Chapter Five


The next morning JC woke with a smile on his face, remembering Kiora in his arms last night.  He reached over for her and found empty bed.  He sat up sleepily rubbing his eyes, looking around the room.  He heard the shower running and went to investigate.  Kiora was singing her lungs out, completely off key to Funky town.  She was dancing all around the shower stall.  JC could see her figure through the frosted glass.  He smiled to himself at the sight.  He shook his head and went back into the bedroom not believing that he was here.


Kiora came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.

“Hey there.”  She said to the smirking JC,


“Hey yourself, cute rendition of funky town.”  He teased,


She cocked her head to the side, “It was, wasn’t it?  I should be in Nsync.”  She teased,


“Well see.”  He chuckled and she laughed chucking a shirt at him,


“Towels are all out for you to shower.”


“Kay thanks.”


“There’s a spare toothbrush for you too in there.  It’s blue.” 


JC walked towards the bathroom,  “You just think of everything, don’t you?”


“I just don’t want you to walk around with skanky breath. Ew.”  She retorted making JC laugh again.


How long had it been since he had laughed like this?  A long time, that was for sure.  Kiora was a cure for something that he didn’t even know he was missing. 


JC jumped into the shower and Kiora decided to get dressed.  She pulled on a tank top and some cotton shorts.  A familiar ringing filled her room and she answered her cell phone.





“Um, no, you have the wrong number sorry.”  She said and hung up the phone.  A few seconds later it rang again,


“Hello?”  She said impatiently,


“Hello?  I know I dialed the right number this time.  Who is this?”  The man demanded,


“Who is this?”


“Justin.  Who’s this and why do you have JC’s phone?”


“Kiora.”  She shot back at the rude stranger, “And this is my phone sonny.”


“I don’t think so, where’s C?”


“Why should I tell you where he is?  How do I even know where he is?”


“Because you have his phone and I’m a good friend of his.”


“How the hell do I know that?”


“Do you know who you’re talking to?”


“A rude asshole named Justin.”  She shot back,


“This is Justin Timberlake.”


“Obviously not if you’re calling my phone and not his.”


“Look, I don’t know what the hell you’ve been smoking but the phone you’re using is JC’s, not yours, psycho.  Now all I want to do is talk to JC.  Give the phone to him.”


“You call me psycho and expect me to take demands from you?  I don’t think so.”


“I swear if you’ve done anything to C…”  He warned,


“I’ve hacked him up into little pieces that I’m going to make into a stew later.  Mmm delicious.”  She retorted spitefully,


“Where is he?”  Justin demanded.


“Look, Mr. Timberlake or who ever you are.  I will tell JC that you called and when and if he can he will call you back, alright?”


“Why can’t I talk to him right now?”


“Because he can’t come to the phone.”


“Why not?”


“Because I’ve tied him up. So like I said, he’ll call you back.  Goodbye Mr. Timberlake.”  Kiora retorted hanging up the phone.  Psychos calling her phone demanding to talk to JC.  How the hell did they know he was with her?  She pondered as she sat down in the chair next to her bed.  Kiora saw a phone on the floor that looked identical to the one in her hand.  She picked it up and realized that it was her phone.  “Whoops.”  She giggled to herself, realizing that she had talked to the Justin Timberlake.  She bet he wasn’t going to be one of her fans.


          JC’s phone rang again she answered it hoping it was Justin, so she could apologize.

“Hello, JC’s phone.”  She chimed,


“Oh, who’s this?” A voice rumbled over the line, it wasn’t Justin.


“JC’s new answering service.  May I ask who’s calling?”


“Um, this is Lance.  Is JC okay?  I lost him last night at Killarny’s.”


“He’s fine.  He helped me out last night.”


“Is this Kiora Jordan?”


“The one and only, Lance.  I’ll tell him that you’ve called, okay?”


“Yeah thanks.  Talk to you later Kiora.”


“Bye Lance.”  She said hanging up the phone as JC came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.


