Chapter Twenty-Two

         JC cleaned up dinner and was putting it out in the hallway when he saw Joey sauntering down towards his room.

“Hey shithead, get ready.”

JC rolled his eyes at Joey’s comment, “For what?”

“To go out.” Joey replied.

“What? No.”  JC said crossing his arms, after scaring Lisa away tonight, he wasn’t really feeling like a party.

“Come on Jace, you need to get out.”  Joey pleaded,

“I really don’t feel like it, we’ve got a heavy practice tomorrow.”

“We’re not going out, out.”  Joey explained, “The girls were hanging out in the bar downstairs.  They somehow convinced the hotel to keep it free of people and invited us all to go down.  I think they were celebrating someone’s birthday.”

“Dude, every other day, it’s someone’s birthday here.” JC sighed.

“Come on, just for a little while, everyone else is going to be there.”

“Fine, give me fifteen minutes and I’ll be down.”

“If I don’t see you, I’m coming back up here and dragging your ass down there.”

“Okay, okay!”

         Twenty minutes later JC entered the bar that was at the base of their hotel.  It was filled with their crew and staff from the show.  A sign that read, “Happy Birthday Julie!”, was strung up on one side of the place.  JC wondered which Julie was the birthday girl; they had like three on their staff.

“Well you finally made it!”  Chris laughed and slapped JC on the back,

“Yeah, well I didn’t know about this till about twenty minutes ago when Joey came and got me.”  JC said getting a beer.

“It was a last minute deal put together by the dancers.”  Chris shrugged,

“Which Julie?”

“Wardrobe for the dancers, hence why they put it together.”  Chris replied,

Ahh, that makes sense.”  JC said and scanned the room.  Everyone seemed to be having a great time at the party.  People were dancing and there was a little Karaoke stage set up and people were singing.  His eyes set on Lisa who was dancing with a couple of the crew and most of the dancers.  Suddenly Carrie grabbed her and motioned to the stage. Lisa rolled her eyes and laughed as she let Carrie drag her up on the stage.  The girls launched into Shampoo’s “Trouble”.  The girls were dancing around and making the crowd laugh.

JC found Lisa over to the side later on in the night, “Hey Lee.”

She looked up in shock and then blushed, “Hey Jace.”

“So this is what you had to run out on dinner with me for?”  He teased and her mouth formed a little “o”.

“Oh, no, I just totally forgot about this party that we had planned for Julie.”  She explained quickly, “I’m sorry about running out on you actually.”

“Lee, I should be apologizing-”

“No, I just really don’t like it when people drill me like that.”

“And I shouldn’t have done it.”

“You didn’t mean any harm in it.  You were just playing a game.”

“And I made you uncomfortable.  I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.”  She shook her head, “Really.”

“Good.”  He looked around, “Hey would you like to dance?”

Lisa paused, “Um, I’d love too but I promised Carrie that I would…meet her right now.  See you around Jace.” Lisa said passing by him and disappearing into the crowd.  JC frowned as he tried to figure her out.

“Hey JC.”  Amy popped up and he glanced over at her,

“Hey Amy.  Having a good time?”

“Yeah, how about you?  You were just frowning.”

“I was just in my own head.”  JC shrugged,

“Oh, anything you want to talk about?”

“Nah.”  JC shook his head; it was nothing he wanted to talk about with her.

“Oh, well, then do you want to dance?”

JC paused a moment, “Sure, why not?”  He shrugged and followed Amy to the dance floor.

         Carrie saw JC and Amy dancing on the dance floor and rolled her eyes, “What the hell does he see in her?”

“Amy’s a nice girl and she’s pretty.”  Lisa shrugged as she sipped her drink and bopped around to the music.

“If you consider that pointy nose, bird face look pretty.”  Carrie retorted.

“Stop.”  Lisa laughed, “Maybe, he has a fetish for bird like girls.”  She joked, “Plus, I’d much rather hang out with you then those two any day.”

“Me too babe.”  Carrie smiled at her best friend, “So how did dinner go?  You never told me.”

Lisa shrugged, “It went okay.  It was kind of weird.”

“Did he hit on you?”  Carrie asked excitably,

“No!  He just kept asking me questions.”

“He just wanted to get to know you.”  Carrie suggested,

“Yeah, but this was like rapid fire questioning.  He called it 'interviewing me'.  Tell you the truth, it kind of freaked me out.”

“Freaked you out of liking him?”  Carrie asked completely surprised,

Lisa glanced over at JC who was still dancing with Amy, but didn't seem to be enjoying it and let out a deep breath, “Nope, that ass of his is a pretty powerful thing.  I think I would follow it anywhere.”

“Except to him.”  Carrie teased,

“Eh, I like to admire from afar.”  She grinned as Carrie looked at JC's ass with her,

“I have to admit, it is a pretty nice ass, not as good as Justin's, but it’s a very close second.” Carrie agreed with her.

“You have a crush on Justin, don't you?”  Lisa teased,

“I have a crush on Justin's body and the way it moves, if I could rip out his vocal cords, I'd marry the boy.”  She teased,

“Maybe you'd just have to find alternatives to keep it busy.”  Lisa wiggled her eyebrows at Carrie, which made her grin,

“Did I ever tell you that I love the way you think?”

“Yeah, but that's just because I think like you.”  Lisa teased,

Carrie laughed, “Very true, another drink?”

“Are you trying to get me drunk?”  Lisa giggled,

“Totally, that way I can take advantage of you.”  Carrie teased,

“Sweet!”  Lisa laughed, “Let’s get a drink and then go dance some more, I’m feeling a groove coming on.”

“When aren’t you feeling a groove coming on?” 

“I have no idea.”



