Chapter Six


JC checked his messages; there was one from Krista,

“Hey Joshy!  What’s up yo?”  She joked, “Anyways, sorry I didn’t catch you.  We were in the studio.  I think the song we wrote is going to make the album!  Isn’t that great!  The guys went ballistic when they heard it!  Haven’t told them that you co-wrote it with me, but I will!  Will they ever be surprised!  So anyways give me a ring when you’re free!  Ciao!”  Krista managed to say all in one breath.  He had to laugh at all her energy.  It was too bad that she was in California recording; he really wanted to hang out with her some more before they went on tour.


He called her up, “Hello?”  Krista answered,


“Hey gorgeous.”  He smiled over the phone, “Glad I finally pinned you down.”


“JOSH!  Hey!  Man, am I so excited to hear from you!”


“Me too Krissie.  How did the studio go today?”


“Oh so awesome!  Man, you wouldn’t believe the shit we did!  It was insane!”


“Do I get a listen, before it comes out?”


“Oh yeah totally!  Next time I see you I’ll bring some demos and you can get a listen.  And the song we wrote?  Man, is it great!  It screams Number One on the charts.  Like it was total magic in the studio today with that song.  Everything was just, wow.  I really can’t explain it.  But the guys really got into it and then, I mean I just was like wow!”


“That good huh?”  He smiled, enjoying her enthusiasm.  “I can’t wait to hear it.”


“It’s so good, we added some wicked beats and moved the tempo up.  I think you’ll really like it.”


“I like anything you write, Krissie.”


“Stop, you do not.  You haven’t heard EVERYTHING I’ve written.  Some of it was really bad, especially in the beginning.”  She laughed, “I kind of went through this whole nursery rhyme remake phase.  Let’s just say the guys nearly made me burn those journals.”  She teased making him laugh.  Krista sighed, she loved hearing JC laugh.  It still whacked her out a little to know that she was friends with JC of Nsync!


“Uh Krissie?”  JC called out to her and she blushed thanking God that he couldn’t see her,


“I’m here, sorry I went into my own thoughts for a moment.  How’s the tour prep going?”


“Not too bad, we just had to rearrange a few things and such, you know.  It’s not like we’re learning new choreography or anything.  It’s pretty laid back from what we’re used to, you know?”


“I guess.  I don’t know what you’ve been through, so I don’t know what to compare it too.  For all I know, you guys could have prepared for a tour by drinking every night and watching videos all day.”  She teased and he groaned,


“Yeah that’s exactly how we pulled off learning all that choreography.  By watching videos of it.”


“Hey I don’t know.  It could be very well how you do that.  I’ve never seen how you prepare for a tour.”  She teased,  “Well except for that making of the tour video.”


“Then maybe you need to come out and visit me.  You can see what we really do.”


“Oh, sure Josh, here let me just tell my band mates that I can’t record our new album because I need to go visit you so that you can prove to me that you work hard when you prep for a tour.  Yeah that’ll go over well.  Dan’ll kill me.”


“Nah, then he’d have to get a new drummer and find someone else to write songs for the group.  It’s too much of a hassle.  It’s much easier to just put up with you.”  He teased,


“Put up with me, huh?  Is that what you do?  Put up with me?”  She scoffed,


“No, not at all.”  He joked and they both laugh,


“Okay, Mr. Chasez.  I’ve got to go, but I can call you back later.”


“Yeah, that would be cool.  I might be out on the town, but call anyways.”


“Oh aren’t we just the shit?”  She teased, “I might be out on the town.”  She mocked him and he smiled,


“I am the shit.”  He replied,


“You’re a dork.”


“So are you.”  He joked,


“I never claimed not to be.”  She retorted, “Talk to you later.”


“Bye Krissie.”


JC picked up his mail from the mailbox and noticed a thick envelope.  He smiled at the return address “Krissie ‘The Bomb’ Journey, East Bumble Fuck, Middle of Fucking No Where, USA…I think’

He opened the envelope to find a CD case and a note.  He walked back into his house as he read the note.

