Chapter Two

They had a blast that night at the parties. It had been so long since they had been able to hang out together and she had missed Joey so much. Every girl was trying to get him that night. Most of the time she let him go into the mass of dancing girls, but every time he would come back to find her and drag her to dance with him. She made a lot of girls jealous that night and she enjoyed it.

Around 3:30 am they drunkenly stumbled back to her house. They were laughing the entire way, hopping and skipping (or at least attempting to) up the side walks. It was a wonder that they didn’t break something. Finally they made it back to her room. Joey went and flopped on her bed.

“Ahh, I love beds.” He slurred.

“I bet you do.” Izzy said pulling off her coat and shoes. "The least you can do before you pass out is take off your shoes.”

“Okay.” Joey bent down and then said, “Uh, Izzy-bell, I need some help.” Izzy laughed,

“Joseph Anthony Fatone Jr. don’t tell me that you are too drunk to take off your own shoes?”

“No just lazy.” He smiled, “Come on Izzy-bell, please?”

“Okay.” She bent down and took off his shoes and socks while he sat there.

“You know Izzy while you’re down there…” He smirked and Izzy smacked him in the chest knocking him backwards.


“Hey that hurt.”

“Good, maybe it’ll teach you a lesson.” Joey pouted playfully and Izzy climbed onto the bed next to him.

“Oh come on, I didn’t hit you that hard you wuss.” She said pushing him again.

“Oh where will the violins stop?” Joey said and Izzy laughed,

“I think you mean violence, not violins, dork.”

“The abuse I take!”

“Abuse? I’ll show you abuse!” Izzy started tickling Joey mercilessly. It turned into a wrestling match. Even though Joey was twice her size she was still a match but, in her drunken state Joey soon had her pinned to the bed. Then out of now where they began kissing, it wasn’t clear who kissed who, it just happened. They came together in a rush, a frenzy of motions, hands mouths tangled together erotically.

Joey was on top and he began to undo her pants. Izzy pulled off his shirt as Joey stripped her of her own. It was a frenzied mess as he undid her bra and sucked on her breasts making Izzy moan for more. She yanked off his pants and threw them to the floor. she didn't know how they got all their clothes off so fast.

“Mmm, Izzy.” Joey moaned through his kisses. Izzy bucked her hips up, rubbing herself against his hard erection. Joey groaned at her movements and knew what she wanted. He ripped off her panties and quickly pulled off his boxers before he attacked her.

He forcefully entered her, filling her deeply and Izzy gasped in ecstasy. Joey knew exactly how to move and what she liked as he pumped her until she was screaming in pure pleasure.

Izzy arms snaked around his neck and her fingers dug into his thick mane as he pounded into to her.

“Oh Izzy!” She heard his cry. Her arm found his back and tried to pull him back too her when he pulled back. Her hips rose to meet his as he continued his thrusts into her. She felt her release coming. She bit her lip when one of his hands was on her back and traveled south, stopping on her ass and grounded her hips into his thrusts. His lips found her right breast and began suckle at her aroused nipples. Her fingernails dug into his back when her hips jerked up to meet his for the last time before she was sent into an orgasm.

"Oh God Joey!" She cried out, "I'm, oh, Goddd..." she moaned out as she came. Joey came after her with a cry of her name and gave one final hard thrust into her, collapsing back onto the bed afterward falling fast asleep.

he next morning Joey woke groggily from a deep sleep. He froze when he felt someone moving next to him. He looked and saw Izzy’s naked back. He lifted the sheet and saw that he was naked too.

“Oh shit.” He said and Izzy stirred.

“Good morning Joey-bear.” She said turning over. Joey didn’t remember anything from after they got back to her room.

“Izzy did we?” He asked as she smiled and snuggled into his side.


“Aw geez.”

“Don’t worry Joe, I didn’t do anything that I didn’t want to do. In fact I always liked drunken sex with you.” Joey slung his arm around her.

“It’s not that Iz, did you forget about Kelley?” Izzy sighed.

“Shit yeah, Joe I did. Isn’t she pregnant?”

“Um yeah, baby’s due next month.”

“Oh god, I feel just terrible.”

