Chapter Twenty-Three


The next morning, Larson stretched and walked down the hall to Chris’ room.  She knocked before entering,


“Good morning.”  He said rubbing his eyes sleepily, and sitting up in bed slowly.


She stood in the doorway, “Good morning, I didn’t mean to wake you yet again.” 


“No problem Doc.  Pop a squat.”  He said patting the bed space next to him. 


Larson crawled up on to the bed and sighed, “Thanks for everything.  I really appreciate it.”  She said and Chris shrugged,


“I figure I’d owe you for when you get my kids in school.”  He joked and she laughed,


“I guess.”  She replied and then they both were quiet for a moment,


“So, you wanna talk about it?”  He asked and she sighed again,


“I feel so betrayed and used.”


“By who?”


“JC and Mel.”  Larson replied sadly, the two people she held closest to her heart.


“Okay, I’ll bite, why?”


Larson sighed again, before she began to explain, “Because he was an asshole and Mel took his side over me.  I mean, I’ve been best friends with Mel for over a decade now and she goes and takes his side because he’s fucking JC of Nsync.  And the fucking sick part about this whole situation is that he’s fucking using her.  He’s such a scum bag.”  She shook her head in disgust.


Chris nodded, knowing both sides of the situation, “Alright, so basically you’re pissed about their little plan to get you and C together-”


Larson’s head shot up in shock, “Their plan?  No it was just JC’s.”


Chris shook his head, “Nope, it was actually Mel’s idea.”


She sat back on her hands, “What?  This is more sick and twisted than I thought.”


Chris gave her a sympathetic smile, “Not so much.  See JC came to Mel asking how to get to you because he liked you.”  Larson tried to interrupt, but Chris held up his finger, “So Mel came up with this whole plan to make you jealous and make you fight for JC.  They didn’t want to hurt anyone else in the process so Mel volunteered for the position, since she didn’t like JC.  But on a side note, JC was against everything from the start.  He just wanted to lay it on the line for you.  Mel convinced him other wise.  The whole plan kind of blew up in their faces when everything went down.”  Chris finished and Larson sat there letting everything sink in.


“So it was Mel’s idea for JC to lead her on?” She asked cautiously.


Chris nodded, “Yup.”


“And this was all to get me and JC together?”


Chris nodded some more, “Yup.”


“Man, what a mess.”  She sighed, flopping back into the bed.


“I’ll say.”  Chris smirked, “So taking into account our conversation from before and now this, does it change your mind about things?”


“I don’t know.”  She sighed and stared at the ceiling. 


Chris flopped down next to her, “Well you wanted C and now he’s free and wants you.  It’s not rocket science Doc.”


“No, rocket science is easier to understand.”  She said and flipped on her side to face Chris,  “It’s just with everything that’s happened.  God, everything I said to them…” She buried her face in one of his pillows and screamed. 


Chris just laughed, “They both care for you and I have a feeling that they’re both feeling bad about what they did.  I’ll lay odds that they’ll both be pretty forgiving.  You do still like Jace, right?”


Larson removed her face from the pillow and laid against it, “I don’t know.  I hated him so much till five minutes ago and the residual feelings are still there.”


“Go spend time with him and find out.”  Chris suggested,


“Maybe I will.”  She sighed.


Chris ruffled her hair, “Everything’s going to work out Doc.”


“I’m glad you’re so sure.”


“Well, one of us has to be.” He grinned at her, “Obviously you’re not, so I’ll take this time.”


She grinned up at him, “Thanks Chris.”


“You’re welcome Doc.”



Later that day Larson walked into her apartment and Mel rushed up to her, “L?  Thank God!  You’re okay!”


She shrugged, “Yeah, I’m okay, I guess.” 


“L, you gotta believe me that I wasn’t back stabbing you with JC.  It was all my idea.”  Mel rushed out afraid that Larson would interrupt him.


Larson brushed it off, “Mel, don’t worry about it.  Chris helped me straighten things out a bit.”


Mel was shocked, Chris was not the one who straightened things out.  “Chris?  As in Chris Kirkpatrick?”


Larson nodded, “Yeah, he can be a really great listener when he wants to be.  Or he’s just had lots of practice with me.”  She laughed,


Mel raised an eyebrow at her best friend, “So you talked with Chris and everything was okay?”


“Yeah, I should stay over there more often.  Things just become so much clearer and he just gives the best hugs.”  She smiled with a slight shrug. 


Mel gave her a skeptical look, “You stayed at Chris’ last night?”


Larson raised an eyebrow at her, “Yeah, did you expect me to stay on the street?”


Mel twisted her mouth to the side, “Actually I hoped that you would come home.”


“No offense, but I didn’t want to come home last night.”


“Larson, I’m really sorry, I didn’t think-”


“And that’s different from any other time?”  She teased making Mel smile, “I’m sorry for not listening.  I was a bit irrational.”


“You’re not mad at me?”