“You’re out finally.  I thought you had drowned or something.”  She teased,


“Sorry,” He blushed, “I take long showers.”


“Don’t worry, I don’t pay the bills.”  She grinned and JC noticed his phone in her hand.


“Is that my phone?”  He questioned with a frown.  He didn’t like his privacy invaded.  Kiora stood up,


“Don’t get mad, I thought it was mine.”  She said holding up her own identical phone.  “The rings are exactly the same and everything, it’s freaky.  I, uh, kind of answered the phone.”


“And?”  He asked unsurely,


“Your friend Justin may be a little upset at me.”  She grinned sheepishly,




“I thought he was a crazy stalker calling my phone for you!”  She explained and JC chuckled,


“This should be good.”  He laughed, “Jay a stalker.”


“I didn’t know and I may have been a little rude with him.”


“Did the LA bitch rear her ugly head?” He teased,


“I swear I thought he was a crazy stalker!” She pouted playfully,


“It’s okay Kee.”  He said coming over to her and brushing a kiss over her forehead.


“Lance called too.  I was really nice to him, because I thought it may have been Justin calling again.”  She grinned trying to charm JC.  Apparently it worked because he just chuckled,


“Thanks for letting me know.”


“No problem.  I’m gonna go and rustle up some clothes for you.” She said nodding to the doorway and quickly left.


JC called up Justin,


“This better be JC.”  Justin warned in answering his phone,


“It is.”  JC laughed,


“Dude what is up with the psycho answering machine service.”


“Kee thought you were a stalker.”


“Are you kidding me?  She’s psycho C.  What the hell are you thinking?”


“That I really like her.”  JC said smiling to himself,


“No, C, please.  Remember what Johnny said?”


“Jay, she isn’t an LA Bitch all the time, just to people she doesn’t like.”


“Guess I fall into that category.”  Justin mumbled,


“She actually wanted to apologize to you.  She got our phones mixed up because we own the same exact phone.  She really thought she was answering her phone and some man claiming to be Justin Timberlake was trying to talk to me.  Do you see where she would think that?”


“I guess.”


“Give her a second chance Jay.  I think you two would get along really well.”


“Sounds serious, what happened last night that you ended up with her this morning?”


“Her brother and a friend got into some trouble and I helped her out.  I wound up staying the night at her place.”


“You dawg!  Staying the night, getting some boo-tay.”  Justin cheered over the line and JC could just imagine him doing some stupid little victory dance wherever he was.


“Who said anything about getting some booty?  I stayed the night and slept.”


JC could hear the grin in Justin’s voice, “And where did you sleep?”


“Her bed and yes she was there with me and no we didn’t do anything.”


“Only you would be invited into one of LA’s hottest chick’s bed and do nothing but sleep.”  Justin teased,


“She invited me but she made it clear that nothing was going to happen.”


“You’re kidding me!”


“Did you think she was easy?”


“I heard some things.”


“Well whatever you heard is probably not true.  Everything I thought I knew about her was. Anyways you were just saying what a bitch she was.”


“Yeah, but damn that girl is FINE, with a capital F-I-N-E!  Hell yeah I’d tap that ass if I had a chance.”


“Well you won’t.”  JC said slightly defensive,


“Uh huh, so…”


“So what?”  JC asked avoiding the question,


“Dear Lord, is there anything going on?”


“I don’t know, I think we’ll just have to see.”


“See what?”  Kiora asked when she walked into the room and JC pointed to his phone.  “Sorry.”  She whispered and laid the clothes on her bed.  JC went back to his conversation with Justin,


“So, man…” JC said,


“Guess I’ll let you get back to your LA girl.”  Justin teased,


“I’d appreciate it.  Tell the guys what’s up and that I’ll call them later.”


“Kay, bye C.”


“Bye Jay.”  JC said hanging up the phone.  “It should be interesting when you two meet.”  He smiled and she made a face,


“I have to meet him?”


JC placed his hands on his hips, “He is one of my best friends.  He was wondering where I was.”


