Chapter Two


The girls walked into the club ready for a night of partying.  Lisa dragged Carrie and Dee onto the dance floor as soon as they stepped in.


“The guys are out and you drag me to the dance floor.”  Carrie teased and Lisa rolled her eyes,


“I just wanna dance and have a good time.  Without feeling like I’m going to puke.”  She retorted and Carrie sighed,


“You should talk to him, get to know him.”  Carrie suggested,


Lisa shook her head, there was no way she could do that.  “Remember who you’re talking to?”


“The shyest girl on the planet when it comes to guys?”  Dee answered for her.


Lisa glanced over at Diana, “Exactly.”


“How the hell did you ever end up with boyfriend?”  Carrie teased,


“Alcohol.”  Lisa replied with a smile,


“Yeah well that won’t get you very far with him.”  Dee replied,


Lisa cocked her head to the side, “How do you know?”


Diana placed her hands on her hips, “Because I talk to the other guys.”


“I talk to them.”  Lisa defended crossing her arms.  She wasn’t a total social outcast.


Carrie smirked, “More than hi or bye, Lee.”


Lisa waved her friends off, “Whatever, I will talk to them.  AFTER I get a drink.”


“Smooth Lee, real smooth.”  Carrie replied and Lisa smiled as she moved towards the bar.  She quickly ordered her drink and waited for it to arrive.


“Hey, you’re Lisa right?”  Someone asked from behind her and she turned to see Lance standing there, and not Carrie or Diana.


Lisa covered her nervousness quickly, “Yeah, Lance, right?”  She replied.


“Yep.”  He paused for a second, “So how do you like all of this so far?”


Lisa sighed a sigh of relief, dancing she could talk about for days.  “Dancing for you guys?”  She asked and he nodded, “I get to do what I love AND get paid for it.  I’m really not going to complain.”  Her drink came and she pulled out some money to pay for it when Lance stopped her.


“Put it on our tab.”  He told the bartender who nodded and left.


Lisa gave Lance a shy smile, “Thanks, that was really nice of you.”


He grinned flirtatiously, “Consider it a welcome aboard present.” 


Lisa was slightly confused, “We’ve been working for a week already.”


Lance shrugged, “Okay then, a late welcome aboard present.”


“Alrighty then,” She said glancing out into the crowd, looking for away to get away from Lance before she made a fool of herself.  “Ooo, there’s Dee, I have to tell her something before I forget.  Thanks for the drink.”  She said all in one breath with a quick wave and hurried off.


Lisa quickly found a bunch of the dancers on the dance floor and started dancing with them.  Justin and Lance soon joined their little group.  Lance pulled Lisa too him and she accepted, going along with the flow.  She wasn’t the only one who decided to dance with him and soon she back into the group.


After a few songs Lisa went over to the dancer’s table to sit.


“Lee the dancing machine, how’s it going?”  Annalisa, another dancer asked her and she smiled,


“Can’t complain here.”  She said and looked over at the guy’s table where JC was sitting with a few friends.  She went into her dream world,


Lisa sat down at the table and snuggled in close to JC.

“Hey baby.”  She purred and he wrapped his arm around her shoulder,

“Hey yourself babe.”  He leaned down for a quick kiss and then whispered into her ear, “How about we go back to my room?  I’ve got a night filled with surprises for you.”  His hot breath made the little hairs on the back of her neck stick up and she smiled seductively up at him,

“Well I’ve got a few surprises for you too.”


“Hey Lee!”  Dee yelled at her and she snapped out of her dream world,




“Stop drooling over JC!  My God, you’re practically staring!”  Dee teased causing Lisa to blush,


“I was not.  I was just spacing out a little.  It happens.”


“Uh huh, okay.”  Dee replied not believing her,


“Like you never do it.”  Lisa called her out and Dee cocked her head to the side with a grin,


“Okay maybe.”  She said making everyone laugh,


“Come on Dee.”  Lisa said getting up from her seat, “Let’s go dance some more.”


