Chapter Six

Larson pulled up next to the gas pump to fill up after a long day of work.  All she wanted was to get home and strip off her business suit.  She knew she should have waited till she had changed her clothes, but she was so low on gas that she didn’t think that she would make it home.  So, here she was, pumping gas in a short skirt and heels.  She leaned against her car as she waited for her car to fill up.  The man pumping gas across from her looked familiar and then it hit her, it was JC!

She grinned, “Jace!”  She called out to him, but he didn’t seem to notice. “JC!”  She called out loudly and he glanced around with a look of disdain splashed across his face.


JC looked around slightly at the sound of his name, it had to be for him.  There were only three other people at the gas station.  He didn’t want to deal with fans today, he was tired and just wanted to get home.  He looked in the direction of the voice that was calling him and saw a woman in a suit waving at him.  Great a woman who wanted an autograph for her kid or something.  He sighed, at least it wasn’t some screaming teenager.

JC gave the woman a slight wave as he continued to pump his gas, wishing that it would fill up quicker.  When he looked back, he saw the woman coming over to him.  Great.  She was a pushy fan.

“Oh, I see how it is.  You take me out to dinner and then you won’t talk to me out in public.”  She accused in a playful tone.

Wait a minute, that wasn’t something he expected to hear from a fan.  JC took a closer look at the approaching blonde and smiled when he saw who it was.

“L!  Hey!  I didn’t see that it was you!”

She put her hands on her hips, “I don’t look that bad, do I?”  She teased and he laughed,

“No, not at all.  I don’t have my glasses on and I couldn’t tell that it was you from that far away.”

“And you’re driving?”  She questioned worriedly.

“I’m near sighted, I’m fine.  My eyes aren’t that bad.  The sun was in them as well.”  He protested and she shook her head.

“Okay, just call me the next time you’re on the road, so I know to stay home.”

He chuckled, “I’m not a bad driver.”

“Of course you’re not, you just can’t see.”  She teased as she came up next to him. “What are you doing here?  This gas station isn’t really close to your house.”

“Oh, I was working in a studio here in Glendale.”  He checked his watch, “Did you just get out of work?”

“Yeah, I was on my way home now.”  She saw his confused look, “I work in a school, so I only have to work till three.”

“Oh, nice.”

“I think so.”  She looked around, “Well I just wanted to say hey.  I’ll see you around.”

“Yeah, I’ll see you around.”  He paused, “Well, hey are you doing anything right now?”

Larson shook her head, “No, the most I have planned is watching a movie in my sweats, why?”

JC shrugged a shoulder, “I was bored and wanted to know if you wanted to do anything.  And a movie sounds good.”

Larson smiled, “Follow me home.”

JC smiled back, “Kay thanks.”

Mel hopped down the stairs later that night, “Dude, who’s Benz just pulled out of our driveway?”

“Jace.”  Larson answered nonchalantly as she flicked through channels.

Mel froze, “Jace?”

Larson looked up at her, “JC, you know, the guy who’s plastered on your wall?”

“That was JC who just pulled out of here?  He was here in my apartment?”

“He’s been here before.” Larson said rolling her eyes.

“Yeah, but he was just picking you up!  He didn’t actually come in here and spend time here!”

Larson smirked, “Actually the last time I gave him a tour.  He was impressed by your shrine.” 

“You did NOT show him my room!”  Mel exclaimed, completely embarrassed.

“He wanted to see it.”  She protested,

“L!  Oh my God!  I’m so embarrassed.  I have to become a hermit now!”  She exclaimed dramatically as she flopped down into one of their living room chairs.

Larson threw a pillow at her best friend, “Stop.  I didn’t show him your room.”  She laughed, “I just gave him a quick tour of the place when he came to pick me up last time.  This time we were down here watching a movie and eating pizza.”

Mel sat up excitably, “You are SO dating him!”

“I am not!” Larson protested, “I ran into him at the gas station and he said that he was bored.  So, he came over for movies and a pizza.  No exactly a date, considering the way I’m dressed.”  She said nodding down to her sweats.

“Oh come on!  What the heck was he doing at a gas station near our apartment, if he wasn’t trying to see you!”

“You’re on crack, okay?  He was working at a studio in town and was on his way home.”

“But he saw you and wanted to hang out.”  Mel pointed out.

“I’m not having this conversation with you.”  Larson said turning her attention back to the TV. 

Mel ran over and hopped onto the couch next to Larson, “Come on, at least admit that you find him attractive.”

Larson glanced at Mel out of the side of her eye, “Yeah, if you find that surfer, don’t care what I look like, kind of look attractive.”  She retorted.

“Oh My GOD!  You do think he’s hot!”  Mel exclaimed, “You have a crush on JC!”

“I do not!”  Larson protested, “He’s a nice guy and we have fun together and yeah, okay, he’s kind of cute.  BUT, I DON’T have a crush on him.  He’s not even my type.”

“He so IS your type. You like JC!  You like JC!  You like JC!”  She taunted, hopping up and down like a bunny rabbit.

Larson shot her the dirtiest look she could manage, “What are you, twelve?  The next thing I know you’ll be singing-”

“JC and L, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes love, then comes marria-”

WHOMP!  Larson smacked Mel in the face with one of the couch pillows.

“The next time he comes over, I’m going to show him ALL of your Nsync collection.”  She threatened as her best friend fell into giggles onto the floor.