Kiora flopped back onto her bed, “I know, he just didn’t have to be so rude to me.”


JC pointed out, “You didn’t have to be so rude to him.” 


“I wouldn’t have been rude to him, if he hadn’t been so rude to me.  Just get rid of him, you don’t need him.  Keep Lance, I like him.”  Kiora smiled,


“Yeah, we’ll dump Justin from Nsync because you don’t want to hang out with him.”


“He’s got his solo thing going.  He’ll be fine, you don’t need him.” 


JC walked over and stood in front of her, “Uh huh, okay, I just would like you to mention that to him when you meet him.  In fact I want you to say that to the whole group.”


“Whole group?”  She asked,


“Lance, Joey, Justin, and Chris.  They’re all in Nsync with me.”


She smiled playfully, “You want me to meet them?” 


JC shrugged, “Well yeah, if you want to.  They all want to meet you.”


“Even Justin?”  She questioned and JC moved closer,


“Yes, even Justin, but you’ve already met Joey.  So out of the group, you only have to meet Chris, Lance and Justin.”  JC paused for a moment,  “How have you not met them, considering who your father is?”


“Because I am not my father.”  She said coolly and JC knew he hit a sore spot.


“I was just saying because you’ve been in LA for so long, that you might have bumped into us.”  He said softly and she cocked her head to the side,


“Had I met you before?”  She asked seriously,




“Then why would I have met any of your group?”  She questioned with a grin,


“Some of them have spent more time on this coast going to parties.”  He paused for a moment, “But you’re not really a party girl, so that would be why.”  He answered his own question.


“Good answer Mr. Chasez.”


“I’m glad you came to our party.”


“I am too.”  She said and then looked at his towel as he stood in front of her, “Are you ever gonna get dressed or are you going to run around in a towel all day?”


JC looked down at her towel before looking back up at her, “You don’t like the look?”


“I’m not saying I don’t, it’s just too much of a temptation to steal the towel.”  She smiled mischievously.


“Oh really?”  He replied as he advanced upon her.  Her confidence never wavered as he crawled up over her,


“Oh yeah.”


“Then why don’t you steal it?”  He challenged her.


“Because I’m a lady.”  She retorted haughtily, “Now get dressed.”  She commanded as she pushed him off of her and got up.  JC laughed and sat up.  He pulled on the clothes.


“Nice threads, who do I thank?”


“Danny J, you two are pretty close in size.”  She said.


JC stood up dressed in jeans and a black t-shirt, though it was comfortable, they were designer clothes.

“Your brother has good taste in clothes.”  JC said looking over the clothes he was now wearing.


“No, I have good taste in clothes.  Danny J could care less what he wore.  I buy him clothes so that he can at least look like something.  Probably won’t even notice that I took them.”  She sighed, “Are you hungry?”


JC rubbed his stomach and took noticed of the change in subject. “Starved.  Where do you want to go and eat?”


“We’ll order in.”  She said picking up the phone in her room.


“Okay, where are you ordering from?”


“My kitchen, what do you want?”


“What do you got?”


“It’s like room service, what do you feel like eating?  If we don’t have it, they’ll go out and get it.”


“Really?  Man do I have to get that service in my house.”  He teased and they both order their food.  Kiora hung up the phone,


“It’ll be up in a bit.”  She said and plopped down on one of the chairs next to JC.


“You have a restaurant in your house.”  He grinned,


“It’s just our three chefs.  It’s easier to order food than to have them cook for people who are never around.”


“That’s a good point.”  JC said and Kiora hopped up,


“Not like you already haven’t, but make yourself at home, TV clicker is there.  I’m going to check on Danny J and George real quick.”


“Kay.”  JC said and watched her leave the room.  He sat back in his chair and let the reality of what he was doing set in.  What was he trying to do?  Start something with Kiora Jordan?  She was never in the same place for very long and neither was he.  How the hell was this supposed to work?  Granted he was on a ‘break’ from the group for a while, but it didn’t mean he didn’t have side projects going on.  He had his own solo career to worry about now.  Then JC thought about the time he spent with Kee.  He had to admit that he had been pretty happy, happier than he had been in a long time.  He missed being in a relationship, he was sick of running around.  He wanted her.


