Chapter Twenty-One

Lisa walked into JC’s room.

“Hey.”  She said nervously,

“Hey.”  He replied, “I ordered up room service already.  I hope you don’t mind.”

“No I don’t, what did you get?”

“Oh just Italian stuff.”  He shrugged closing the door behind her,

“Oh, what kind?”

JC smirked a little, “Angel hair pasta with oyster marinara sauce and strawberries and cream for dessert.”  He was trying to be smooth with the aphorismatic food, hoping that she would get it.

“Oh.” She said disappointedly,

“What?”  He asked walking over to her.  That wasn’t exactly the response he had expected.

“It’s nothing.”  She said quickly and played her with hands.  She hated making a fuss.

“You don’t like Italian food?”

Lisa shook her head and looked away, “No, I said it was fine, really.”

“Lisa, tell me.”  He grinned,

“I’m, uh, allergic to seafood.”  She said looking down,

“Are you serious?”

“Yeah.”  She nodded, “I’m sorry.”

“No, I’m sorry.”  He apologized,

“It’s okay, really, dessert sounded really good.  You didn’t know.”

“Here, I’ll call down and switch the order.”  He said grabbing the phone. “What do you want?”

“It was fine, just the oyster thing.”

“Okay.”  He said dialing up the room service, “Make yourself at home.”  He waved and she nodded.  Lisa couldn’t believe that she was here in his room.  It smelled just like him.  She wandered over to the couch and gently sat down. It was a very comfortable room, but she felt anything but comfortable, in fact she felt like she was going to puke!

“Hey Lisa!”  He said flopping down on the couch next to her and scaring her out of her thoughts.

“Oh hey.”  She said envious of his relaxed state.

“I’m really sorry about the whole dinner thing.  Shows me I should ask next time, huh?”

“You didn’t know. It happens all the time.”  She shrugged,

“Really, when you’re at home?”

“Um, yeah, at home.”  She replied distantly and JC eyed her for a moment,

“So tell me about your family.”

“My family?”

“The people who raised you and who you grew up with?”  He teased playfully causing her to blush,

“Oh, I have my parents and my brother.”

“He’s the one with the band right?”

“Yeah.”  She agreed,

“And you’ve been staying with your parents?”

“Um, yeah, but not any more.  Now I’ve been staying at the hotel.”  She said looking away.  She didn’t want to talk about her family.

 “Okay.”  JC said searching for a topic to change the subject, “So, are you speaking to Carrie yet?”

Lisa smiled at the mention of her best friend, “Yeah, we always do.  We hate being mad at each other.”  She shrugged, “Doesn't take much for either of us to forgive each other.”

“That's good. I wouldn't want to see the dynamic duo broken up.”

Lisa tilt her head to the side, “Dynamic Duo?  Where did that come from?”

“Joey.”  JC answered with a smirk, “Something about you guys coming after him all the time.”

Lisa laughed lightly, “Yeah, well he brings it on himself.”  She replied making JC laugh.

“I agree.  You'd think with his parents around, he'd be more well behaved but, nope.”

“He's ten times worse.” Lisa replied.

“Exactly.”  JC shook his head, chuckling, “Speaking of parents, are yours coming out on tour to see you?”

“Nope, when are yours coming to see you?”

“Probably when we hit the Chicago area.  Why won’t your parents come?”

“Because they hate pop music.”  She shrugged nonchalantly.

JC leaned forwards, “But you’re their daughter.”

“Yeah, I know.”  She said and there was a knock on the door.  She jumped up to get it, “Food’s here.”

         JC watched Lisa for a moment before getting up and helping her with the food.  They were both silent as they ate their dinners.  When they reached dessert, JC couldn’t handle the silence anymore.

“So Lisa, how long have you been dancing?”

“All my life.”  She smiled and took a bite of her dessert, “What about you?”

“Professionally?  Like high School.”  He shrugged, “My friends convinced me to join a dance group.”

“That’s cool.”  She smiled,

“Want to know what an interview feels like?”  He grinned and she frowned slightly,

“Um, okay, I guess.”  She said,

“Okay, what’s your full name?”

“Lisa Marie Pratt.”

“Where are you from?”


“What’s your favorite color?”


“What type of blue?”

“Uh, blue?”

“What’s your shoe size?”


“Favorite movie?”


“Brandy, Drew Barrymore, or Disney version?”


“Favorite actress?”

“Sandra Bullock.”


“Josh Hartnett.”

“Favorite Food?”

“Um, Chicken Noodle Soup.”


“Ants on a log.”

“Excuse me?”

“Ants on a log, peanut butter and raisins on celery.”

“Oh okay, um favorite song?”

“ABC by the Jackson Five.”

“Favorite Nsync song.

“Giddy Up.”

“Really?  Cool. Okay, favorite childhood song.”

“Somewhere out there.”


Fivel.”  She nodded,

“Kay, favorite candy?”

“3 musketeers and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.”


“Ballroom Dancing?”

“That’s not a sport.”  He pointed out,

“Yes it is, but whatever, I guess hockey.”

“Hockey in Louisiana?”

“How about baseball?  I’m not into sports.”

“Ah I see, third grade teacher?”

“Um, hold on, Mrs. Brown.”

“Do you have any tattoos?”



“Only in my ears.”

“Do you own a motorcycle?”

“No, I drive a car.”

“What car?”

“Whatever car my parents have.”

“Do you live with your parents when you’re not on tour?”


“Do you have a boyfriend?”

Lee blushed, “No.”

“Are you a virgin?”

Lee raised an eyebrow, “That’s none of your business.”

JC grinned even more, “Do you have a potty mouth?”

“Not usually.”

“What are your parent’s names?”

“Can we stop?”

“Wow, impressive.”

“What?”  She said sitting back in her chair and crossing her arms,

“You lasted longer than most people do in interviews.  That’s impressive.”

“Well, I’m glad you’re thrilled by it.”  She glanced at her watch, “And my times up here, I’ve got to get to bed.”  She said getting up,

“But we just finished dinner.  I thought we could watch a movie.”

“I’ve got to go to get going.  I’ve got an early morning practice.”  She said,

“Oh, I didn’t know.”

“Thank you for dinner, I’ll see myself out.  Goodnight JC.”  She said and quickly left the room before JC could protest. 

JC sat back in his seat, “Great, Chasez, just chase the poor girl away.”



