Chapter Six


After the band were done playing at the club, they held an after party in their hotel suite.  Carrie had invited the Nsync guys and they happily tagged along to the party.  JC was excited to see Lisa and wanted to congratulate her on her performance with the band.  He admitted to himself that he had developed somewhat of a crush on the dancer.  The only thing was that he could never talk to her; she always walked away from him or avoided him.


          The Nsync guys walked into the party and JC quickly scanned the room for Lisa.  It didn’t take long to find her.  She was in the middle of the crowd, breaking it down with one of the members of the band.  JC made his way towards her through the throngs of people in the crowded the room.  By the time he made it to where Lisa had been, she wasn’t there any more.  But he heard her voice scream out,



          JC looked up to see Lisa was now on top of a table dancing with yet another member of the band.  JC tried to place the song and it clicked, it was “Move it like this” by the Baha Men.  Not the type of music that he expected these guys to listen too.  He grinned as he watched her sing along and dance all of the dances that the song called for.



Lisa winked at the “DJ”, Charlie, as he played another one of her songs, “Love Shack”.  She knew that he was catering to her taste of music.  Normally the guys wouldn’t be caught in the same room as this music, but they did it to appease her once in a while.  Sam was on the table with her, he had always been her dance partner.  He was the only one in the band that had some rhythm.  Plus, he protected her from guys who tried to dance with her.


          Lisa was having the best time.  She loved being with her “brothers” as she considered them.  She felt so comfortable around them that she really could let go and not care what anyone thought of her.  They always had that affect on her. 


          Lisa had moved to the middle of the dance floor with Carrie and Diana.  That’s when Charlie played ‘the song’.  She heard the first four beats… “Da, da-da, da…” and she broke out laughing, as did Carrie and Diana.  Lisa took one look at them and they nodded with her.  Lisa began the dance to “…Baby, one more time” doing the exact choreography from the video with Carrie and Diana as her back up dancers.  She had memorized this dance back in the day when she had been Britney for Halloween.  Ever since then the boys made her do the dance for a laugh because she had every movement down perfectly.



          JC was watching Lisa from the corner of the room.  He was content to observe the girl as she danced her heart out.


“Hey Jace, you hanging out in the corner all night?”  Amy grinned flirtatiously at him and he glanced over at her,


“Yeah, I’m just people watching tonight.”  He shrugged,  “No need to have two superstars in the room.”  He teased nodding to Lisa who was now doing a dance with Carrie to TLC’s “What about your friends?”


“Dear Lord, tell me about it.”  Amy rolled her eyes and leaned against the wall next to him, “The girl hasn’t stopped since we stepped foot in the room.  I don’t know where she finds the energy.”


“That’s for sure.  How does Lisa know that band?”  He inquired,


“Oh, she dated one of them or she’s dating one of them, I think.  Carrie mentioned something about that, but I really don’t remember.”  She shrugged.  Amy knew that Lisa’s brother was part of the band, and technically, she had dated one of the members, waaaay back in the day, so she wasn’t lying completely. 


“Oh, that’s cool.”  He shrugged and watched Lisa some more.  Amy saw his attention,


“Actually, now that I think about it, she is dating one of them, which one it is, I don’t know.”  She didn’t want his attention to be captured by Lisa, she wanted him all to herself.


Well that answered his question about if she was free. “Ahh, I see.  That makes sense, she seems to know all of them really well.”


“Yeah, well especially if she sang with them.”


“Oh yeah, she was awesome.  I would never think that she would be in a band like that.”


“It was before she became a professional dancer.”  Amy shrugged,  “But by the looks of it, she may go back to it.”




“She talks about the band all the time.  You saw her tonight, she looked like she lived on that stage.”  Amy shrugged again.  She was willing to tell JC anything to get his mind off of Lisa.  That girl wasn’t that special anyways.


JC watched Lisa, “It’d be a shame to lose her, she’s a great dancer.”


Amy rolled her eyes, “She should be, she spends all her time practicing.  I’ve never seen someone who practiced so much.  I’m surprised she took the night off.”


JC gave Amy a side-glance, “She’s dedicated, nothing wrong with that.”


“There’s a big difference between dedication and obsession.”  Amy replied,


This caught JC’s attention and he turned to Amy, “Are you saying that she’s obsessed with dancing?”


Amy lit up at having JC’s undivided attention, “More like being perfect.  She’s insane about having everything perfect.  She’s totally OCD if you know what I mean.”


He frowned, “No, actually I don’t.” 


Amy rolled her eyes, “Oh MAN, she’s totally freaky about things, you know?  Like if her clothes aren’t a certain way or a certain fabric, she can’t handle it. Ugh, and the dancing’s the WORST!  If you can’t do the dance right, she makes you do it again and again, till you get it the way SHE wants it to be, and it’s not always the way it should be you know?  A COMPLETE anal freak.”  She grinned, knowing that JC wouldn’t want anything to do with her after that. 


JC looked surprised, “Wow, I never knew she was like that.”  He smiled, thinking that he could be the same way.