“Don’t worry. As long as we keep it between us, it’ll be okay.”

“I don’t know, Joe.”

“We can’t change what happened can we?”


“All we can do is see that it does the least amount of harm and make sure that it doesn’t happen again.”

“Okay, sounds good.” She agreed and they soon fell back asleep. Izzy was again waken by the sound of someone knocking on her door. She groaned and pulled on Joey's t-shirt before answering the door. It was her little sister Laura.

“Hey hon what’s up?” she said rubbing her face.

“Obviously not you.” Laura remarked.

“Yeah, I know. Come on in.” She glanced back at Joey who was sleeping again. “I’m sure Joey won’t mind.” Laura walked in.

“Wow looks like a tornado hit this place.”

“It’s all his fault.” Suddenly a light went off in Laura’s head.

“Oh my god, you and him…Oh girl.” Joey seemed to stir.

“Shh, don’t wake him.” She said quietly. Laura went on,

“What about Greg?” She whispered.

“What, I go out with a guy for a coffee a couple of times and I’m bound to him for life?”

“No, but you shouldn’t go sleeping around. Don’t think Greg will like that now will he?”

“Well, what Greg doesn’t know won’t hurt him now will it?”

“Isabella Angelina Mariani.”

“What? Oh don’t act all high and mighty with me Miss-I-had-three-boyfriends-at-one-time.”

“Okay. Okay.” She laughed, “I guess I’ll leave you and Joey to whatever you were doing. I actually came up here to tell you that we need you to work the door for like half an hour tonight.”

“Sure when?”

“Nine to nine-thirty.”

“Yeah, sure, no problem.

“Okay great, see you later.”

“Bye sweetie.” Laura left and Izzy closed the door and shook her head.

“That was an interesting conversation.” Joey said from the bed.

“You were awake?” Izzy said as she crawled in next to him.

“Well it’s hard not to notice a half-naked women in the room.” He said smugly and she pushed him playfully.


Later that night the house was getting ready for the party. Joey was finally dressed and Izzy brought him some food from the kitchen.

“Here you eat this. I have to go downstairs and do some sorority stuff. I’ll come back up and get you when we’re done.”

“What are you doing that I can’t see?”

“None of your business, I'll be back in a few.”

Joey watched her leave, she had on black leather pants and a hot pink sparkly tank top and boots. Her long raven hair hung in loose waves to the middle of her back. Izzy was absolutely stunning. Joey finished his food and waited for her to come back. He heard music playing below and then lots of screaming and yelling. Then it was dead silent, it kind of weirded him out. Suddenly Izzy appeared in the doorway, her face was flush and her green eyes were flashing.


“What the hell were you doing down there?”

“I could tell you but then I would have to kill you.”

“Oh how original.” He retorted and she simply smiled,

“How true it is though.” She said with a wink. “Come on, we’re about to open the doors.” Joey followed Izzy down to the basement where they were having the party. “I’m going to the door now. You can always go behind the bar if the crowd gets to much for you. I’ll be back in a half an hour.” Lucy came up to them.

“Come on, there’s a line half way round the block, dying to come in.”

“Okay,” She turned to Joey, “You gonna be okay?”

“Yeah, go, I’ll be right here waiting for ya.”

“Okay sweetie.” She kissed his cheek and walked with Lucy to the door.

“So,” Lucy asked, “What’s going on between you and Joey?”

“Nothing’s going on.”

“Oh please, I see the way you two look at each other.”

“Luce, I've known the boy for over twenty-four years, of course we look at each other like that. There’s a lot of history between us, good and bad, but I don’t want to think about that right now. I just want to have a good time, okay?”


The party was packed, probably due to Joey being there. Izzy and Joey were dancing when a hand tapped her shoulder. She turned around to see Greg.

“Greg! Hey!” She said giving him a huge hug.

“I finally tracked you down after two nights.” He said and she smiled,

“Oh Greg, I want to introduce you to my best friend, Joey Fatone.” Joey stepped up and shook his hand.

“Hey, nice to meet you Greg.”

“Yeah same here. God Izzy this place is crazy! Haven’t been to a party like this since I was a freshman.”