          Kiora walked back into the room to see JC deep in thought.  She crawled up into his lap, dropping him out of his thoughts.

“Hey cowboy, whatcha thinking about?”  She asked and he ran a hand down the side of her face as he smiled down at her,


“Nothing, just thinking.  How are Danny J and George?”


“Passed out still, I doubt they will be up before five.”  She said with a roll of her eyes,


“Okay.”  JC paused and remembered George’s comment from last night.  “Kee, you’re not with George, are you?”


Kiora would have laughed if his face hadn’t been so serious.  “God no.  Trust me George has tried many times.  He’s nice and all, but he’s a waste case most of the time and I’m just not into that scene at all.  George repulses me.”  She said making her famous “sneer” face and then smiled, “I like my men to be nice, clean, sober, have the ability to walk in a straight line 90 percent of the time, a good head on their shoulders and in their pants.” She teased and he let out a laugh,


“Ahh, I see now where the requirements lie.”  JC said shaking his head,


“Afraid you won’t ah, measure up?”  She asked sassily,


“I don’t know, guess we will just have to see.”  He said huskily staring into her eyes and Kiora was mesmerized,


“Well, so far you’ve surpassed my expectations.  I’m sure you won’t disappoint.”  Kiora leaned in brushing her lips over his lightly,


“That’s a lot of pressure to place on a guy.”


“I thought you thrived on pressure.”


“I-” A knock on the door interrupted them,


“Food’s here!”  She cheered jumping off of his lap and running to the door.  JC sat stunned for a few seconds, trying to catch his breath.  There was a definite attraction to Kiora if the bulge in his pants was any indication.  But in a way she was an enigma to him.  One moment she would be a seductress and the next she would be a little kid.  Kiora had a mysterious element that drove him to know more about her.  It was like discovering a new world and boy did he want to discover her!


“I thought you were hungry?”  She asked placing her hands on her hips.  Kiora had already set up the small dining table that she had in her room.


JC got up from his seat, “I am starving.  I think my stomach’s about to eat it’s self.”  His stomach took that time to voice its opinion on the subject.  “See!”  He chuckled and she laughed with him,


“Then come and feed that hungry stomach of yours.  We’ve got plenty and if you eat it all, they can always make more.”


“I’m beginning to really like it here Kee.”  JC said sitting down and diving into his food.


“You’re welcome any time I’m here.”


“That’s an even better deal.”  He grinned at her and she matched his smile. “So Kee,” JC said in between bites, “What do you want to do today?”  He asked.


Kiora dropped a glob of soup on her lap at the same time he asked his question, “FUCK!” She exclaimed wiping up the soup off of her shorts. 


JC just laughed, “That’s a little forward, I was hoping to get to know you a little better before we jumped into bed, but…”


Kiora rolled her eyes and chucked a rumpled napkin at him, “Dork, I don’t think I want to be doing ANYTHING with you.”


“Well, then I guess I’ll just go home.”  He teased playfully,


Kiora leaned back in her seat, “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.”  She said smugly,


“Pain.”  He retorted and chuckled a little,


“You have no idea.”  She winked,


“I’m beginning to get the picture.  So, back to my original question.”


“How long do you have?”


“Probably a couple of hours.”


“Okay.”  She said thinking a moment till her face lit up with an idea, “You know what I feel like doing today?”




“Laying in bed and watching movies.”


“That’s one of my favorite things to do.”


“Then it’s settled, my bed and movies.”


“That’s a day in heaven.”  He smiled warmly at her,


“Well, heaven’s only a few feet away.”  She smiled and continued to eat.


