Chapter Six


Kiora sat in her office as she sifted through the piles of CDs, pictures, videos and the like.  All of it was on JC.  She had her work cut out for her that was for sure.  Not that she really minded learning about JC.  Kiora admitted to herself that this case definitely wasn’t completely professional, but she wouldn’t admit that to anyone else.  There was just something about him that was intriguing.  Any man who would track down her address, just to hang out with her was something else.  Then he helped her out with Danny J and George at the club.  That type of thing wasn’t written on anything she found on him.


          Her one ponderment was who was after JC and why?  A threat had been made to his management company and to his house, but no one was claiming responsibility.


          Kiora sighed and leaned back in her chair.  Her phone rang and she looked at the caller ID.  It was JC.

“Speak of the devil.”  She muttered as she let it ring into her voicemail. She really wanted to talk to him, but she was supposed to be unavailable to talk today.  She had been back from Paris for a couple of days now.  In reality she only went for four days, the rest of the time she needed to spend learning all about JC.  But JC still thought that she was in Paris doing work for her father. 


          Kiora looked over the materials on her desk,

“Who would do this?  Who would want him dead?”  She questioned herself.  JC was nothing if not meticulous.  He dotted every ‘i’ and crossed every ‘t’.  He was your average clean-cut guy.  He liked to go out from time to time, but he was content to stay at home and watch a movie.

“I like a woman with a good heart.”  She recited from an interview and then glanced over the women he had been linked too. “A good heart and a nice ass is more like it.”  She muttered.  There was no doubt that JC liked his women beautiful. “Hmm, how Hollywood.”  She retorted with a roll of her eyes, “And Russ said that you were nothing like my father.”  Kiora moved onto pictures of his acquisitions.  He had two houses, one in LA and another one in Orlando… “What?  No flat in New York?”  She mused and looked over pictures of his vehicles, “Hmm, looky here, a Benz, how ironic.  Dear Lord, put him in charge of a club and call him Danny Sr.”


“Hey Kee, enjoying your research on lover boy?”  Russ teased as he walked into her office.  She rolled her eyes,


“You were so off on this kid.”


“How so?”  Russ asked and took a seat on the edge of her desk,


“He’s exactly like my father.”  She tossed pictures at him. “He owns two houses on different coasts, has five cars, including a Benz, and likes his women beautiful, thin and dumb.  I feel like I’m describing my father.”


Russ looked over the pictures, “Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.”


“Me thinks that Russ has been hitting the crack too much.”  She retorted,  “He had Hollywood written all over him.  He’s been in the business since he was fifteen, fourteen if you count local stuff.”


“Kee, you described any 20 something year old who has money.  I have two houses and eight cars, including a Benz.”  Russ pointed out, “And may I point out that you do too.”


“You have those for your work, not for shits and giggles.”


“That little red Porsche you own is for work?”  He asked,


“Gotta play the part of the socialite, don’t I?”


“You are a socialite.”  Russ said, “You’re just a socialite with a degree in espionage.”


“You so don’t get it.”  She sighed,


“I don’t have too.  It doesn’t change the present situation, does it?”  He smirked,


“No, and fucking stop being so smug.”


“Who’s being smug?”  Russ teased and Kiora tossed a book at him, which missed,




“Yeah, but I’m cute.”  He grinned at her and she laughed,


“On another planet, maybe.”  She teased with a roll of her eyes, “I guess now I have to play up the dumb blonde routine.”


“This may be your best case yet.  Maybe you’ll win an Oscar.”


“I should.”  She replied and then leaned on the desk, “What I don’t get is who wants to kill him?  He doesn’t have a record and his life is boring.”


“You stalked him, didn’t you?”


“I had to know my client’s life before I got involved.  Russ, he gets up, goes to the studio and goes home.   That’s it.  His phone records show he calls his family almost every day and everyone else he talks to is clean.  The worst is drunken disorderly conduct.  I don’t get it.  Who would want him dead?  He’s nice to EVERYONE, even people who are mean to him.  It just doesn’t make sense.”  She said shaking her head in confusement. “I mean he doesn’t seem like the type to be trafficking drugs, you know?  He doesn’t fit any of the criminal profiles.”


“Stalker?”  Russ suggested,


“I can’t find any.  That’s what’s weird, I mean there are the usual girls who follow him around, but the most they want is an autograph and a picture.”  She sighed and sat back in her chair. “This seemed like an open and shut case, you know?”


“I know, guess you’ll have to get really close.”


“I know.”  She said twisting her mouth to the side,




“I don’t know how close to get.  He’s an offbeat guy.  I wonder who he would trust more, a close friend or a girlfriend.”


“Girlfriend who’s a close friend.  He’s not like your dad.”


“He is, but then I see him and I don’t get that vibe, you know?  It’s like someone zapped him from this average life and plopped him in the middle of Hollywood.”


“I think he’s a great guy.”  Russ shrugged,


“Then maybe you should date him.”  She smirked,


“Too bad, he’s into girls.”  He teased back,


“He may swing both ways.”


“I don’t think so sweetie.  This one is all yours.”


“Lucky me.”  She said with a sigh, “One question, how do I get out?”


“Break up with him, act like he doesn’t matter to you, because he doesn’t right?”


“He doesn’t.”  She said seriously and then soften, “It just so mean to do, I hate doing that.”  Kiora didn’t like the thought of hurting JC at all, nor the fact of leaving him.


“Well, if he’s like your father, then he’ll just get rid of you.  Problem solved.”  Russ said and her heart sank.  That solution sucked to her and she frowned,


“I guess.”


“You like him Kee.  Just admit it.”  Russ urged her gently,


“What good would that do?  Really Russ, it doesn’t matter.  I’ll be in and out of his life and he’ll forget all about me.”


“How could he ever forget about you?”  Russ asked softly,


“Easy, if he’s like my dad, once I’m out of his sight he won’t even know who I am.”




“Russ, don’t.  You spend more time with my father in one month that I have my entire life and you know it.”


“He loves you Kee.”


“Doesn’t really act like it.”  She muttered and gathered up a few pictures,




“Russ, I’m going to work.”  She said shortly and Russ gave in knowing she didn’t want to talk about it,


“Okay.  You flying to him?  He’s in New York.”


“I know he’s in New York.  I thought I’d bump into him unexpectedly.  It’ll show me how much work I have to do to get close to him.  You know, work my magic.”


“He’s already putty in your hands.  He calls you like three times a day.”  Russ smiled,


“I know, but I want to cement this thing.”  She flashed Russ a smile, “See ya later.”  She winked,


“Call me if you need anything.  Are you taking any back up?”


“Nah, I won’t need it.  It’ll probably get in the way. He’s got security.”


“You sure?  What if-”


“Three’s a crowd if you know what I mean.  How the hell am I supposed to seduce him if one of you buggers are in my ear?  Come on Russ, how well do you know me?”  She said placing her hands on her hips,


“Maybe I will go with you…”


“I’ll be fine.  It’s a day trip.  I’m packing, it’s cool.”  She said with a wave over her shoulder as she left her office,


“Be safe.”  He yelled after her, “Use a condom!”  He joked,


“You’re sick Russ!”  She laughed,


“Love you too, honey!”  He shouted after her.



