Chapter Eight


They began the tour with a few glitches in the show that were quickly fixed.  Being on your with the guys was so much fun for Krista, especially getting all the time to hang out with JC.  He had even come up with a new nickname for her, Spunky…


Krista found JC sleeping backstage and quickly jumped on him playfully,

“Hey Josh!”  She exclaimed and JC groaned,


“Jesus, Krissie, calm down it’s time to nap.”


“No nap time!”  She laughed as she jumped on JC trying to get him up, “I’m too wired to take a nap.  Come hang out with me.  I’ve got some time to kill till I have to do my sound check and everyone else is a party pooper.”  She said tickling his side a little and he squirmed out of her hands.


“You are the biggest punk I’ve ever met.”  He grumped jokingly and she sat up on her knees placing her hands on her hips,


“I am certainly not a punk!”  She declared as she glared down at him, “I’m especially perky.”  She replied haughtily,


He looked at her with only one eye open, “How about especially punky, or spunky?” 


“Perky.”  She debated, crossing her arms defiantly.


“Spunky.”  He said closing his eyes again, and settling in to catch more sleep.


“Perky.”  She poked him in the side, not allowing him to get a moments rest.


“Spunky.” He taunted her, enjoying the playful banter.  He honestly didn’t care that she had just woken him up.  He loved the idea of her sitting on him the way she was.  Anything to keep her that way, was a good thing.


She pouted playfully, “You’re a stubborn old mule.” 


“Whatever you say Spunky.”  He smiled in his sleep knowing that she didn’t like this new name.


Krista groaned and rolled her eyes, “Ugh, do not think that you can call me that and I’ll respond.”


“Kay, Spunky.”  He replied, teasing her even more.


“I hate you, Josh.”  She crossed her arms and glared down at him.

JC opened his eyes as his grin spread across his face, “Nope, you LOVE me, Spunky.”  He reached up and pulled her down and tickling her.

“Ahh! Josh stop!”  She said trying to get away from his merciless hands.

“Nope!  You wanted to hang out with me! This is what you get!” He laughed as he tickled her even more. Krista had now been pinned underneath JC.

“Come on please!” She giggled, not really wanting to get away from his hands.  Who wouldn’t want to be pinned underneath JC Chasez?  This was one of her dreams come to life!

JC lessened his tickling, “Okay, I’ll stop on one condition.”

Krista giggled, “What?”

JC stopped and pinned her down to the couch, “You have to sing for me.”

Krista sighed, that had just killed the playful mood she was in. “Then you’re going to have to keep on tickling me, because I’m not going to sing for you.”  She retorted and JC pouted playfully,

“Just a little bit?”

As much as she wanted to give in to that pouty mouth she remained strong, “No.”  She said and pushed at his chest. JC was caught off guard and fell backwards on the other end of the couch. 

Krista bolted off the couch, but JC was right behind her,


“Come on Spunk, for me, please?”  JC pleaded as he followed her backstage.


Krista looked back at him quickly, “No, I’m not going to do it.  I told you I can’t.”  She protested,


“I still maintain that you can sing.”  He said defiantly and she turned quickly,


“Don’t you have screaming teenies to entertain or something?”  She retorted placing her hands on her hips,


“You’re one of them.”  He shot back, “Where’s your tee-shirt Krissie?”  He taunted back,


“Up your ass, where your head is.”  She shot back and then continued to walk away. 


JC was hot on her trail; he enjoyed bantering with Krissie.  “I’m not going to leave you alone until you sing for me.”


“I have a sound check to do, thank you very much.  It’s what you hired me to do.”  She said walking onto the stage.


JC followed her on the stage, “You can’t get rid of me that easily.  I’ll be here till you do.”  He taunted and she whipped around in front of her drum set.


“You wanna hear me sing JC?  Do you really?  FINE!”  She screamed, “I’ve warned you, here it goes.”  She opened her mouth,


“NOOOOO!”  Pauley cried and tackled Krista to the ground, “Don’t do it!”  He exclaimed and looked back at JC, “Are you crazy?  What the hell were you thinking?”


Krista fought her brother off, “Get off of me you brute!  He asked for it and deserves everything he gets!”  She exclaimed.


James joined in, in wrestling Krista to the ground, “Think of us Krissie!  You promised to only use your powers for good!” James exclaimed,


JC threw his hands up in the air, “Good Lord!  She can’t be THAT bad.  You guys are over reacting!”  JC sighed and Dan ran out onto the stage,


“What the hell happened?  Guys get off of Krissie!”  He demanded and they all stopped wrestling, but didn’t get up.  Pauley kept her in a headlock and James had her mouth covered. 


Pauley looked up at Dan, “She was going to sing!”


“What?  Why?”  Dan asked worriedly,


James pointed at JC, “He forced her to do it!”  He accused.


Dan turned to JC, “Are you insane?  Krista is NOT allowed to sing, unless there is loud music playing that can drown her out.”  He said seriously.