“Hey Josh!  I really don’t think I’m going to see you before we meet up for the tour, which sucks because you know how much I love seeing that fine Nsync ass of yours, but anyways.  I sent you a copy of our song that we finished in the studio.  Tell me what you think of it, ignore the title and the label, the boys were being dicks, which is nothing new, and I didn’t have time to make a new one.”  JC paused to look at the CD that had a label in the case. It read, ‘Pansy boy’s song aka Harder’. Written by Krissie ‘I want to fuck JC’ Journey and JC ‘Pansy’ Chasez, produced by Krissie ‘I masturbate to Nsync’ Journey.  Lead Vocals by Dan ‘I can’t believe that fucking pansy wrote such an awesome song’ Houghton.

JC chuckled at the label as he went back to the note. “It’s fucking awesome, though and I think we’ve decided to release it as our first single off our next album, it’s still up in the air a little bit, but we all love the song soooooo much.  Even I can’t believe how good it came out.  So enjoy and give me a call. Krissie”


JC shook his head at the note and the CD as he slipped it into his stereo.

“Hey Josh!”  Krista’s voice came through the system. Choruses of kissing noises and taunts followed in the background, “Can all of you shut up?  I’m trying to do something here!”  She shouted,


“Trying to do Jo-o-o-o-sh?”  Pauley taunted,


“You guys are so immature, it’s like working with monkeys.”  She retorted and the boys began to make various primate noises. “Dear Lord, why do I do this to myself?”  Krista muttered, “Josh, I apologize for the imbeciles I am forced to work with on a daily basis.”


“Hey, you’re not FORCED to work with us!”  Dan pointed out.


“Yes, I am because no one else on this planet would work with you sorry losers.”


“Uh huh, okay Krissie.”  James scoffed, “I thought we weren’t doing shout outs till after we were done recording.”  He sighed,


“It’s not a shout out, I’m just introducing the song to him.”  She protested,


“Yeah, like he wouldn’t know what song it would be by hearing it.”  Pauley said sarcastically,


“Will you all just let me do this?  Dear Lord, it would have taken like two seconds if you all would have just kept your fucking mouths shut!”


“Angry Bitch ON!”  James teased and then there was scrapping of a chair, “Oh shit!  I didn’t mean it!”  James exclaimed before he screamed like a little girl.  More scuffling was heard in the background that sounded like a fight.


“Kris!  OW! STOP!  I NEED THAT!”  Pauley screamed,


“Come on guys-HEY!  You BIT me!”  Dan shouted, “That’s not-STOP BITING ME!  You’re breaking the skin!”


“Put the knife DOWN Kris!”  Pauley shouted and then screamed, “Not in my arm!  Shit! Stop Stabbi-”


“Kris, come on.”  Dan pleaded with her, “We didn’t mean it.  We were kidding-” A loud crash made JC wince as the background went silent.  Suddenly an out of breath Krista came back to the mic.


“Well, now that that’s taken cared of, I can talk in peace.  Geez, the things a girl has to do to get some peace and quiet around here.”  She laughed lightly, “Well, as I was saying before.  We finished the song, it fucking rocks.  We’ve been shut up in the studio, somewhere in the country, I really couldn’t tell you where, because no one will tell me! So anyways here it is.  I miss you, call me soon!”  JC just shook his head at their antics, this tour was going to be VERY interesting with Krista and her band mates.


The CD switched to the next track and JC heard Krista counting off in the background. A drum beat grew louder quickly as Dan began to sing,


“How dare you say that my behavior is unacceptable,
So condescending unnecessarily critical,
I have the tendency of getting very physical,
So watch your step cause if I do, you'll need a miracle!

You drain me dry and make me wonder why I'm even here.
This double vision I was seeing is finally clear.
You want to stay but you know very well I want you gone.
Not fit to funkin' tread the ground that I'm walking on!

When it gets cold outside and you got nobody to love,
You'll understand what I mean when I say,
There's no way we're gonna give up!
And like a little girl cries in the face of a monster that lives in her dreams,
Is there anyone out there cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe.
Is there anyone out there cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe.

What you are doing is screwing things up inside my head,
You should know better you never listened to a word I said.
Clutching your pillow and writhing in a naked sweat,
Hoping somebody someday will do you like I did!