“Lee the dancing machine.”  Dee teased,


“You know it baby.  This ass didn’t come from sitting and drinking all night long.”  Lisa said playfully slapping the side of her ass.  This caused the table to break out into laughter once more.  Lisa took Dee back out onto the dance floor and found the rest of the dancers along with Joey and Lance dancing with them.  Once again, Lance made his way over to Lisa and began dancing with her.  She made it through one song before other girls moved in and took him over.  Lisa didn’t care and simply made her way over to Carrie to keep dancing.


          After a couple of songs, she found herself dancing with Lance again.  She smiled up at the bass singer and shook her head with a laugh.  That was mostly to cover her nervousness, though with every drink she became braver.  Lance was a fun dancer, but once again, girls pulled him away from her.  Lisa took this time to go get herself another drink.  This time the bartender said that it was already paid for by Lance, as were all of her drinks for the rest of the night.


“He’s an awfully nice person.”  She said to herself as she made her way back to their table.


“The dancing machine is taking another break?”  Diana teased and Lisa simply raised her drink,


“I’m breaking to drink.”


“I remember when we had to drag you off the dance floor.”  Carrie teased,


“That’s because that was last week.”  Lisa retorted, “I just must be getting old.”  She teased as she sat down, making sure she had a clear view of JC.


“Or you found something you love more than dancing.”  Dee teased as she nodded in the direction of JC,


“God, you’re hilarious Dee.”


“Hey ladies!”  Lance said as he came up to the table and sat down,


“Lance, please join us.”  Lisa said sarcastically, but playfully, making everyone laugh,


“How are we all doing tonight?”  He asked,


“Much better now that you’re here.”  Diana cooed at him and flirted like her life depended on it.  Lisa rolled her eyes and got up,


“I need a new drink.”  She said and walked up to the bar only to be followed by Lance,


“Hey Lisa.”  He grinned at her,


“Fancy meeting you here.”  She said as she tried to grab the attention of the bartender,


“So, you having a good time tonight?”


“Yes, I’m having a really great time.  What do you want?”  She asked and he looked at her, “To drink.”  She clarified,


“Oh, I’ll get it.  There are waitresses.”


“I like the challenge of the bartenders.  Plus this is quicker because I’ve got boobs.”


“Good point, SoCo on the rocks.”


“Kay.”  She turned to the bartender and smiled playfully at him.  Within ten seconds he was taking her order as she flirted a little with him.  When their drinks came she turned and gave Lance his.  She went to walk away when Lance grabbed her hand and led her away from the crowd to a quieter corner.


“Well Mr. Bass, is there a reason you dragged me to this dark corner of the club?”


“I just wanted to talk to you.”  He shrugged,


“For future reference, boys usually don’t drag girls into dark corners to talk.”  She teased having enough drinks in her to feel comfortable.  Lance stared at her for a second, unsure of how to answer that question.  Lisa rolled her eyes, “You wanted to talk, what did you want to talk about?”


“Oh, I just wanted to ask you why you keep ignoring me all night?”


“Obviously not if I’m here.”  She retorted,


“You just keep walking away from me.  I was just wondering why.”


“No, you just keep following me.”


“Only cuz you keep walking away.  I dance with you, you walk away.  I sit at the table, you walk away.  I tried to talk to you at the bar and once again you tried to walk away.”


“Okay, really I just don’t compete for guys.  I don’t like playing the game or dealing with overly flirtatious girls who drape themselves over every and any guy.  It’s disgusting and really if they want a guy that bad, they can have him.  I refuse to degrade myself like that.”  She retorted and took a long sip of her drink.


“But then you give the impression that you don’t want the guy.”


“The smart ones know how to get me.”  She replied laying on a little attitude, thanks to the alcohol.


“How’s that?”  Lance inquired,


“By dragging me into a corner.”  She teased and Lance smiled,


“So I’m off to a good start?”  He slid his hand up her arm and Lisa immediately pushed his hand away.


