Chapter Twenty


JC bounded down from his room and knocked on Krista’s door.  They were gonna hit the clubs tonight.  A teary eyed Krista dressed in her pajamas opened the door. “Krissie what’s wrong?”  JC asked worriedly and Krista went into his arms,


“Aunt Joanie died today.”  She said and began sobbing again.


“Oh, Krissie, I’m so sorry.”  He said holding her tight and brought her into her room, shutting the door behind him, “What happened?”


“Her heart just gave out.”  She said in between sobs, “I’ve got to go home tomorrow.”


“Do you want me to go with you?”  He asked rubbing her back and she shook her head against his neck,


“No, Pauley, Dan and James are coming.”  She cried,


“Okay, baby, okay.”  He said kissing her forehead trying to sooth her, “Come on Krissie,” JC said gently scooping her up into his arms, “You should get some rest.”  He laid her in the bed and took off her slippers.  Krista’s crying had died down to soft sobs.  JC pulled back the covers and tucked her in.


“Josh?”  She asked quietly,


“Yeah, spunk?”


“Stay with me, for a little while?”


“As long as you need me.”  He replied gently and took off his socks and shoes,


“I think I have one of your t-shirts if you wanna change.”  JC pulled off his shirt and stripped off his pants, leaving only his boxers. 


“Is this okay?”


“Yeah, whatever makes you more comfortable.”


“Kay.”  JC said and quickly turned off all the lights in the room except the one by the bed.  He crawled in under the covers and Krista snuggled into his arms.


“Thanks for staying with me.”  She said,


“Anytime, Kris.”  He replied and Krista laid quietly on his chest.


“I can’t believe she’s gone.”  She whispered and JC stroked her hair and back,


“It was really sudden, right?”


“Yeah, I miss her already.”  She said and the tears began to fall again. 


JC wiped away the tears gently, “I would expect so, you loved her a lot.”


“What am I going to do without her?”  She said as her crying increased to sobs,


“Shh, shh, spunk.”  He said pulling her up to face him, “She’ll always be with you.”  JC kissed the tears that fell down her face.  Then their lips met and turned into a sweet, slow kiss.  Her lips opened immediately as he tasted her.  It was sweet and hot as their tongues slowly touched and explored each other.  JC moved over her and caressed her face as he continued to kiss her.  Her soft hands slid gently up and down his muscular back with slow erotic movements that willed him to extend the kiss and probe harder with his tongue.  Krista pulled back from his kiss,


“Make love to me, Josh.”  Her wish was urgent but JC held back until Krista turned her big green eyes on him, “Please?”  JC answered her with another kiss.  His hands moved down to under her tank top and slowly moved it up over her head.  He threw it aside and came back to her gently.  JC kissed Krista again and moved his hands down to her breast massaging them slowly.  A moan escaped Krista’s throat and his lips slid down her jaw to her collarbone.  She gasped when his mouth found her breast.  He nibbled and sucked it gently,


“Oh Josh, yes-s-s.”  She ran her hands through his hair.  JC’s hands slid down her waist to the edge of her shorts.  Krista bucked her hips slowly egging him on.


“Oh, Krissie.”  JC murmured against her skin as he slid off her shorts and panties at the same time.


“Love me Josh.”  She said and JC came back up to her.  He pause and just looked in her eyes.  He pushed hair out of her face and held her face in his hands, “Josh?”


“I love you, Krissie.”  He said and Krista wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him deeply.


Slowly, her hand moved down in between them.  JC felt her light feathery touch as she let the very tips of her fingers explore the contours of his erection through the dark cotton that was visibly twitching with the pressure applied by the blood rushing there.  JC sighed as she continued her slow exploration down to his balls and back up the length of my shaft.  “Mmmmmm,” she hummed, concentrating on the movement of her hand, “this feels gorgeous.”


“It’s all yours baby.” He whispered into her ear, causing goose bumps to run down her body.


She couldn’t wait any longer, “Let’s get rid of these pesky things.”  She tugged at the waistband of his briefs.


JC brushed a kiss over her lips, “After you, Kris.”


She tugged and helped him out of the rest of his restrictive clothing.  Krista tossed the garment out of the bed and wrapped her legs around his waist, eager to feel him.  Krista felt his erection against her belly.  JC moved over her and he slipped into her slowly.  He began to move slowly in and out holding Krista tightly against him.  “Baby, you're so tight and hot and you feel so good.” She felt so wonderful against him, around him, on him.  He couldn’t get enough of her caresses and touches.  Slowly they moved together melting into sweet hot bliss.

“You nearly there, sweetheart?” JC panted, feeling a pleasurable burn begin in his loins.

She was already growing taut in his arms as he repeatedly sunk himself into her. “Oh, yes, Josh! Take me there!”

“You ain't goin' alone. I'll be there with you,” He promised.

“AH!...Oh, Josh!...Oh, God, I – AHHHH!”

“That's my baby! Fly for me!” JC urged just before he released himself into the rapture that had overtaken her. “Krisssie!”

Panting, he leaned heavily against her, feeling her soothing caress of his hair, neck and shoulders.  He was totally blown away by the things he felt – he knew he was in love with her, but now it had consumed his soul and there was no going back.



          The next morning Krista woke entangled in JC.  His arms were holding her close and his legs were entwined in hers.  She smiled sadly at him knowing that this was the end of them.  Krista removed herself carefully as to not wake him.  She quietly showered, got dressed and grabbed her bags.  She left a quick kiss on his forehead before leaving.



