the tall brunette laid out next to her.


“Please, he’s just JC, just like any other guy.  If you like him so much, why don’t you do something about it?”  Lisa lifted her head slightly to look at Dee,


“Yeah, okay, let’s step BACK into reality, Dee.  I’m just a lowly peon dancer.  Why the hell would he even take a second glance at me?”  Dee sat up and began to count off things on her fingers,


“Well, one you’re a great dancer.”


Lisa rolled her eyes, “We’re all great dancers, that’s why we’re here.”


“Two, you’re got a great body, not too muscular, not too skinny.”


“Once again, I repeat, we’re all like that, then again they’ve been surrounded by women who fit that type.”  Lisa replied and Dee simply ignored her comment and went on,


“Three, you’ve got long, gorgeous brunette hair, which he dies for, long legs that go on for miles, big, huge violet blue eyes, tan, clear, smooth, soft, skin and that’s just your physical attributes.  You’re smart, funny, loyal, honest, nice-”


Lisa interrupted her, “I get it Dee.” 


“All I’m saying is that you’d be crazy to think that he wouldn’t go for you.  All you gotta do is go for it.”


Lisa eyed JC again, “I swear if I talked to him, I’d probably puke.”


“You’d at least be rememberable.”  Dee teased and Lisa laughed,


“Okay Dee.”  She said shaking her head,


“You met him and you didn’t puke.”  Dee pointed out and Lisa groaned,


“No, I stuttered like a damn fool and looked like an imbecile.”


“You did not.”


“I couldn’t put a sentence together!  All I could do was smile and nod.  He took one look at me and went, BIG DORK.” She sighed and went back to stretching.



“Okay guys that was great, take five.”  Wade yelled and everyone hopped off the stage, breaking up into groups.  Lisa sat down with Carrie, her best friend and roommate out of the dancers and Diana.  They were her closest friends.


Out of the corner of her eye she kept watch of JC as he talked with a couple of the other dancers.  They were obviously flirting with him and she rolled her eyes.  Deep down though, she wished that she could be like them and have to courage to just go up to him and start talking.


“Hey Lee!  Lisa!”  Carrie waved a hand over her face,


Lisa turned to her best friend, “Huh, what?”


“Oh boy, she’s in Jaceland again.”  Dee teased,


“Shut up Dee.  I can’t help it.”  She said leaning back into her seat,


“Uh huh sure.”  They all burst out laughing.



JC looked over at the laughing group of girls and smiled.  They were always together, having a good time.  He had noticed the prettiest one of the group, Lisa, when they were all introduced.  But since then, she hadn’t said a word to him.  It was almost like she was avoiding him for some reason.  He turned to one of the dancers next to him,


“Hey Analisa, what’s with Lisa and the crew?  How come they don’t hang out with anyone?” 


Analisa looked at him, “They do, they hang out with us all the time.  They’re an absolute blast, especially Lee.”


“Really?  They never even try to hang out with us.”  JC said with slight disappointment in his voice. 


Analisa laughed, “Probably because Lee’s a hard core dancer.  When she’s in the dancing zone, that’s all she sees.  Carrie and Dee are the same way, but Lee’s a devoted one.  I’ve never seen such a great dancer, but she’s had worked really hard to be that good, you know?”


“Yeah, wow, that’s really cool.  I think I learned more about Lisa in the last two minutes then I have all week.”  He chuckled and Analisa laughed,


“Well if you want to know more, talk to the girl.  It’s just a suggestion, Jace.”


“Okay Analisa, thanks for the help.”


“If you’re interested, we’re all going out on the town tonight, including Lee and the gang, if you want to get to know them better.”


“Yeah, that sounds great.”


