Chapter Four


The next night Kiora laid back on her bed stretching her legs. She knew she was leaving for Paris and decided to get an extra day in at the ramps before she left.  The ramps had been rough today.  She loved skateboarding and roller blading and spent every Saturday in the next town over where there was a park full of wooden ramps to practice on.  Today she had fallen a bunch of times because she was learning a new trick.  She had even smacked her face leaving a light bruise, but her body was much worse.  All she wanted to do is take a long soak and go to bed.  Actually she was hoping that JC would call tonight. He had mention that he would call her last night in the club and she really wanted to talk to him before she left for Paris.  Her phone rang and she jumped.  Quickly she answered it,



“Kaj?”  It was her brother Danny and he sounded bad.


“Danny J?  What’s wrong?  Where are you?”  She asked worriedly,


“Kaj, I’m having a bad trip.”


“Danny J what did you take?”


“I don’t know something George gave me.  I’m so scared, my heart’s racing.  Kaj I need you.”


“Okay Danny, stay calm, I’ll be right there.  Where are you?”


“Killarny’s, Kaj I need you.”


“I’m on my way, Danny J, I’m on my way.”


“Okay, Kaj.  Love you Kaj.”


“Love you too, Danny J, hold on okay?”


“Bye, Kaj.”  He said and hung up the phone.  Kiora was already out the door with her shoes in her hand.  She jumped into her little BMW and sped off.  It seemed like forever till she reached the club.  She hoped her brother was okay.  Why did he do this?  Why did he try drugs when he didn’t know what it was?  Why was he so dumb?


          Kiora parked in front of the club and ran out of her car leaving it there.  The valet knew her and she tossed him the keys running up to the door.  The bouncer happened to be new and stopped her,


“You can’t go in Miss, you have to go to the back of the line.”


“I’m on the list, Kiora Jordan.”  She huffed and the bouncer glanced down the list.  He took forever, she didn’t exactly look like she was ready to go clubbing.  She was wearing gray cotton pants, a white wife beater and a jean jacket with sneaks.  “I’m just here to get my brother Danny Jordan, Jr.  Please I need to get to him.”  Finally the bouncer found her name.


“Ah, Miss Jordan, go right on in.”  He let her in and Kiora hustled up to the VIP area looking for Danny or any of his friends.


“Kiora!  Kiora!”  She heard her name and she whipped around to see JC running up to her.  “Hey Kiora!”  He greeted her happily but she was looking everywhere but JC.  “Kee, what’s wrong?  What happened to your face?”


“Jace, I don’t have time-“  She spotted George and pushed past JC to get to him.


“George!”  She grabbed him by the shirt.


“Kee kee!  What are you doing here he-he-he-” He laughed half hazardly,


“George where’s Danny?”  George laughed harder and put his arms up in the air, spilling his drink.  Kiora hit him in the chest.


“Damn you George!  What the hell did you give him?”  She yelled at him.


“Whoa!  Whoa!  Kiki you’re a little up-set.”  He slurred falling over himself.


“Fuck you George!  When was the last time you saw him?!”


“In here, then he, um, he…”  George then fell over onto the floor.  JC was now by her side.


“Kiora what’s going on?”


“Stay here with George and make sure he’s okay.”  She ordered and ran off.  Once again JC was confused and left to wonder what the hell was going on?


          Kiora ran around the club and found the owner, Sam.

“Sam, where’s Danny J?”


“Kiki, thank God!  He’s in the back office, come on.  I was just going to find George.”


“I left him with a friend in the VIP area.”  She followed Sam into the back office.  Danny was on the floor with his head in a bucket.  “Oh Danny J.”  She went to his side.


“Kajie?”  His voice was weak and he was all pale and clammy.


“I’m here sweetie, I’m gonna take you home.”


“Kiki maybe you should take him to the hospital.”  Sam suggested and she shook her head.


“He’ll be just fine.”  She smoothed out his sweat soaked hair.  “Won’t you Danny J, you’re gonna be just fine.”


“Kaj, I don’t feel so good.”  He moaned and puked into the bucket again.  Kiora looked to Sam.


“I’ll take them both off your hands, Sam.”


“Okay, thanks, I’ll go bring George down here.  Want your car brought around back?”


“Yeah that’ll be great.”  She said as she rubbed Danny’s back.  A few minutes later Sam and JC burst into the room holding up George who had been revived.


“The party’s all here!”  George shouted and Kiora looked up.  She saw JC and frowned,


“JC what are you doing here?”


“Helping.”  Was all he replied trying to keep George steady and she nodded.  They managed to get

George and Danny into the back of her BMW.  JC hopped into the front passenger seat.


“JC, I’m fine now.  I can handle these guys.”


“Just in case they get out of hand while you’re driving.”  He said seriously and all she wanted to do is get home so she let him stay.  George and Danny were a noisy bunch in the back so Kiora and JC didn’t talk much.  When they got home JC grabbed George and Kiora took Danny and brought them into the house.


“Put George in that room.”  Kiora directed JC and he nodded.


