Chapter Twenty


The next day Lisa laid on her back resting in between practices.  She and Carrie still weren't talking and she just really wanted to be alone.

“Lisa?”  Someone called out to her and she jumped sitting straight up in the air and grabbed her chest.  She saw JC standing next to her,

“Oh Jesus, you scared me.” 

He squatted down, “Sorry, didn’t mean too.”  He smiled at her she was lost until she realized that he was talking again,

“I’m sorry, what was that?”

“I asked if I could join you.”

“Oh, yeah, sure.  I wasn’t really doing anything.”  She rambled nervously as he sat down,

“That’s cool.  So how’s your hip?”

“My hip?”  She looked at him questionably,

“Your hip?  These things?”  He pointed to his own, “Don’t tell me that you forgot that you hurt it.”  He teased and Lisa blushed furiously,

“Oh yeah, um, it’s fine, thanks for asking.”  She said fumbling over her words.  They sat there for a few moments,

“So,” JC started again, “you’re the only dancer I really don’t know.”

“Okay…” She shrugged and rubbed her sweaty palms down her pants.

“So tell me about yourself.”

“What do you want to know?”  She leaned back against the wall,

“Anything, where are you from?”

“Originally Kentucky and now Louisiana.”

“Ah, so you’re a southern belle.”  He grinned, “No accent though.”

“Practice.”  She replied with a shrug looking around for a savior,

“Cool, do you have a lot of family in Louisiana?”

“No, they’re all in Kentucky.”  Lisa pulled a piece of her hair down from her bun and began playing with it.

“Not too change the subject but I heard you reamed out Carrie.”

Lisa rolled her eyes, “Um, yeah, I’m really sorry about all of that.”

“It’s okay, really. I thought it was kind of funny.” He said smirking slightly.

“Yeah, well, I really didn’t.”  Lisa tucked the piece of hair behind her ear before playing with her shirt, looking everywhere but him.

“Well, they just got mixed up information and I think it’s cool that you wanted to come and clear up the confusion with me.”

“But I only created more.”  She pointed out.

“Not really, we both realized what had happened.”  He shrugged, “I was actually glad you came to talk to me.”


“Yeah, I thought you hated me or something.”  He paused for a moment as he watched her face, “And you could still hate me and now I’m the one who’s making the fool of themselves now.”

“Oh no, I like you.  I mean I don’t not hate you. I mean I don’t hate you!”  She laughed nervously as she stumbled over her words, “I don’t hate you.”  She clarified,

A huge smile spread across JC's lips, “Okay, well good.  I don’t know why, I just got this feeling from you.  You always seemed standoffish to me and you were pretty friendly with the other guys. I just didn’t get it.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t even realize I was doing it.”  She half lied,

“It’s okay, as long as you don’t do it anymore.  I know now that you don’t hate me, so I’m gonna make you talk to me.”  He teased and she laughed,

“Okay, I’ll let you talk to me.  You can be in the circle.”  She slid down the wall rubbing her hip,

“You okay?”

“Oh yeah, it’s pretty much healed now, but it’s still a little sore.”

“What happened?  If you don’t mind me asking.”

“Of course not, I thought everyone already knew.”

“I just got into the circle.”  He teased,

“That’s right.”  She giggled, “Well, I was a dumbass, tripped over my cat at home and fell down stairs in my house.”

JC sat back in shock, “Wow, thank God you didn’t break anything.”

“I know, I was really lucky.”  Lisa glanced up and saw Wade calling for her, “I have to go.”  She said and slowly began to get up.

         JC jumped up and bent over to help her up.

“Here, let me help you up.” He said taking her arm,

“Thanks.”  She blushed and stood up, “See ya.”  She said and quickly walked away from him.

“Lisa hold up.”  JC shouted after her and Lisa turned,


JC jogged up to her, “Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?”

“Oh, um…”

“It's not a date.” He said quickly trying to read her face, “I just want to get to know you better, because you know, I know you don't hate me now.”

“Oh, uh...” She began and JC interrupted her again,

“Nothing fancy, just, you know room service in my room and maybe a movie?”  He rambled unable to control his mouth.

Lee smiled nervously, “Oh, uh, yeah sure.”

JC let out a sigh of relief, “Great, say about eight?”

“Yeah, that sounds great.”  She blushed and then quickly walked away to get back to practice.