“I know.”

“Will, BZT, Princess Pork Chops, Pumpkin girl, Sunshine, Jaws, and HF come to the bar please?” Someone yelled over the speaker system and Izzy smiled,

“Oh that’s me, I’ll be right back, you two chat, okay?” Joey gave her a puzzled look. She winked and disappeared into the crowd. The song ‘Ladies’ Night’, began to play and people began cheering. Greg turned to Joey who looked more confused than ever.

“They call them by their pledge names for their lineage dance.”

“What? This greek stuff is all confusing.”

“Come on, let’s get a better view while I explain.” They walked towards the bar, “Pledge names are names given to each pledge when they pledge. Each name is different, they’re kind of like nicknames.”

“Okay I guess, but why didn’t they just use their real names?”

“Because there are four Melissa’s, three Megan’s, and five Amy’s, that’s why.”

“Oh.” He replied before a flash of pink caught his eye. He looked and saw Izzy, Lucy, Laura and a bunch of other girls dancing on the bar. Izzy whipped off her belt and threw it off into the crowd. Lucy slowly peeled off her top to the song. Needless to say Joey was a little shocked. Izzy had most of her clothes on when the song ended. The crowd cheered, the loudest came from her own sorority sisters.

All of the girls hopped down. Joey tried to get to Izzy but the girls wouldn’t let him and they dragged him off to the dance floor. Every now and then he caught sight of Izzy, mostly with Greg. He finally found his way over to her when the party began to die down. She was talking with a couple of girls. Greg was right behind her with his arms around her.

“Hey sunshine, where’ve you been?” Izzy said to him.

“Over there being mauled by freshman girls.” He said and the group laughed.

“The trials and tribulations of being a pop star.” Izzy joked and Joey pouted a little. She went and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Oh my poor baby, Joey. Those mean girls.”

“That’s right poor Joey. Anyways I was thinking about going to bed. I have to go back to work tomorrow.” He said with a touch of sadness,

“Oh yes, it’s the worst job in the world. Fame, fortune, and to be adored by millions.”

“Yeah, well it took a lot of long hours and hard work to get there.”

“And you deserve everything you got. Come on I’ll go let you in.”

“And tuck me in?” He whispered as they left.

“Maybe.” She said playfully. Izzy let Joey into her room and he sat down on the bed and began to take off his shoes.

“You don’t need any help tonight?” She asked.

“No I didn’t drink that much. So that Greg guy seems really cool.”

“Yeah, he’s really great.”

“You know you’re breaking our families’ hearts.”

“What because I didn’t fall for the famous Fatone charm?”

“Yeah, why doesn’t it work on you?” He joked.

“Because I've known you for too long. I see the Fatone charm coming a mile away and I’m immune to it now.”

“Well not completely immune to it.” Joey said referring to the night before.

“No,” She smiled smugly, “completely immune. I’m gonna go downstairs and say goodnight. I’ll be back shortly, okay?”

“Sure.” He replied and Izzy left. He stripped down to his boxers for bed. He thought about Izzy and how great she was doing and how great she looked. It was like she had grown up and he hadn’t realized it. Most of all he thought about how much he had missed their friendship and how much it meant to him. Izzy popped back into the room dropping Joey out of his thoughts.

“Well you seemed deep in thought.” She said as she began to get dressed for bed.

“Really why?”

“I could smell the smoke.” She joked.

“Ha, ha, very funny.” He chucked a pillow at her. She finished getting dressed and flopped into bed.

“I’m so exhausted, that party was crazy. All I want to do is sleep.” She crawled under the covers and snuggled the edge of the bed.

“Good night Joey.” Joey settled in and turned off the lights.

“Goodnight Izzy-bell.” He soon heard Izzy’s light snoring but Joey laid awake in bed staring at the ceiling. He knew he was leaving tomorrow, but he didn’t want to. He knew he was really gonna miss Isabella. His life had been so hectic the past couple of years that he hadn’t realized how much he had missed her. He wished there was some way that they could spend more time together. But she had her life here and he was on the road all the time. It would be almost impossible for him to visit that often. Unless she could some and stay with him.