JC checked the clock, it was now 8pm.  He definitely had to leave.  He looked down at Kiora; she was fast asleep and draped over him.  Her one hand was buried under his shirt and her face was buried in the crook of his shoulder.  He really didn’t want to leave.  Spending the day watching movies with Kiora had led to a leisure nap day littered with light make out sessions.  Heaven really was in that bed at that moment for JC, but he had meetings to get to tomorrow and he still hadn’t prepared for any of them.  He breathed a heavy sigh and kissed Kiora’s forehead gently.  She stirred and rubbed her face.

“Mmm….what time is it?”  She asked sleepily.




“At night?”


“Yeah, sunshine it is and I hate to say it but I’ve got to go.”  He said softly stroking her hair,


“Do you have to?”  She pouted, “My bed’s gonna get all cold.”  She teased and he ruffled her hair,


“I really wish I could stay, but I’ve got work to do.”


“Do it later.”  She mumbled,


“I am, because I stayed here too long.”


“Okay, okay, go do work.”  She said rolling off of him but he pulled her close again. “I thought you had to leave?”


“Well, I need a ride home.”


“Oh, okay.  Guess that means I have to get up, huh?”


“Yep.”  He said and let her go.  Kiora slowly got up and slipped on a jacket and shoes.  JC gathered up his things.


“You can leave your clothes here and I’ll wash it for you.”


“I don’t want to inconvenience you.”


Kiora took the pile from him, “You won’t be, I have maids.”


“That’s right, so I guess I’ll have to come by and pick them up another time.”


“Uh huh, definitely.”


“Does that mean I can see you again?”


“You better, you are way too good of a pillow to give up.”  She joked and he playfully poked at his side.




“Yep, you got that right, JC.”  Kiora stopped and looked at him, “What’s the JC stand for?”


“Joshua Chasez.”  He sighed,


“You’re kidding me, why ever did you shorten it?”


JC took a deep breath, “Okay, see when I joined the Mickey Mouse Club, there was already a kid named Josh, so they nick named me JC.”


“Wait, you were a mouseketeer? What a riot!” She giggled,


“Listen you.”  He said and began to tickle her.  They were soon wrestling on her floor,


“JC! Stop!  Ah!  Not Cool!  JC! Come on! Stop-“


“Get the hell off my sister you asshole!”  Danny J screamed from the doorway and dove at JC.  Kiora shot up from the floor and held Danny J away from JC.


“Danny J no!  It’s not what it looks like!  We were just playing around.”  She defended as Danny was struggling to get at JC.


“Don’t cover for this asshole Kaj.”  Danny J struggled to get at JC through Kiora.  JC didn’t know how she was holding him back.  He was at least twice her size.


“I told you to stop!”  She screamed and shoved him away.


“Kaj.”  He warned glaring at JC and Kiora’s face grew very cold,


“Go away Danny J.  If you want to play hero, try it on yourself.”  She shot at him,


“Fine.”  He grumped and stalked away.  Kiora turned to JC,


“I’m really sorry about that.  Are you okay?”  She asked worriedly,


“I should be asking you that.  He didn’t touch me.”  JC caressed her face,


“He’s just a big bully sometimes, I can handle him.”  She shrugged,


“I noticed.”  He replied.


“Yeah, well, you should get home, come on.”  She said taking his hand and leading him out of her room.  They walked to her car and JC opened the door for her.


“Madame.”  He said with a slight bow, making her smile.


“Thank you kind sir.”  She said getting in.  JC shut her door and ran around to get in the other side.  Once he was settled, Kiora turned to him,


“Jace, I’m really sorry about Danny J and-”


“Kee, it’s okay.  Don’t apologize, it wasn’t your fault.”


“He’s my brother.”  She frowned,


“And you didn’t do it.”  He soothed and kissed her; “I’m fine, not like I haven’t had people threaten me before.”


“What?”  She questioned, “Who’s threatened you?”


“Managers, fans, you name it.”  He smiled, “It’s no big deal.”


“People threatening you is not big deal?”


“They’re empty threats most of the time.”  He brushed off,


“And when they’re not?”


“That’s why I have huge bodyguards.” He grinned,


“They can’t protect you all the time.”  She said and turned on the car.