“Only if you’re not mad at me.”  Larson smiled and Mel hugged her,


“Not at all!”  She said and the girls laughed together, “God I hate fighting.”


“Me, too, especially with you.”


“I agree.”  Mel laughed and then pulled away, “Oh I have to call JC, he was worried sick last night.”


“You know what?  I need to talk to him so I’ll save you the hassle and just go and see him.”


“Okay, you know he had-”


“Mel?”  Larson said,


“Okay, shutting it.”  She said raising her hands in surrender, “See you later.”



Larson rang JC’s doorbell and a few seconds later the door flew open,

“Larson, I’m sorry, I-”


“Hey JC, it’s nice to see you too.  Can I come in?”  She interrupted his apology and JC stood there stunned for a moment before he opened the door wider for her,


“Yeah, come on in.”  He replied slowly and she walked in.  As he closed it behind her, Larson turned to take a closer look at him,


“You haven’t showered yet, did I wake you?”


The completely confused and bewildered JC stuttered, “Uh, no, not really I-”


“I haven’t showered either, so we’re even.”  She smirked and he just looked completely confused, “Can I have a glass of water?  I’m really parched.”


“What?  Oh yeah, come on in the kitchen.”  He said and she followed him in there.  Quickly he pulled out a bottle of water for her from the fridge and handed it to her.


“Thank you.”  She said and took a sip from it.


“I’m really glad to know you’re okay.  I was really worried when no one knew where you were last night.”  He confessed quietly and she just smiled,


“Keeping tabs on me, JC?”  She teased, “Next thing I know you’ll be fitting me with a radio collar.”  She joked but JC didn’t laugh, he was just confused.  “Wow, you really need some sleep.  You’re a zombie today.”  She laughed, “Come on.”  Larson said taking his hand and leading him up to his bedroom.  JC simply followed, dumbstruck.  Once they were in JC’s room, Larson pulled down the covers and pushed him in. “In you go big boy.”  She said and pulled the covers up tucking him in.  Larson dropped a kiss on his forehead, “Good night, JC.  I’ll let myself out.”  She pulled away but JC stopped her and pulled her back down to him.  Larson looked at him, “What?”  He didn’t reply, but he just smiled as he pulled her down to kiss him.  Larson deftly moved her face away, “No.”  She whispered and saw JC’s disappointed face,


“Why?  I’m confused.”  He finally said and she smiled,


“You haven’t brushed your teeth yet, ew.”  She made a face and he smiled,


“Good point.  Wait here.”  He said and hopped out of bed.  He ran into the bathroom and Larson laughed as she heard him brushing his teeth.


JC came out of the bathroom, “Okay, my teeth are brushed L.”  He said but she wasn’t in the room.  “Larson?”  He called out and walked out of his room.  “Larson!”  He called out again as he searched his house.  Finally, he found her out on the balcony.  “Hey.”  He said as he walked out on it. 


Larson didn’t turn around, “This view is amazing.  This has to be my favorite place in this house.”  She said and he came up next to her,


“I agree, it was probably the main reason I bought the house.  Well that and the fact that it’s in LA and Justin was nearby.”  She looked over her shoulder at him,


“I’d buy a house to live near Justin any day.”  She laughed and then they were silent for a few moments.


“L,” JC broke the silence, “I’m really sorry about everything.” 


Larson sighed and turned to face him, leaning her hip on the balcony, “I know, I could tell just by looking at you.”  She said sincerely, “Because, you Mr. Chasez are VERY sorry looking.”  She teased with a smile and he cracked a smile as well.


“Only because I was worried over you.”  He said and she was silent again.  Larson turned back and concentrated on the view as thoughts tumbled over themselves in her head.  “What are you thinking Larson?”  He asked gently when she was quiet for too long,


“Lots of things.”  She replied with a shrug,


“Could one of those things be me?”  He asked hopefully,


“A lot these things deal with you.”  She said still staring off the balcony and let out a deep breath.


“Are they good or bad thoughts?”  He asked gently.


“Both and neither.”  She paused before looking at him, “I’m not easy.”  She confessed and he cracked a smile,


“If I wanted easy, I would have picked up a hooker on Sunset Boulevard.”  He teased and she laughed,


“Point taken.”




“This feels right, but I may need some time.”


“Meaning?”  He asked and she turned towards him,


“I don’t know.  This whole thing is so complicated.”


“How about I uncomplicate them?”  He said and kissed her.  The kiss quickly swept her off her feet.  JC pulled away and raised an eyebrow at her.


“That was a good start.”  She smirked and JC went to kiss her again but she stopped him with a hand over his mouth, “Whoa, puppy.  Trying to make out with me won’t make me stay.”  She told him honestly as she removed her hand and then smiled, “It’s a good try, but-” JC cut her off with another kiss.  This time Larson simply gave in until he pulled away,


“I’ve decided that you talk too much.”  He said with a smile and she grinned back,


“Guess you’re gonna have to shut me up then, huh?”


“I guess I will and I have a feeling that I’m really going to enjoy it. ”





