Chapter Three


Hey girl.” Carrie greeted as Lisa gently walked into rehearsal.

Hey babe.” She winced slightly as she pulled off her bag.

What’s wrong?” Carrie asked worriedly,

Nothing, I’m fine.” She replied waving off her friend,

What happened to your shoulder?” Carrie demanded,

I snapped it out of joint last night.” Lisa replied,

At home?” She inquired as Lisa bent down gently to get things out of her bag,


Girl…” Carrie warned and Lisa stood up,

Carrie, really, I’ve had a long night and I don’t need a freaking lecture from you, alright?” She said forcibly,

Whoa, I’m not the enemy.” Carrie hissed,

Then lay off.” Lisa shot at her and Carrie blocked Lisa from stalking away,

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Excuse me Miss Pratt? I’m not some nobody who doesn’t care about you. Do not get this attitude with me.” She said waving a finger at her,

Lisa sighed and rubbed her temples, “I’m sorry, I’m just a little stressed, that’s all.”

Carrie rubbed her friend’s arm comfortingly, “I see that hon. You wanna talk?”

What’s that going to do?” She sighed sadly, “Come on we need to stretch for practice.”

Carrie nodded giving in to her friend's wishes, “I’m good, I’m going to grab a juice, you want something?”

Lisa smiled a small smile, “Water’s good.”

Kay…,” Carried rested a gentle hand on Lisa's good shoulder, “you know Lee, I just want you to be okay.”

Lisa nodded, “I know and I appreciate it.”

Carrie nodded and walked away. Lisa picked up her bag to move to the back of the room to stretch. Lance came up to her, “Hey Lee, you okay? You seem to be limping.”

I’m fine Lance, I just pulled a muscle.” She waved off,

Okay.” He replied, “If you need a break, let us know okay?”

I will, thanks.” She said moving on, but was met by Diana,

Little Lee the dancing machine how’s my girl?” She asked and Lisa smiled at her friend,


That looks like a nasty limp.” She frowned,

Nothing to worry about, I promise. Once I stretch I’ll be fine.”

You sure?”


Okay hon.” Diana said and walked away. Lisa moved on practically meeting everyone on her way to the back of the room and explaining her limp to everyone. All the attention was making Lisa extremely irritable. All she wanted to do was get ready for practice. Finally, she had made it to the back of the room and placed her bag down on the ground.

Hey Lee. Is everything okay? You’re limping.” JC pointed out and Lisa turned on him,

YES, I’m fine. Thank you for pointing out the fucking obvious. If you don’t mind leaving me alone, I have to get ready for practice.” She hissed at JC before stalking away from a stunned JC.

JC watched Lisa walk away. Before he wasn’t sure, but now he knew that Lisa did not like him and wanted nothing to do with him.

Oh I am so calling him.”  Amy said later that day to the girls at rehearsal, as she eyed JC. “I swear, by the end of the tour he will be mine.” 

Carrie looked to Lisa, who simply shrugged, “If she wants him, let her have him.”  She whispered to Carrie.

She’ll be wasting her time.”  Carrie muttered as they watched Amy saunter over to JC and begin flirting with him.

Doesn’t look like it, does it?”  Lisa said and turned away,

You’re ten times better than she is, you know it.  I think he would pick you over her any day.  At least I would.”  Carrie said glaring at Amy.

You’re my best friend.  You’re supposed to.”  She teased and nudged Carrie with her good shoulder,

I think he’s an idiot.”  Carrie said and Lisa rolled her eyes,

Stop, Amy’s a pretty girl, a little too full of herself, but hey, she’s cool.”

I so don’t get you.”  Carried sighed, “I swear, if you just walked up to the guy, he’d practically fall into your lap.”

Lisa shook her head, “And then I’d open my mouth and make a complete fool of myself.  No thank you.”

Carrie rolled her eyes, “You would not.”

Come on Carrie, you know how I get around guys, especially guys who I have a crush on.  My tongue gets all tied up and I can barely say a word.  I end up looking like a fool.”

