Chapter Twenty-Two


After the show, JC stomped down to Krista’s room and pounded on her door.


“What the hell is-” She yelled and stopped when she saw JC.  He grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the room,


“We’re going on a walk and we’re going to talk.”  He said forcefully.  Krista was too shocked to do anything but try to keep up with his long strides.  JC dragged her through the hotel and down to the garden in the back of the hotel.  He finally let her go when they were in the deep hedges that surrounded a small bench.  “Sit.”  He said pointing to the bench and began to pace in front of it.  Krista did as she was told and waited silently for JC to start.  She was too scared to say anything.  Finally, he let into her, “How could you do this to me?”  He went on before she could answer, “I mean I said that I loved you!  Didn’t that mean anything to you?  I thought that you loved me too, but now I don’t know!  I just don’t know what to think!  I mean we have, no!  We made love, mind-blowing love!  Then you walk out of my life for a week while I’m going crazy over you then you come back like you don’t even know me!  What the hell is going on?”  Krista was curled up on the bench, hugging her knees and slowly rocking back and forth.  Tears slipped down her face,


“It was a mistake Josh.”  She said quietly staring at her knees, unable to look at him.


“No!”  He bellowed at her, “You don’t mean it!”


Krista found her voice but still couldn’t make herself look at him, “Yes I do!” 


JC sighed in defeat, her tears had washed away his anger, “How can love be a mistake?  I know you love me because you can’t even look me in the eye when you say that.”


Krista shook her head as she stared at her knees, “Don’t you get it?  JC and Krista don’t work together.  They never will.” 


JC dropped to his knees in front of her, he had to get her to look at him, “I’m not JC!  I’m Josh!  You’re not Krista, you’re Krissie!” 


Krista put her feet down on the ground and leaned forward, placing her elbows on her knees, “Don’t you understand that I am Krista?  She’s a part of me that will always be there, just like JC will always be a part of you.  JC and Krista are both too loyal to their groups to work.  Maybe if we were just Josh and Krissie, it’d work, but we’re not.”


JC sat back on his heels, “So you’re not even gonna give us a shot?”


Krista leaned back on the bench and looked to the side, “Why when we’d only end up in heart break?”


“You don’t know that!”  He exclaimed, the pleading in his voice was almost too much to bear and caused more of her tears to fall.


Krista dropped her head back and stared at the sky, anything to keep from looking JC in the eye, “Yes, I do.  After this we’re going to be on different coasts all the time.  We’ll never have time together.  I’m going out on tour again.”


“I’ll go with you.”  He stated, he needed her to see that they could make it work, they only had to try.


Krista shook her head, “Not if you’re on tour.  You have work to do.”  She explained and his face soften,


“I’m not going away, Krissie.  I’m gonna be in your face till you realize that you love me and want to be with me.”  The tone in his voice was so serious she couldn’t doubt him, he meant what he said.


She lifted her head, “Oh Josh, I do love you-” She stopped and put a hand to her mouth. 


JC’s smile grew wide, he felt as if he had broken down the Berlin wall. “I knew you loved me.”  He said and new tears sprang from Krista’s eyes.  JC wrapped his arms around her, “What’s baby?”


“No! No! No! No!  Why’d I say it?” She cried into her hands,


“Huh?” JC was so confused, why was she freaking out over telling him that she loved him?


“I was doing so well!”  She cried and JC was completely confused now.


Krista sobbed into his shoulder, “Now when you leave it’s gonna hurt so much!”


“I’m not leaving you, Krissie.”  He whispered softly and nuzzled her temple.


“But you’ll have to leave Krista!”  She cried and he pulled back to look her in the eye,


“No I don’t.  We’re gonna be together, JC, Krista, Josh and Krissie, one big happy multipersonal bunch.  JC and Krista are just going to have to deal that Josh and Krissie love each other and want to be together.”  He soothed running a hand down her face and her crying died some,


“Why do you have to be so wonderfully stubborn?”  She asked and he pulled her close again, rubbing her back,


“Because I love you so much, that’s why.”  He pulled her to the ground with him and held her tightly in his arms.  Krista simply gave in, knowing that this was what she really wanted.


“I love you JC and Josh.”  She whispered to her and he tilted her face to look at her,


“I love you too, Krista and Krissie.”  JC leaned down and kissed Krista gently.  The kiss made her melt; if he had done that first they could have avoided this whole fight.  She would have been his.  He pulled away and she pulled him back,


“Please don’t ever stop kissing me.”  She pleaded and he smiled,


“Trust me I have no intentions to.”  He said and kissed her again.




