Chapter Eight


“So how was New York?”  Russ inquired as he sat on her desk the next morning.


“Productive.”  She smiled back,


“Jackson with him now?”  Russ asked,


“Yeah, he is.”


“You’re going to Orlando, aren’t you?”


“It’s where he is and where he’s going to be for a while.  Kind of pointless to stay here.”  She retorted crossing her arms.


“Good point.  Find out anything new?”


“Yeah, but nothing that’s gonna help this case.”  She smiled,


“And what would that be?”  Russ smirked,


“None of your business.”  She grinned even more,


“This must be good, spill.”


“You’re worse than a thirteen year old girl.”  She teased,


“Whoa, REALLY good.”  He grinned even more,


“And you’re never gonna know.”


“Aw, Kiki come on.”  Russ playfully pouted,


“Now you’re really never gonna know.”  She teased,


“Hmm,” Russ said studying Kiora, “Good mood, made fun of name…you got some.”  He deduced,


“I’m not saying.”  She grinned,


“Don’t have too.  You’ve got the I-got-some-nookie-but-didn’t-get-laid-look.”  He smirked,


“And how would you know that?”  She questioned,


“Because I know you way too well.”  Russ laughed, “When do you leave?”


“As soon as you’re done packing.”


Russ looked confused, “Me?  Why me?”


“Because you’re my partner.”


“Not this time, you’re in to deep.  You’re solo.”


“What?  It’s all the more reason for you to be there in case I need back up.”


“Danny said no.”  Russ shrugged,


“Since when have you listened to him?”  She said crossing her arms,


“He is our boss.”  Russ retorted and Kiora sat back,


“But you’re my partner.  This is our case.  Why would he do that?  I need you Russ.”  She pleaded,


“Kee, honey, you’ll be fine.  I trust you.”  Russ said patting her shoulder.




“Kee, you’ll be fine.  You have Jackson and JC’s security.”


“I don’t trust any of them with my life.  You’re the only person I do trust.”


“Then trust me now.”


“I don’t like this.”


“I know, but I promise that if you need me, I’ll be there.”


Kiora took a deep breath, “Okay.”


“JC speaking.”  JC answered his phone,


“Hiya cowboy, whatcha up to?” Kiora purred,


“Kee!  Man, it feels good to hear your voice.”


“Missing me?”


“More than you know.  Miss me?”


“Yeah, I do.”  She said softly,


“I’m glad you called but I don’t have long to talk.”


“That’s okay, because what I have to tell you won’t take very long.”


“What do you have to tell me?”


“I have to go away on business tomorrow.”  She said sadly,


“No, for how long?”


“Four weeks, maybe longer.”  She said sounding sadder by the moment,


“Kee, you’re not making my day here.  Where are you going?”


“Orlando.”  She said calmly and JC was quiet on the other side. “Jace?”


“You’re coming to Orlando for four weeks?  Wait a minute, you’re coming tomorrow?”


“I’m packing as we speak.  I should be in Orlando by the afternoon.”


“Can I see you?”  He asked hopefully,


“If you’re not busy.”


“Hold on.”  JC flipped through some papers, “Shit, I’m booked till about eleven.  Can I see you after that?”


Kiora sighed, “I’m going to be working then.”


“Till when?”


“Two or three.  I’m evaluating a club.”


“You can’t start the day after?”


“Nope, daddy wants this one done quick. But I may be able to pull a weeks vacation after I’m done with my work, though.”


“So you’ll be here for five weeks?  That’s great!”


“I’m really happy too.”


“Wait, maybe I can hang out with you while you evaluate the club.  What club are you going to?”


“JC the whole point of me going there is for them NOT to know I’m there.  No offense but you’re kind of a spotlight.”


“I just want to see you.”


“I want to see you too, just not when I’m working.  It’s not like you’ll be able to recognize me anyways.”


“What are you wearing, I’ll find you.”


“JC, you’re not working with me here.  When do you have a day free?”  She asked and he sighed,




“Then I can see you then.  We’ve been apart for almost a week now, two more days won’t kill us.”


“It’s gonna have to do.”  JC said slightly pissed off,


“JC.”  Kiora replied gently,


“I’ll see you on Thursday.  Talk to you later.”  He said shortly,


“Can I call you when I get in?”  She asked softly,


“Yeah sure, whatever.  I really gotta go.”  He blew off,


“Okay, okay, bye.”


“Bye.”  He said and hung up the phone.


          Kiora tossed her phone on her bed, “Man are YOU lucky I’m paid to be nice to you right now.”  This wasn’t going to work if he was going to pull that attitude on her.  Just when she was beginning to believe that he wasn’t the Hollywood type, he had to prove her wrong.  “Hello, Danny Sr.” She muttered to herself and threw more clothes in her suitcase.  Her phone rang again,

“Hello?”  She answered shortly still pissed from JC’s phone call.


“Kee, I’m sorry.”  It was JC, “I was mad at myself because it’s my fault that I can’t see you.  I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”


Kiora was silent on the other line.  How did he just take everything he did and make it okay?  Damn he was good.


“Kee?”  JC asked when she had been silent for a while,


“I’m here, I appreciate your apology.”  She said softly,


“Good, I couldn’t take you being upset at me.”


“I was pretty pissed.”  She grinned,


“Good thing I called before you could get any madder.”


“Yeah.”  She said and he took a deep breath,


“Okay then, I have to go, baby.  I’ll call you tomorrow.”


“I should get in around three.”


“Okay, talk to you tomorrow.”


“Bye cowboy.”


“Bye Kee.”