“Can’t live life running scared either.”  He said sitting back in his seat.


“No, I guess you can’t.”  She replied and started to drive.  JC guided her to his house as she drove.  Kiora was quiet for the ride.  She parked in his driveway.


“Here you are.” She said turning to him,


“Yeah I am.”  He said not getting out of the car, “You okay?  You got really quiet.”


“I can’t be quiet?”  She asked,


“Yeah, just felt like you weren’t just being quiet, that’s all.”  He said with a shrug,


“Oh.”  She said and sighed, “Has anyone threaten you lately?”  She questioned softly and JC smiled empathetically,


“Kee, no one’s out to get me.  I’m fine, I promise.”


“No threats?”  She asked again,


“No threats.”  He smiled back and ran a hand down the side of her face. “What about you?  Anybody threaten you?”


“No one that I couldn’t handle.”  She said honestly,


“I bet.”  He smiled at her,


“So I guess we should say goodnight.  I had a lot of fun today.”


“Yeah I did too.  We definitely need to get together soon.” He said and she smiled,


“How soon?”  She said leaning over towards him,


“Real soon.”  He replied as he leaned in and kissed her.  The kiss grew deeper and JC pulled her towards him.  She crawled over the stick shift and straddled his lap. Kiora opened her lips and invited him in with her tongue. He gladly accepted and explored her mouth with his.  Kiora gently broke away but remained close.


“That’s some goodbye, Mr. Chasez.”


“I’m not done yet.”  He mused and kissed her again.  He couldn’t get enough of Kiora. 


She had to pull away just to catch her breath, “Slow down cowboy.”  She said placing her hands on his chest to keep him from pulling her back.


JC played with her hair and tucked some strands behind her ears. “I’m sorry, Kee.  I just don’t know when I’m going to see you again and I can’t get enough of you.”


“What are you doing tomorrow?”


“I’m booked with meeting till late.  What about the day after that?”


“I’m leaving for Paris.”  She sighed and his eyes went wide,


“Leaving?  For how long?”  He asked worriedly,


“Two weeks.”  She said twisting her mouth to the side,


“I guess we’re not going to see each other for a while.  When you get back, I’ll be in Orlando.”


“Can you visit?” 


“I don’t know, my schedule’s kind of hectic for a while.  How about you coming to Orlando for a while?  It sounds like you can use a vacation.”


“I can try, but probably not.  I really want to see you again.”


“Me, too.”  JC said and Kiora kissed him again,


“What a mess we got ourselves into.”  She whispered resting her forehead against his.


“Yeah, but I like this mess.  I just wish we could find an easy way to deal with it.”


“But the easy way isn’t always the best way.”


“No, it’s not.”  He agreed,


“I guess it’s the telephone for at least two weeks.”


“Unless you want to stay with me tonight.”  JC asked hopefully,


“I can’t leave Danny J and George to themselves, I won’t have a house left.”


“Okay.”  JC sighed,


“You should probably go.  I don’t want to keep you from your work any longer than I already have.”


“I like being kept from my work by you.”  He pulled her into a warm hug.  She snuggled into his arms and sighed,


“This is so nice, but I really need to get back.”


“Okay.”  He agreed and Kiora pulled away from him.  She gave him one last kiss and moved back to the driver’s side.


“Bye, Kiora.”


“Bye, JC.”


“I’ll try to call you tomorrow if I get a chance.”


“Don’t stress if you can’t.  I’ll call before I leave or when I get to Paris.”


“Okay.”  He said and pulled her hand to his lips before leaving the car.  She watched him till he was inside his house.  Kiora began to drive away and called up Russ.


“Have a good day?”  He teased answering the phone,


“Yeah, and we’re all set.”  She said softly,


“You okay?”


“I’m fine.”  She answered as her thoughts drifted to JC. “Is Jackson watching him while I’m in Paris?”


“Yep, that’s all set up.  He’ll be fine.”


“Good.”  She said taking a deep breath, “I need to go home and pack.  Talk to you later.”


“Bye Kee.”