It was getting late but Lisa wasn’t tired at all, in fact she could do this all night.  She waved to her brother who was standing in the corner of the room.  He waved back and she danced her way over to him,


“Come on big guy, come break it down with me.”  She said waving him out with her and he shook his head,


“Hell no girl, you got all the rhythm in the family.  I’m a white boy, I ain’t got no skills.”


“Party pooper.”  She pouted playfully,


“Go dance with Sam.  He’s the only one that can keep up with you.”  He grinned and she laughed,


“Ain’t that the truth.”  She kissed him on the cheek and waved before returning back to the dance floor to find Sam.  Lisa quickly found him and began dancing with him, soon someone else was dancing behind her and becoming touchy feely.  Lisa tried to move closer to Sam, but the guy behind her pulled her back.  Sam gave her a worried look, but she smiled to let him know that she was okay.


          Lisa turned around to find some guy that she didn’t recognize.  She pushed away from him, “Please go away.”


“Ah baby, you just a tease.”  He said and grabbed her ass roughly to pull her closer.


“Get off of her ASSHOLE!”  Jeff shouted and pushed the guy off of Lisa.  The guy quickly fell to the floor.  Lisa quickly turned to hold back her brother,


“Jeff, don’t. It’s okay.”  She tried to soothe, but Jeff had no intention of backing down. 


He ignored her and pointed to the guy over her shoulder, “Don’t you EVER lay a FUCKING hand on her again.  You understand me?!”


“Come on Jeff.”  Lisa said trying to pull her brother off the dance floor and he ripped his arm out of her grasp.


“No fucking way!  This fucker comes into MY house and tries to fuck around with you and I have to leave?  He can get his fucking ass out of this place before I throw him off the balcony!”  He screamed at Lisa, who was blocking Jeff from the guy.


“Why because you’re some fucking big shot nobody?!” The guy got up and shouted back, “Whatever, that fucking ho’s a slut and ain’t worth it.” The guy retorted and Jeff lost control.  He pushed Lisa out of the way roughly and dove at the guy.  Lisa fell down onto the floor and the wind was knocked out of her for a moment.  A hand pulled her up and she looked up to see Carrie standing there.


“Come on.”  Carrie said pulling her away from the scuffle, but Lisa protested trying to get back to her brother,


“But Jeff…”


“What the hell are you going to do?” She said harshly, “I’m just getting you out of the way.  The guys have it handled.”  She said nodding in the direction of the fight.  Lisa turned to see Sam wrestling the jerk who tried to grope her out of the suite.  Patty and another one of their friends were holding back Jeff who was still trying to get at the guy.


“I’ve got to take care of him, he’ll kill the guys.”  Lisa said breaking away from Carrie and going over to Jeff,  “Jeff please calm down.”  She said calmly putting her hands up in front of her.  Jeff spit out blood, which ended up all over her, and she winced as he screamed at her,


“Fuck you Lisa!  That fucker deserved everything he fucking got.  I’m gonna kill him for what he did!  No one has a right to do that to you!  He’s a fuck head and deserves to die!”


          A tear slipped down her cheek as she looked down, “Like father, like son.”  She said and walked away from her brother and going into one of the bedrooms.


“Fuck!”  Jeff screamed knowing Lisa was right. He suddenly became somber, “Let go of me.”  He shot at the two holding him and they let him go.  Jeff shook out his arms and ran a hand through his hair.  He went over and walked into the bedroom that Lisa had disappeared into.


          The crowd was quiet except for some murmurings here and there that buzzed around the room.  Charlie quickly played a good dance song and some people began to bounce around to it.  By the second song everyone was dancing and had forgotten the fight that had just happened.



Carrie found Amy, JC and Lance talking in the corner of the suite. “Hey guys, enjoy the entertainment of the night?”  She said sarcastically,


“Dude, what happened?”  Lance asked, “I turned around and there was a fight going on.”


Carrie rolled her eyes, “It was just boys being stupid and shooting off their mouths when they shouldn’t.”  She replied,


“Lisa looked really upset.”  Amy mentioned faking sincerity, “Is she okay?”


Carrie shrugged, “I don’t know. I haven’t talked to her since she left.”


“Well here she comes now.”  JC nodded behind Carrie and she turned to see Lisa making her way towards the group.  She had cleaned up herself some to make herself more presentable.


Carrie turned to her, “What’s up, are you okay?”  She asked worriedly and Lisa flashed a nervous smile when she saw the group Carrie was talking too.


“Yeah, I’m, uh, Jeff’s going to walk me back to the hotel.”  She said and fidgeted with her hands, she felt everyone’s eyes on her and it was making her more nervous by the minute.


“Do you want me to come with you?”  Carrie asked seriously,


Lisa shook her head, “No, you stay and have a good time.  It’s getting late and I should get to bed.”


“Okay, I’ll see you later.”


“Okay, have a good night.”  She waved to everyone else, “Goodnight.”


          The all watched Lisa walk away towards the door and was followed by Jeff who slammed the door as he left the room.


“Is Lisa going to be alright?”  JC asked and Carrie turned around,


“Yeah, she’ll be just fine.”  Carrie forced a smile and looked around the room, “I’ll see you guys around.”  She said quickly and walked away.



