Chapter Seven


“Hey Lisa can you come here for a moment?  I have something I want to pass by you.”


“Kay Wade.”  She said getting up,


“Wade’s little pet.”  Amy sneered as Lisa passed her, “Wade calls and you go running.” 


Lisa turned, “Maybe if you didn’t make comments like that, he would call you over.”  She retorted and walked over to Wade leaving a fuming Amy behind.  “Hey Wade what did you want?”  She asked,


“Oh, I just wanted to ask you something.  Is Amy giving you a hard time?”  He asked softly,


Lisa shook her head, “Nah, it’s nothing I can’t handle.”


“You sure?”


Lisa rolled her eyes, “Yeah, I am.  I mean she’s a great girl, but she puts her energy into all the wrong things.  I can handle her Wade.”


Wade smiled at his favorite dancer, “Good, I’m glad.”


Lisa shifted her weight between her legs, “Is that all you wanted to talk to me about?”


“Actually no, I wanted to ask you how you felt about being dance captain.”


“Why me Wade?  Not that I mind, I was just wondering, you know?”  She said rambling slightly and then blushing at her rambling.


Wade smiled at her, “Because you’re the best dancer I have Lee.” 


“You’re kidding me.”  Lisa said in shock, “I don’t know how to be-”


“You’ve already been acting like the dance captain, I’m just labeling you.”  He said placing a hand on her shoulder,


“You’re serious.”


“Of course.  Congratulations, you’ve earned it.”


“I’ve only been doing what I was hired to do.”  She said modestly,


“Then keep doing it, because it’s great Lee.”


“Thank you, that means a lot coming from you.”  She said honestly, still in disbelief that Wade had bestowed that honor on her. 


He grinned at her, “Congratulations, my little dance machine.”



“Come on the boys are only in town for a little longer and want to go out again.”  Lisa pleaded with Carrie outside her room, “I know you hate country, but you’ll have fun with me and you’re the only one I want to celebrate my dance captain promotion with.”  She smiled trying to convince her as Lance and JC hopped off the elevator,


“Fine, I’ll go, if you ask JC and Lance if they want to go.” Carrie smirked,


“That’s so not fair.”  Lisa glared at Carrie,


“Ask us what?”  Lance grinned at the girls,


“I don’t know, Lee?”  Carrie asked and Lisa sighed heavily before turning around,


“We’re going out and apparently the only way Carrie’s going to go is if you two come with us.”  She said quickly and turned back to Carrie, “Happy?”


“Of course.”  Carrie grinned at her best friend and then looked at the guys, “Up to going out?  It’s an oh so fabulous country bar.”  She rolled her eyes,


“You know what Carrie?  Forget it, you obviously don’t want to go, so why waste these guys’ time?”  Lisa said and went into the room, slamming the door.  A few seconds later Lisa breezed out of the room with a jacket in her hand, “You know where I’ll be if you need me.”  She said shortly and stalked down the hall.


“Well that was pleasant.”  Carrie smirked, “So you boys up to going out?”


“Are you sure that Lisa wants us to go?”  JC asked,


“Yeah, she’s just meeting her boys and hates being late.”  Carrie shrugged, “She’ll be all smiles when we get there, trust me.”


“Where are we going?”  JC asked as he and Lance turned to walk down the hall with Carrie.


“Red necks are us.”  Carrie rolled her eyes, “This hole in the wall bar that she’s hung out at forever.”


“Lee’s from around here?” Lance inquired as the three walked down the hall,


“Yeah, she lives like ten minutes away from here.”


“Do we need security?”  JC asked pulling out his phone,


“I don’t think so.” Carrie laughed, “I’d be shocked if anyone looked twice when you guys walk in.  The clientele isn’t up on the music scene, but I have to admit, the drinks are cheap and it’s the perfect place to blow off steam and goof off.”


“Sounds interesting.”  Lance grinned.