JC rolled his eyes, “You guys are ridiculous.”


“This from the man that has never heard her sing.”  Pauley scoffed.


“She can’t be that bad, I’ve heard bad singers.”  JC protested,


“She breaks windows dude.  You don’t want to mess with it.”  James added, “Trust us.  My dog went deaf.”


JC looked at the quartet and the serious looks on their faces, “Come on, you can’t be serious.”


“As a dead corpse.”  Pauley replied and JC looked at Krista,


“You made James’ dog go deaf?”  He asked skeptically and she nodded her head.  She fought to get James’ hand off of her.


James looked at her, “Do you promise not to sing?”  He asked and she rolled her eyes as she nodded. “Fine.”  He released her slowly.


She looked up at JC, “Now do you believe me?”  She asked and he thought for a moment,


“I don’t know, you cracked windows?”  He asked still not believing the scene that had played out in front of him.


“Uh yeah.”  She affirmed, “I told you, I can’t sing.”


“Trust the girl.  She knows what she’s talking about.”  Pauley mentioned letting her go and leaning back on her hands.


“I was only trying to protect you.”  She said with a shrug, “Though you push me again and I will not think twice about using it.”  She threaten playfully.


“Man as long as I’m not in ear shot.  Go with my graces.”  James teased and Pauley agreed,


“Ditto for me.”


“Are we all done playing now?  I distinctly remember having a sound check scheduled for this time.”  Dan said sternly, crossing his arms.


“Okay, okay, we’re going DAD.”  Krista muttered and stood up brushing herself off. “Dude, could you not tackle me so hard next time.  Man, I’m going to be sore for weeks.”  She said stretching slightly,


“It was dire!”  Pauley exclaimed, “The fate of the free world depended on that tackle!”  He protested making everyone laugh. 


Krista looked to JC, “Hey Josh?”


“What?”  He replied walking over to her,


“You wanna hear our song, you know live?”  She asked and he smiled,


“Spunk, you must have ESP because I was just thinking about that.”  He grinned and she laughed,


“You found me out, I’m a psychic.”  She shrugged, “So you wanna hear the song?”


“Of course.”  He said nodding,


“Kay, go chill in the audience and let me know how it sounds.”


“Kay.”  He said jumping off the stage and sitting down in the seats.


          Krista trotted back to her drum set, “Alright guys, let’s start with ‘Harder’.”

JC sat back in the first row and listened to them play the songs.  He had to admit that Krista was right, it was a number one song.  It was hard to believe that, that was the song that they had written the first night they had met.



The one thing that always held true with the Klemmers, or rather Krista was that you never knew what to expect with them.  The Nsync boys readily found this out on their day to day excursions with their opening act.  Usually Krista was the main culprit of the spontaneity, but never less they enjoyed it in their heavily scheduled lives. 


The buses rolled to a stop and JC looked out the window, it was late in the evening and the sun was setting into the horizon.  They had parked along side the road of a deserted beach in Southern Oregon.


“Why the hell are we stopping?”  Justin asked as he came up to the front of the bus. “We’re not at the hotel are we?”


“No even close.  We’re at the beach.”  JC replied as he looked out the window with Justin.


“What?”  Chris asked coming up front to see what was going on.


JC looked over at his band mate, “We’re at the beach.  I’m gonna check and see if another bus broke down or something.”  JC said getting up and getting off the bus.  He stretched and heard Krista’s playful screech.  He looked and saw her running down to the water’s edge.


“Krista the water’s freezing!”  Dan yelled as he walked down to meet her.


“Oh come on Dan!  It’s the ocean!  It’s nice!”  She screamed back as she played in the water’s edge. 


“I’m going back onto the bus.”  He muttered and walked back up the beach.


“Party pooper!”  She screamed playfully after him,


          JC jogged down to the beach and was almost over run by Paul and James as they ran into the ocean, splashing around.


“Ocean, ocean, ocean!”  Pauley chanted as he tried to dunk James. 


JC made it down to Krista, “What are you guys doing?”  He asked as he crossed his arms tightly to keep warm.


Krista kicked some water up, “Playing in the Pacific!  Come on in!”  She laughed trying to get out of the way of Pauley and James’s splashes.


JC protested, “Why?  It’s freezing!”


“I’ve never been the Pacific ocean, silly.  So we stopped so I could go in real quick.”  She said throwing some water at JC. 


He jumped out of the way, “It’s freezing!”  He said but moved a little closer to her.


“It’s fabulous!”  She cried throwing water up in the air and dancing around in the waves.


JC shook his head, “Spunky, you’re going to catch pneumonia.”  He scolded her. 


Krista successfully splashed JC, “No I won’t and neither will you.  We’ll be just fine.  Come on in, please?”  A wet JC was all she had on her mind at that moment and she was willing to do anything to see it.


JC gave in and splashed her back, “You’re crazy!”  He laughed.


“Nope, just love the ocean!”  She grinned crazily and took his hand pulling him in further.  Mission accomplished!