“Stop, right now.”  She said and Lance pulled away,


“What? What did I do?”


Lisa shook her head, “Wrong place, wrong time.  See you around.”  She replied, walking away from him.


“Lisa!  Wait!”  Lance grabbed her arm to stop her. 


Lisa winced and quickly pulled out of Lance’s grasp, “Ow!”  She said rubbing her arm.


“Oh God, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you!”  Lance apologized profusely and she shook her head,


“It’s not your fault.”  She said rubbing the section and tried to walk away again.  Lance gently touched her shoulder and made her turn around,


“Please let me see.”  He reached for her arm and she pulled away.


“I’m fine.”


“I left a bruise!”  He said reaching for her arm and she shook her head,


“No, you didn’t.  It was already there, that’s why it hurt.”  She explained quickly.


“Let me see Lee.” Lance got a hold of her arm and brought it up to his face.


“REALLY, it’s fine.”  She pleaded trying to get her arm back,


“That looks like it really hurt.  What happened?”  He questioned worriedly,


“It’s nothing.”  She said taking her arm back,


“It looked like a hand print.”  Lance pointed out,


Lisa looked away, “I tripped and my dad caught me by catching my arm.  It would have been worse if I had actually fell.”  She explained quickly.


Lance raised his eyebrows in surprise, “Wow, good thing he caught you, huh?”


“Yeah, it was.”  She said and pulled down the sleeve of her shirt.  She looked around the club nervously, “I have to go.”  She went to turn, but Lance gently stopped her again,


“Why do you keep walking away from me?” He asked and she looked at him,


“Pulling me into a corner in a public club isn’t gonna get you very far.  Obviously you know very little about me and that’s another strike against you.”  She said shortly and Lance’s eyes went wide at her sudden turn of attitude.


“Lisa I just wanted to get to know you, that’s all. I wanted to talk to you because during the day I usually don’t get a chance.  I wasn’t making a move, I swear!”


“Oh, well, sorry about that.  I just hate it when guys do that to me.”  She shrugged, “And now that I’ve embarrassed myself enough.  I’m going to dance now.”  Lisa disappeared before Lance could catch her.


“Walking away again.”  He shook his head and got an idea.


Lisa danced around on the dance floor.  Craig David’s ‘Walking Away’, came on and she felt two hands on her waist.  She turned around to see Lance.  Her pulled her close to dance with her.  He leaned into her ear,


“This is for you.”  He said, “I thought it fit.”  He teased and she started laughing,


“I guess it does.”  She replied as she kept dancing with him.  This time she was able to dance the whole song with him.



“Dude, what the hell are you doing to Lisa?”  Chris asked Lance when he came back to their table, “You’ve been following her around all night.” The guys had been watching him chase the dancer all over the club.


“I know, I was just trying to get to know her, you know?  She’s pretty cool.”  Lance shrugged.


“Really?” Chris asked, “I haven’t talked to her a lot.”


“You kind of just have to track her down.  She’s always on the move.”  Lance shrugged as the song “Bootylicious” by Destiny’s child came over the system. 


Joey walked over to them, “DUDE!  Our dancers have gone crazy!”


“What?”  Chris and Lance asked and followed Joey’s attention.  Lisa, Carrie and Diana were up by the DJ booth dancing to the song like they were Destiny’s Child.  The boys watched with great interest as the girls worked it up there to the cheer to the crowd.  It was obvious who the “Beyonce” of the group was.  Lisa was the center of the group, shaking it like her life depended on it.  All three of them sang along to the song as they danced, putting on a little performance for the club goers.


          JC had soon joined the boys as they watched the girls dance, “Well, they sure aren’t shy, are they?”  He teased,


Joey laughed, “Dude, since when do we work with any one who’s shy?” 


“Too true.  It’s nice to know that they can handle the pressure of a crowd.”  He smirked,


“Man forget this, I’m joining them.”  Joey said and hopped up to where the girls were dancing.  He got right into the middle of them, dancing away with each of the girls.



