Chapter Seven

Hannah woke with a start, when the loud clap of thunder boomed outside her window. She hated thunderstorms, for some reason they scared the living daylights out of her. She dove under her covers but it didn’t make the noise go away. Hannah got up and ran to Nick’s door. Before she could even knock he opened the door. She ran right into his arms and he held her tight. Hannah was shaking and he rubbed her back.

“It’s okay Angel, I got you, shh.” He pulled her into his room and shut the door. It was dead quiet in his room and she began to calm down. Nick picked her up and laid her in the bed. Nick crawled in next to her and held her. Hannah felt safe in his strong arms.

“Thank you.” She whispered.

“Anytime, Angel, anytime.”

“I hate thunderstorms.” She was still shaking.

“I know you do, you always have. Remember back when we had that tree house in your back yard and how I tried to convince you to stay up there and watch the lighting with me.” She smiled,

“Yes, and I also remember kicking your ass trying to get out of that tree house.”

“You didn’t kick my ass.” Nick retorted. Hannah laughed completely forgetting about the thunderstorm.

“Oh, yes I did.”

“No, you didn’t.” Hannah stood up on the bed,

“Oh I so did too kick your ass, remember? I gouged your leg and left scars and you had a black eye too. I remember that you had a commercial to shoot the next day and you couldn’t do it and you were so mad at me you wouldn’t talk to me for two weeks!” She was standing over him pointing a finger at him. Nick was laughing,

“Scratches and a black eye does not mean that you kicked my ass.” He folded his arms in front of himself. Nick was sitting up in bed now and enjoying the view of Hannah standing over him. Hannah jumped down on her knees and pulled up one leg of his boxers, Nick jumped a little. She pointed to his upper thigh.

“Scratches do not leave scars like these.” She was pointing to four parallel raised lines that were about a half an inch wide and three inches long.

“So you had long nails, that doesn’t mean anything.”

“Ooo, I’m gonna get you Nick Carter!” Hannah grabbed a pillow and hit him.

“Hey!” Nick shouted covering his head trying to protect himself.

“Now you’re in for it!” Nick grabbed a pillow and began hitting Emma with it.

“Ahh! You’re so dead Carter!”

“Bring it on Hannah!” The pillow ensued and then turned into a wrestling match. Hannah soon had Nick pinned face down with his arm behind his back.

“Say mercy!”

“No!” he shouted, so she pulled his arm tighter.

“Come on Carter, admit it that I beat you!”

“You haven’t beat me yet!” Nick suddenly flipped around and began tickling Hannah.

“That’s…not…fair…stop!” Hannah said wiggling under Nick laughing.

“Say mercy!!!”

“No, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!” Nick tickled her harder,

“Say, Nick is the coolest guy!”

“Okay, okay!”

“Say it.” Hannah burst out with,

“Nick is the biggest wienie!!!!” Nick laughed so hard that he couldn’t keep tickling Hannah. She was laughing just as hard. They were laughing so hard that they were crying. It took a while for both of them to calm down and stop laughing.

“Thanks Nicky.”

“For what? Tickling you to death?”

“Yes and for just being you.”

“Okay Angel.” They lay in bed and talked until the both fell asleep. Just like they used to do when they were younger.