When it gets cold outside and you got nobody to love,
You'll understand what I mean when I say,
There's no way we're gonna give up!
And like a little girl cries in the face of a monster that lives in her dreams,
Is there anyone out there cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe.
Is there anyone out there cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe.

Does it kill,
Does it burn,
Is it painful to learn,
That it's me that has all the control.

Does it thrill,
Does it sting,
When you feel what I bring,
And you wish that you had me to hold.

When it gets cold outside and you got nobody to love,
You'll understand what I mean when I say,
There's no way we're gonna give up!
And like a little girl cries in the face of a monster that lives in her dreams,
Is there anyone out there cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe.
Is there anyone out there cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe.”

*Harder to Breathe by Maroon 5*


It was a hard rock beat and Krista was right, it fucking rocked.  By the second chorus, JC found himself singing along with the chorus he had written.  He had meant the song to be more of a bitchy ballad, but what Krista had done with the song, was nothing short of amazing.  He didn’t realize how talented she was at producing; in fact he didn’t even know she could produce.  He called her up,


“Krissie’s Brothel, where the prices and girls are cheap.”  She answered her phone causing a chuckle from JC,


“Hey Kris, it’s Josh.”


“Hi Josh!  Did you get my package?”


“Yeah, I did.  You’re right it fucking rocks.  You’re such a good producer, it sounds like you’ve done it forever!”


Krista laughed lightly, “Well that’s because I have done it forever.”


“Really?”  He said completely surprised.


“Yeah, I figured it out way back in the day, you know mixing beats and shit.  I did the last album, most by myself and Dan help out on a couple of tracks.  I love it.”


“You can tell.  I can’t believe that I didn’t know that about you.”


“Just when you think you know everything, bam!  She comes back with something new!”  She exclaimed laughing, “I’m actually going into the studio with Avril again to produce with her this week.”




“Yeah, she liked the last song I wrote and produced for her and she wanted me to work on some other stuff she had.”


“Awesome, dude, we have to get into a studio together and just mess around some time.”


“That’d be awesome, maybe when we go on tour we can find an off day and do that.”


“Yeah, it’s a date.”


“Okay, Mr. Chasez, are you bringing flowers and picking me up at my door?”  She teased,


“Maybe I will, what would you do about it?”


“Go right along with it, I love getting flowers.”


“I’ll remember that.”  He smiled, “So how are they boys recovering from their beating/stabbing?” 


“Oh, just fine, they’re such babies.”  She laughed, “Man, are they going to be disappointed that you didn’t fall for it.”


“Like you would really maul your band mates.”


“I’ve been tempted to, many times, trust me.”  She sighed contently, “Man, I used to send those tapes to my mom and she would flip out each time.”


“You guys should make a video of it.”


“Already done, many times over.  The boys have a flair for the dramatics, especially slasher films.  If I had a nickel for every ounce of fake blood that has been on my body, I’d be a millionaire.  Bored guys with a camera and time to kill is a dangerous combination.”


“I know, trust me.  We’ve had our share of crazy videos.”


“Really?  Care to share?”  She asked, the smile apparent in her voice.


“You’re such a big fan, you probably bought illegal copies off of ebay.”  He teased,


“Please, I don’t buy bootleg shit.  I download it from the internet.”  She teased back,


“Watch it I may call the cops on you.”  JC teased back,

“Go ahead, I probably know them.”  She retorted, making him laugh,

“Why does that NOT surprise me?”

“I don’t know.”  She said innocently. “I’m a perfect angel.”

“Uh huh, sure you are.”  He teased her.  He loved this banter that always seemed to happen between them.

“I am.” She said defiantly, “Oh before I forget, Steve, our manager, is going to be sending you paperwork so that you get the proper creds for our song.”

“Okay, does he know just to send it to my manager?”

“I don’t know, he just told me to tell you to be expecting it and to get it back to him as soon as you can.”

“Do you know when I’ll be getting it?”

“Hey, I’m just the messenger.  I don’t know anything.  Not like they would tell me if I asked.”  She said chuckling slightly.

Okay, I’ll just ask my manager about that.”

“I think that’s a good idea.”  Then suddenly she squealed, “Oh my God!  We get to go on tour next week!”  She exclaimed,

“I know, I’m really excited about this tour too.”




