Chapter Twenty

That night the bar was packed, Hannah sang to a full crowd. She was wearing tight black lace up suede pants that hung low on her hips and a halter-top that was the color of fire, a meshing of reds, yellows and oranges. The bottom of the shirt was torn at an angle to show her tattoo. She looked great and she knew it. The girls had been working behind the bar when the crowd started chanting,
“LADY! LADY! LADY! LADY!” The song ‘Lady Marmalade came on and the four girls hopped onto the bar and sang to it. Kerrie took Mya’s part, Anna took Pinks, Roxy took Lil’ Kerrie’s and Hannah took Christina’s. The girls were so into the song that they didn’t notice that Nick and the boys had walked in. Nick spotted Hannah right away on the bar, it was all he saw in the bar. Kevin, Brian, AJ, and Howie’s eyes popped out of their heads when they saw Hannah.
“That’s sweet little Hannah?” Howie said and Nick nodded,
“Except she’s not so little now.”
“When did Hannah learn to do that?” AJ said mesmerized by her.
“If I wasn’t married.” Kevin said unable to peel his eyes away.
“I hear ya cuz.” Brian agreed.

The girls were just as good as the actual singers if not better. When the song ended the crowd was deafening and the girls dropped down to tend bar once again. Nick walked right up to the bar; Hannah caught sight of him and turned her back on him taking orders from the opposite side of the bar.

Nick caught Anna’s eye,
“Hey Anna.” She didn’t saw a word and just raised an eyebrow at him, “Do you think I could talk to Hannah.” Anna just started laughing and walked away. Nick saw Hannah at the other side and moved over there to talk to her.

Tim saw Nick trying to get near Hannah,
“That son of a bitch,” he growled. Garrett was right by him,
“What?” Then he saw what Tim was looking at, “Mother Fucker.”
“My sentiments exactly,” Tim began walking towards Nick at the bar with Garrett following him. Tim reached Nick and turned him around roughly.
“I told you, fuck face, to stay away from Hannah. You have a lot of nerve showing your face, but that doesn’t matter cuz in a few minutes no one will be able to recognize your face.”
“Tim, don’t,” Hannah said from behind the bar, “he isn’t worth your effort.” She finished shortly. Tim just stared at Hannah,
“Tim, just drop it, I don’t want you to get in trouble over him.” Tim glared at Nick and poked him hard in the shoulder,
“If you know what’s good for yourself, you’ll leave.” He turned and left with Garrett in tow. Nick didn’t know what to do.