You just have to get over that.  Show him how great you are, show him what I see.”

Lisa cocked her head to the side, “You don’t know how much I wish I could.”  She said softly.

You talked to Lance last night.”  Carrie pointed out.

I had alcohol in my system and the boy practically stalked me all night long.  I really didn’t have a choice.”  She grinned,

So all we have to do is get JC to stalk you, huh?”

And smack me so that I wake up from that dream world.” Lisa retorted.

          Wade called the guys back to practice and the girls quieted down as they gathered in a corner to watch them.  The guys were practicing the “Pop” Dance.  All the girls thought that dance was hot.

Damn,” Diana whispered, “Break me off a piece of that.”  She whispered as they guys practiced humping the floor.

Do you think Wade’ll let me be underneath JC when they do that?”  Lisa asked and the group broke out in quiet snickers.

Hmm, and be in front of them when they’re thrusting?”  Carried added licking her lips as her eyes were glued to Justin,

Yeah, it can be like a Christmas bonus.  I just want to lie there while they practice that move over and over.”  Lisa grinned,

And over and over and over…” Diana added,

And naked.”  Lisa added sending the girls into a fit of giggles.

          The boys stopped and Joey placed his hands on his hips,  “Wade, I can’t concentrate with the girls laughing at us.”  He complained playfully,

Oh Joey, we’re not laughing at you.”  Carrie teased, “We’re laughing with you, except you’re not laughing.”  She teased making the girls break down in laughter again.

Girls come on.”  Wade sighed with a smile, “I know it’s easy to make fun of the guys, but at least do it where they can’t hear you.”

What fun would that be?”  Dee called out and received a tongue from Chris.

We could use that in our Christmas bonus.”  Analisa muttered and they broke down in giggles again.

Alright, alright.”  Wade said interrupting them,  “Lee, why don’t you take the giggle pack into the next studio and teach them the routine?”

Sure Wade.”  Lisa said getting up from her spot on the floor.

Hey Lee, can we add in the bonuses?”  Carrie asked with teased,

I don’t know, I’ll have to try it out with the guys first.”  She grinned back at Carrie,

What bonuses?”  Wade asked as the girls walked to the door and Lisa blushed,

Ah, we were, uh, just thinking of ways to make practice more, um, enjoyable.”  She said and the girls all lost it again as they left the room.

Hey Lee?”  Wade called out to her and she poked her head back into the room,

Yeah Wade?”

He jogged over, “Are the girls bored and want to change practice?”

Oh good Lord no.  We were just messing around.  Trust me it’s a good thing to send us away right now.  You, you, just it’s a good thing.”  She grinned,

Okay, just checking.  If you need me…”

I know where to find you.”  She said pushing up the sleeves of her shirt and unknowingly revealing a very dark bruise on her forearm.

Ouch Lee, that looked like it hurt.”  He nodded to her arm.

Huh?  Oh.”  She pulled down her sleeve when she saw where his gaze was aimed, “It’s nothing.”

It looked like a hand.”  Wade observed worriedly and Lisa shrugged,

I tripped and my dad caught me by catching my arm.  It would have been worse if I had actually fell.”

Wow, good thing he caught you, huh?”

Yeah, it was.” She said softly and he smiled warmly at his favorite dancer,

Kay Lee, I’ll be over to check in a bit.”  He winked and she blushed,


Amy floated into the practice room, “Guess who has a date tonight with a certain blue eyed singer.”  She smiled like a Cheshire cat 

Aaron Carter?  Whoo hoo!  Go you Ames!”  Carrie shouted, making everyone laugh and Amy rolled her eyes,

It’s with JC, dumb ass.  He’s taking me out to dinner.”  She bragged, “You just wait girls, he’ll be parading me around on his arm soon!”  She declared and Lisa just rolled her eyes as she pulled on her pants, ignoring the rest of Amy’s talking.


