Chapter Two

Mike hung up the phone in his kitchen and walked outside. Tim had just called and wanted to go to the movies. Mike was waiting for him to come and pick him up. Sitting on his stoop outside he noticed a pearl colored jag outside the old Harbor house across the street. ‘It couldn’t be.’ He thought to himself, but what were the chances of there being two pearl colored jags in North Village. Tim pulled into his driveway and hopped out of his jeep with it still running. He noticed Mike staring at something across the street.
“Mike what cha looking at?”
“Huh? Oh, hey, nothing, it’s just, well look.” Mike said pointing across the street. Tim looked,
“Is that?”
“It has to be, what are the chances?” They both stared as the model came out of the house and shook hands with the real estate agent. The agent then placed a ‘Sold’ sign on the for sale sign outside the house.
“No way.” Tim said, “You lucky dog you. The model is living across the street from you. I think I will be spending more time here.”
“More? It’s not like you don’t already live here. I think my mom’s gonna start charging you rent.” Mike retorted.
“Well you definitely have hotter neighbors.”
“Whatever, let’s go.”

The next few days they kept watch of the progress of the new girl moving into their neighborhood. The gang wondered who the mysterious woman was. Garrett, Alex, Tim, and Sam were basically camped out at Mike’s house. The girls, Kerrie, Anna and Roxy couldn’t understand what was so great about this girl. But they hung out with the guys at Mike’s house for lack of things to do. Besides it was the only way Kerrie and Anna saw Mike and Garrett their boyfriends. Every time Mike saw the girl he couldn’t explain it but he girl the strange feeling that he knew her.
Hannah noticed the gang that had accumulated at the house across the street. She hadn’t noticed until she saw Mike was part of them. She soon figured out that Mike lived at that house. She laughed to herself, that she had moved into her brother’s neighborhood.
The girls were getting fed up with the guys’ fascination with the girl across the street.
“That’s it!” Kerrie said standing up, “I’m sick of you guys just sitting here drooling over this girl. Why don’t you just go introduce yourself to her!”
“Well, um, I don’t know.” Alex stuttered. Tim shouted,
“Hey look the model is watering the front lawn.” The boys rushed to the window to watch. Kerrie put her hands up in disbelief.
“I give up! God you guys are such dorks. I don’t know about you girls but I say we blow this joint and when these guys are done drooling over that girl they can come find us.” They got up and went toward the door.
“We’re leaving!” Anna shouted.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Garrett said waving his hand at the girls not really paying attention. The girls left and slammed the door behind them.
They watched the model till she went inside. It was then that the rest of the boys realized that the girls were gone.
“When did the girls leave?” Sam asked. Garrett shrugged his shoulders,
“I don’t know a while ago, I guess.”
“Well we better go find them.” Mike said, “But first I want to shower. So you guys go and see if they are at the park. I meet you there.”
“Sounds like a good idea, I’m gonna shower too.” Alex said. They all agreed and left for the park.
Hannah made up her mind; she was going to go talk to Mike. She walked across the street and knocked on the door.
“Hi may I help you?” A middle-aged woman answered the door, Hannah assumed it was his mother.
“Hi, I was wondering if Mike was home?”
“Why yes, come in, come in. Wait here in the foyer and I’ll go get him.” The woman let Hannah in and went up the stairs adjacent to the foyer. Shortly after Mike jogged down the stairs, stopping midway when he saw Hannah. She smiled at him,
“Uh, hi.” He stuttered.
“Mike, I’m really glad to meet you.”
“Me, too.” Mike finished coming down the stairs. There was an awkward silence between them.
“Okay, I’m just going to spit this out. You’re probably wondering what I am doing here and why I know your name.” She said as Mike nodded his head.
“Okay,” Hannah took a deep breath, “Mike, my name is Hannah Celeste Amour, long ago my twin brother was given up for adoption, I was recently able to get some information and I found him, he’s you. You’re my twin brother, Mike.” Mike’s jaw hit the floor he was speechless. But suddenly he knew she was telling the truth.
“I have a sister? I have a sister!” Mike picked up Hannah and swung her around. Hannah laughed hugging Mike back. He put her down and Hannah wiped tears from her eyes. She couldn’t believe that she had finally met her twin brother. Mike stepped back,
“Aww geez, I haven’t even known you for two minutes and already I've made you cry.” She giggled,
“I’m sorry, I’m a little emotional. I’ve been dying to meet you ever since I found out that I had a brother and now here you are.”
“That’s okay, I’m really glad that you did come and find me. I’ve been trying for years to get into my adoption records but all I’ve gotten was the run around. How did you ever find me?”
“I have friends in high places who helped me out.” Mike put a hand through his hair,
“I can’t believe that I have a sister, and it’s you of all people.”
“Me? What do you mean?”
“Nothing, it’s just from the first time I saw you coming out of the Youth Center I knew I had seen you before or that I knew you from some where and now it just all makes sense. Were you adopted too?”
“Um no, I grew up with our biological parents.”
“Oh.” Mike looked dejected.
“Mike, I don’t know what happen when we were born. I don’t know why you were given up for adoption and I wasn’t.”
“What about your parents?”
Our parents died when I was fourteen, in a plane crash over the Atlantic Ocean.” She said quietly.
“I didn’t find out about you until after they died.”
“Hey you wanna go for a walk? I want to know all about my, I mean our family.”
“I’d love to.” She said and Mike yelled up to his mother and they left. As they walked down the street Alex walked out of his house behind them. He saw Mike walking with a girl, he rubbed his eyes. Mike was walking with the model, he couldn’t believe it.
Tim stopped by Mike’s to see what was taking so long. He found out from Mike’s mom that he wasn’t there.
“So where is he Mama Oliver?”
“Oh he went for a walk with that nice girl Hannah.”
“Hannah? Who’s Hannah?” Tim asked shocked.
“You don’t know her? She seemed to know Mike pretty well. I thought she was a friend of yours from school.”
“Interesting, we didn’t know any Hannah’s in school.”
“I don’t know, Tim. She was very pretty, blonde hair and pretty green eyes.”
“Really? Well when he gets home can you tell him that the gang is at the park and to call me if we’re not there.”
“Sure, honey.”
“Okay thanks Mama Oliver, bye!”
“Bye, Tim.”