Chapter Twenty-Two


JC was waiting for Larson outside of her place when she got home from work the next day.  He hadn’t been able to get a hold of her and he wanted to talk to her face to face. 


When Larson saw JC waiting for her, her anger instantly boiled her blood.  She got out of her car and slammed her door,


“Larson, I’m-”


“I’m really glad you’re here JC.”  She interrupted him, “I’ve got some things that I have been dying to say to you.”  She said as she walked up to him,


“I wanna-” JC tried to interrupt but she cut him off,


“Did I say that I was done talking?  I don’t think so.”  She said harshly and JC fell silent, “First off,” She slapped him across the face, “how dare you go spreading false rumors about me to people!  I don’t care what the fuck I was doing with Chris at ANY time.  It is NOT your business and certainly NOT your place to say ANYTHING.  Just to clear the record, Chris and I were just TALKING, because Chris is my friend and that’s what friends do.  They don’t ignore you once a new person enters the picture.”


“You thought I was ignoring you?”  JC asked,


“Well what the fuck do you call it JC?  You all but stopped interacting with me, except for the occasional hi and bye on the phone.  You dropped me for Mel and at first I was devastated but now I think it was for the best.  To think I ever thought of dating you.” 


JC got a silly smirk on his face.  She really did like him and Mel had been right!  He grabbed Larson, kissing her with everything he had. 


She quickly pushed him away, “What the fuck are you doing?”


The grin grew even more, “I want you too L.”


Larson stepped back in shock, “Excuse me?  You want Mel.”


“No, I was just with her to make you jealous so that you would want me.”  He smiled and she just glared at him,


“You worthless piece of shit!  I can’t believe that I was actually friends with you!”


This was not the reaction he had expected, “Larson, I-”


“NO! Fuck you!  You can’t just play God with people’s feelings!  You fucking asshole!  I don’t ever want to see you again!  Stay out of my life and Mel’s!  She deserves a guy ten million times better than you!  So just leave us alone!”  She screamed at him and stalking into her apartment, slamming the door behind her.


          JC stood there in shock, till her heard Larson yell out her window,  “Get off my property before I call the cops!”  She slammed the window shut.  JC sighed, ‘How did everything go so horribly wrong?’


Larson heard JC leave and fumed around her apartment, she couldn’t believe what an asshole JC had been.  Using her best friend to make her jealous, what a scumbag!  Larson heard Mel drive up and she couldn’t wait to tell her about all of this.  She pulled out the half gallon of sherbet from the freezer and began eating it out of the container.


“L?”  Mel called out to her as she ran down the stairs.


“In the kitchen and boy do I need to talk to you!  You would never believe the day I’ve had.”  She exclaimed and took a bite of sherbet.


“I’ve got to talk to you too.  I know what happened with JC.”  She said walking into the kitchen,


Larson scoffed, “What?  Did that bastard call you?”


Mel was shocked that Larson would call JC such names, “Bastard?  You mean JC?  Yeah, he did and there’s been a huge misunderstanding.”


Larson felt like she had been kicked in the gut, “You’re fucking siding with him?!  You’re my best fucking friend Mel!  I never thought I would see the day that you would choose a guy over me!”  She had never felt more betrayed in her entire life.


Mel put her hands out in surrender, “No wait Larson, come on, listen to me.”


“No, I don’t listen to back stabbing used to be friends!”  She said slamming down the sherbet container on the counter.  “To think I defended and stuck up for you!  You and JC deserve each other.”  Larson sneered and grabbed her keys before storming out of the house. 


Mel sighed and slid down to the floor.  How did everything go so wrong?


Larson drove around and wound up at Chris’ front doorstep at one in the morning.  He answered the door with a yawn,




She shifted her weight nervously, “Hey, I know it’s late, but could I crash here tonight?”


“Yeah sure, come on in.”  Chris said letting her in.  After he had closed the door, he turned to her, “Why are we crashing here tonight?”


“Because I feel like the whole world has turned their back on me.  Well, except for you.”  She said and a few stay tears slipped down her cheeks,


“Hey, hey, come here.”  Chris said pulling her in his arms, “Everything’s gonna be okay.”  He reassured her.


“I hope so Chris, but I really don’t think so, I really don’t.”  She said shaking her head.


Chris had a pretty good idea of what was making her so upset, but he wanted her to tell him.  “What do you mean?”  He asked and then rethought it.  It was late and she would probably be more rational after she got some sleep, “Wait, why don’t you get a good night’s sleep and we’ll talk over breakfast tomorrow?”  He suggested and she smiled a small smile,


“That sounds wonderful.”


Meanwhile, back at the girls’ apartment, Mel was pacing the living room while she was on the phone with JC, “Jace, I don’t know where she is!”  She shouted into the phone, “I’m as worried as you are!”


“What if something happened to her?!”


“Then the police would be knocking on my door.”  Mel retorted, tired of JC’s worried act.


“Not funny, Mel.”


“Whatever Jace.  How are we gonna fix this mess with Larson?”  She sighed.


“I don’t know, but we have to.”


“I realize that!”  She yelled completely exasperated, “She’s my best friend and I completely screwed up, but I can fix this.  I just need to talk to her.”


“Good luck, we can’t find her!”  JC yelled back at Mel,


“Jace, you yelling at me isn’t really helping here!”


“Oh and you’re such a big help in the first place.  It’s your fault we’re in this mess!”  JC accused, which only upset Mel even more.


“Thank you for pointing it out once again!”


“Okay, okay, this is getting us nowhere.”  JC said reclaiming some calmness. “Let’s stop and think, where would she go?”


“To work or to me and we can count those both out.” Mel replied gathering back her calmness as well.


“Any where else?  Would she have flown home?” JC suggested and Mel almost laughed at his suggestion.


“No because she’s not THAT irrational.  Plus I would have gotten a phone call from her parents.” Mel reasoned with JC.


“Where else?  Does she have any other friends in this area?”


“Tons, lots of co workers and family friends, student parents.  She could be anywhere.”


JC sighed, completely defeated. “So I guess we have to wait till she comes home.”


“I guess.”  Mel agreed.


“Call me if you see her?”  He asked and Mel could hear the tiredness in his voice,


“Yeah, you do the same.  I just wanna know that she’s okay.”





