Chapter Eight

The next morning Nick woke up, Hannah was sleeping curled up next to him. Nick couldn’t help but think how perfect this seemed. He looked at the clock, it was almost 11am. His stomach growled and he slipped out from under Hannah trying not to wake her and bounded downstairs. The smell of freshly made pancakes dragged him to the kitchen. Rosita, Hannah’s housekeeper was there making breakfast. Rosita was shocked to see Nick standing there.

“Nicholas Gene Carter! Don’t you know better than to sneak up on an old woman like that? You wanna give me a heart attack or something!” She said in her thick Spanish accent. “Come here and give me a hug!” Rosita was an orphan and had no family. She was Hannah’s nurse growing up and now she was her housekeeper. She had known Nick since he was five and he was like a grandson to her. Nick hugged Rosita,

“Old? You’re what twenty-nine now?” Rosita laughed,

“Ah, Nicky, still a smoothie. You want some breakfast darlin’?”

“Do I ever. I’m starving!” Nick sat down and Rosita served him up pancakes. He sat there and ate three whole plates of pancakes. Nick asked Rosita to make up a tray for him to bring up to Hannah.

“Oh how’d she do with that thunderstorm last night?”

“Okay, she was till pretty freaked out though.”

“Porbresita, it was a good thing you were here. I was about to come over, but that storm was too much to drive in.”

“Yeah, it was pretty strong.”

“Well, here you get this tray up to Hannah before it gets cold.”

“Okay thanks for breakfast Rosita.”

“Anytime, sugar.” Nick brought the tray up to Hannah who woke up to the smell.

“Mmm, pancakes.” She said as she woke and stretched.

“Hey, sleepyhead, good morning.” He put the tray down in front of her and then sat down next to her.

“Thank you, I love breakfast in bed.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Did you already eat?” Hannah said as she dug into her pancakes.

“Oh yeah, three plates.” He said rubbing his stomach.

“Three plates? We’re gonna have to roll you on to that tour bus.” They both laughed. Hannah quickly finished breakfast and decided to go get dressed. On her way out she asked Nick,

“What do you want to do today?” Nick came up to her in the doorway.

“I don’t know, how about nothing. We’ll just lay around the pool all day and catch some rays.” Hannah smiled.

“Sounds good, you are looking a bit pasty.” Nick rolled his eyes.

“Alright, alright, go get dressed.” He said and pointed toward her room.

“Okay,” she kissed him on the cheek, “thanks for breakfast in bed, it was delicious.”

“Well I can’t take all the credit, but you’re welcome.” Hannah turned and went to get dressed. Mike yelled up from downstairs,

“Hey Hannah!” she looked down over the railing of the balcony.

“Hi Mike! How long have you been there?”

“Not long, I just wanted to know how you were with the storm and all.”

“Oh, I’m fine, Nick took good care of me.”

“That’s good, what are you planning on doing today?”

“We were planning on laying around the pool all day and just relax. You want to join us?”

“Nah I have class in twenty minutes, but maybe later.”

“Okay, tell everyone I said hi.”

“Kay, bye, Hannah.”

“Bye, Mike.” Mike walked out of the door lost in his thoughts. Hannah had spent the night in Nick’s room, it was pretty obvious. He knew they were close, but not that close. What was he going to tell Tim? Tim was practically in love with Hannah, he was so excited about their date on Friday. It was his sister’s life and he had no right butting in her life, but it was hurting his best friend. Then again Hannah and Tim weren’t dating so she was technically free to do whatever she wanted with whom ever she wanted. Tim noticed his best friend’s worried look when he walked into the classroom to warm up.

“Is anything wrong, Mike?”

“What? Nah, just got things on my mind, that’s all.”

“Want to talk about it?”

“Maybe later.”