Hannah turned to Roxy,
“I need a quick break.” She said and Roxy nodded sympathetically. Hannah quickly went into the back room. Nick saw her go into the back room and ducked in there without anyone seeing him. He shut the door immediately when he got in there and locked it. Hannah was sitting in a chair with her head in her hands, softly crying. She sat up straight when she heard the door shut.
“What the hell! Get out of here!” She yelled at Nick, but he didn’t budge.
“No, I’m not leaving until you hear me out!”
“What are you here to yell and scream at me some more?! You’ve already made me miserable why do you want to add to it! Why can’t you leave me alone!” Tears streamed down her face.
“Because I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry.” He said sinking to his knees and putting his head in his hands. “I’m such an idiot for doing what I did to you yesterday, I realized that I was wrong, but only after it was too late! I’m so sorry that I didn’t trust you. I guess I was so crazy for you that when I thought that you were with Tim, I went crazy. I love you so much, it hurts and it’s been killing me not to be near you. I know you feel the same way, because you wouldn’t be this upset at me. Please don’t let my mistake keep us apart. My mistake isn’t worth throwing all we have together away. Please, I’m begging you, give me a second chance. I’ll do anything to make things right between us and I promise that I will spend every moment making it up to you.” He finished sadly and looked at Hannah. She saw the pain and sincerity in his eyes and her heart melted, but could she take that chance again? She looked away from him unsure of what to do.
“I don’t know, Nick, I just need some time to think.”
“How much time?” He asked and Hannah shrugged her shoulders.
“I don’t know, I just don’t know.” She sighed and he smiled,
“Okay, I’ll let you be.” He said quietly and left the room. Hannah sat there not knowing what to do. Tim walked into the room,
“Hey, you okay?” He said gently, kneeling down in front of her. She looked up,
“I guess.”
“What did that ass do now?” He growled,
“He apologized.” She half laughed, “God Tim, I love him so much!”
“I know you do.” He said quietly.
“What should I do?”
“I can’t decide that for you.”
“Why not?” She said sarcastically.
“Because I don’t want to date him.” He joked.
“You two would make a cute couple.” She joked back and smiled.
“There’s what I was looking for, why don’t you come out and hang with us for a while.”
“I should, I have been on break for a while.”
“What are they gonna do, fire you?”
“Yeah, your right.” She laughed and got up from her seat. “Thanks Tim.”
“No problem, Hannah.” They walked out of the room and the bar was awfully quiet.
“Hello, everyone are you enjoying your night?” Roxy suddenly shouted from her position on the bar and the crowd roared. “Fabulous! Well you’re in for a real treat tonight, because everyone of you are getting a personal concert by the one, the only the Backstreet Boys!!” Hannah looked at Tim who shrugged his shoulders,
“I have no clue.” He said and Hannah went up and sat on the bar, she was in plain view of the guys. Roxy gave the mike to AJ,
“Hey everyone, how we doing tonight? You ready to rock the house?!” The crowd cheered they’re answer. His phone rang, “Oh hold on, hello?” The music began and they sang ‘The Call’. The next song they did was ‘Larger than Life’, and Nick’s eyes never left Hannah. She was enjoying the performance so far.

In the next song they performed, ‘I want it that way,’ when each of the boys sang their parts they came up to Hannah and held her hand and then kissed it when they were done. Hannah was basically blown away, she had really missed these guys. They went on to sing some oldies like, ‘I’ll never break your heart’, ‘It’s true’, ‘Back to your heart’, ‘Shining Star’, and ‘Time’. Then Nick sang, ‘I need you tonight’ and Hannah had a hard time holding back the tears.

They then sang more songs from their new album, ‘More than that’, ‘Not for me’, and ‘Shape of my Heart’ as well as ‘We’ve got it going on’, ‘Backstreet’s Back’, ‘As long as you love me’. The boys took another break as Nick pulled out a stool to the center of the clearing, he sat down and spoke,
“This next song was written for a very special woman, a woman I hold very close to my heart and who I hurt deeply. I messed up big time and I hope and pray that she can find it in her heart to forgive me and give me a second chance.” A piano intro started and Nick sang,

“Remember when, we never needed each other, the best of friends, like sister and brother.”

Hannah couldn’t hold back the tears this time. The scene of the first time he sang her that song flashed through her mind. Nick had tears slowly falling down his cheeks too and at the end of the song Hannah rushed into his arms,
“I love you, Nick. I want you in my life. I want you back.” Nick held her tight,
“I love you so much Angel, but we’re not done with the performance yet.” She pulled back a little,
“I don’t care about the performance, I care about you.” Nick pulled her arms off of himself but held her hands,
“How could we do a personal concert for you and not sing your all-time favorite Backstreet Boy song?” He said and the intro to, ‘Hey Mr. DJ’ began to play, a huge smile spread across Hannah’s face. Nick led her into the middle of the group of the boys. AJ advanced upon her and sang and danced with her. It was the best present she could have ever received.

After the song Hannah gave each of the guys a huge hug to thank them. She saved Nick for last and jumped into his arms, wrapped her legs around him and kissed him. The crowd around them cheered for them. Nick smiled at Hannah,
“Thank you for giving me a second chance, Angel.”
“Thanks for loving me.”
“Always and forever Angel.”

THE END!!! E-mail me what you thought of this story!-LE