Chapter Three

Krista came back to their hotel room after doing TRL to find a small square package waiting for her. She went over to it and gently picked it up. There was a small note attached,

‘Miss Journey this package arrived for you while you were away.’

“Huh.” She said aloud to herself and unwrapped the package. It was one of her journals, but who would send her one of her journals? She flipped open the cover to find an unfamiliar handwritten note,

‘Krissie, I didn’t want your creative streak to end. Hopefully I’ll get to hear the new songs, 307-668-2564. Josh’

Krista smiled and ran a hand over the note gently. JC sent her a journal, one of her journals no less. Could her life get any better? She laughed in giddiness and held the journal to her chest. Should she call him? Was it too soon? God, she felt like a schoolgirl, not knowing what to do. She sat down on her bed and picked up her phone, he had written his number, right? The least she could do is thank him for the journal. Krista nervously dialed the foreign number. It rang a couple times before his voicemail picked up,

“Hey it’s JC leave a message.”

“Hey Josh, it’s Krista, just wanted to-”

“Krissie!” His voice chimed over the line and her heart skipped a beat,

“Hey Josh, how’s it going?” She asked,

“I’m great, how are you?”

“I’m great. Thank you so much for the journal. I can’t believe you did this, it was really sweet of you.”

“You’re welcome, I’m glad you got it, I was afraid that you would have left before it got to you.”

“How did you know where to get it from?”

“I did a little research, it’s the right one, right?” Krista looked down at the emerald green fabric covered cover with gold embossing,

“Yeah, it’s perfect.”

“Good, good, listen how much longer are you in town?”

“Till tonight, then we go back out on tour again.”

“How long will that tour last?”

“Um, for another month or so, then we’re gonna hit the studios again.”

“Where are you recording?”

“No clue, we find out when our managers tell us. What about you?”

“We’re on break for a while doing our own thing and then we’re thinking about going on tour again.”

“New album or Celebrity?”

“The celebrity album again but toned down a lot. More music oriented, more remixes and it’ll only be for a couple of months.”

“That’s cool. If I have time I’ll come out and see it.”

“Give me a call and I’ll get you tickets to whatever show you want.”

“That’ll be cool, thanks.” Krista felt like she was in third grade again,

“Question,” He asked, “Would it be okay if I called you again? We had such a good music vibe going the other night.”

“Yeah, sure, no problem, you want my cell?”


“Okay, it’s 518-852-8831.”

“8831, yup, got it. Thanks a lot.”

“No problem, well we’re leaving real soon and I still need to pack. You know before we leave.”

“That probably would be helpful.” He joked and she giggled,

“Yeah, so I’m gonna let you go. Thank you once again for the journal, you don’t know how much I appreciate it.”

“Well, just write a number one hit and dedicate it to me.”

“I will. Talk to you later Josh.”

“Bye, Krissie.” Krista hung up her phone and squealed with delight. JC from Nsync not only gave her a present, but asked for her phone number!! Krista squealed to herself as she did a little dance then flopped back on her bed in a fit of giggles. Life simple couldn’t get any better than this!

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