“Kiki, I can’t stay with you, baby?”  George slurred barely able to stand up by himself, “I was hoping to get some lovin’ tonight.”  Kiora shook her head,


“George, go to bed, if you’re good, I’ll visit.”


“Yessss, ma’am.”  George tried to salute and failed.  JC gave her a look before steering George into the room.  Kiora took her brother into his room and settled him into the bed,


“How you doing Danny J?”


“Kaj, I’m home?”  He asked wearily,


“Yeah baby boy, you’re home.”


“Kajie, water please.”


“Okay.”  She smiled warmly before getting up and getting him a glass of water.  She came back with the water and handed it to him.  “Drink Danny J.”  She urged him and he nodded before drinking up the water.  He sighed after he gulped down the water and flopped back on the bed. 


“Kajie, thank you.”


“No problem Danny J.  We’ve got to take care of each other.”


“You take more care of me than I do of you.”


“It’s okay, you’ll just owe me big time.”  She smiled,


“Kajie, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to pay you back.”


“Oh you will because Dad gets to live with you when he’s old.”  She teased and he half smiled,


“Goodnight Kajie.”


“Goodnight Danny J.”  She turned from tucking him in and saw JC leaning in the doorway with his arms crossed. “Jesus!”  She gasped, “You scared me half to death.  How long have you been standing there?”  She said walking towards him and he shrugged his shoulders.


“Not too long.”


“How’s George?”  She asked and walked out into the hallway.


“He passed out in his bed.  How’s Danny?”


“He’s okay.”


“What was he calling you in there?”


“Kaj or Kajie, it’s his nick name for me.” She shrugged,


“Where did it come from?”


“It’s my initials, KAJ, Kiora Anne Jordan.”


“Oh, I like that nick name, Kaj.”  Kiora looked at him,




“No, what?”  JC frowned,


“It’s Danny J’s, you can’t call me that.”


“Okay, I won’t.”  He said softly.  Kiora broke from him and took off her jacket as she walked down the hall.  JC noticed the bruises on her body, “Kee, are you sure you’re okay?”  She turned and looked at him,


“I’m fine.  A little shaken up over the whole situation, but I’m fine.”


JC moved up closer and took her face in his hand, “You’re all banged up.”


“I did this to myself.”  She said softly and JC grew more concerned,


“Why?”  He asked and she read his thoughts,


“It wasn’t on purpose.  I fell a lot on the ramps, that’s all.”


“What the hell are the ramps?  Why do you spend every Saturday there?”


“How do you know I spend every Saturday there?”


“I talked to your brother when I stopped by to see you.  Obviously he didn’t tell you I did.”


“You stopped by to see me?  And all I was hoping for was a phone call.”  She mused and JC leaned in a little closer,


“Well I try to impress.”


“You did a good job.”  She replied and kissed JC.  It was sweet, slow, and absolutely mind melting.  She reluctantly pulled away, “It’s pretty late Mr. Chasez, you better get going or…”


“Or?”  JC inquired,


“I have enough spare bedrooms for you to stay.”


“I’d rather stay if you don’t mind.”


“I wouldn’t have offered if I did.”  She replied, “Pick a room.”  She said waving down the hall.  JC walked down the hall and picked the door to Kiora’s room.


“That’s my room.”  She said and he smiled,


“Is that okay?”


“Yeah, it’s okay.  As long as you understand that nothing’s gonna happen.”


“I was just expecting sleep.”


“Then I won’t disappoint you.”


“You never have.”  He said and she walked into her room past him.  He followed her,


“You can borrow some of Danny J’s pjs.”


“Why do you call him Danny J?” JC inquired as he pulled off his shirt.


“Danny Jr. turned into Danny J.”  She shrugged,


“Oh well that makes sense.  Is it okay if I just sleep in my boxers?”


“Kay.”  She said and started pulling off clothes, leaving her in a wife beater and underwear, “I’m so tired.”


“Is every Saturday in your life this exciting?”  He teased playfully and she laughed,


“No, not at all, usually it’s pretty tame.”  She sat down on her bed, “Thanks for your help tonight.”


JC sat down next to her, “My pleasure, I did it just to spend time with you again.”


“Your secret is safe with me.”  She said leaning over and kissing him.


“Mmm, and sealed with a kiss?”  He mused and she laughed,


“That was so cheesy.”


“Cheesy huh?  I’ll show you cheesy.” He said and began tickling her.


“Ahh, JC! Not cool!”  She exclaimed trying to get away from him.  Finally he relented and let her go.   She stood up and put her hands on her hips, “For that I just might make you sleep on the floor.” 


JC pouted a little, “What can I do to make it up to you?”


“Get me a glass of water?”


“Sure thing.”  He said getting up off the bed.  He padded into the bathroom and Kiora crawled into the bed.  She made herself comfy as JC came back with her glass of water. After handing it to her he crawled in next to her.  Kiora took a quick drink and put the glass down.  She turned to JC to find him fast asleep.  She smiled to herself and placed a quick kiss in his forehead.


“Good night JC, sweet dreams.”  She whispered and cuddled herself in.



