Chapter Eight


            The trio walked into the bar and Carrie was right, the only one who turned heads was Carrie, because she was one of the three youngest girls in the place.


“Hey sexy mama, how you like your pick ups?” A younger guy asked her sliding his arm around her shoulders.  Lance was about to protest when Carrie just laughed,


“Patty, it’s a wonder with lines like that, that you don’t have a girl.”  She teased,


“Too much, huh?”  He laughed,


“A little babe, all though, Bertha might like it.”  She nodded to the big bartender who looked more like a wrestler than a woman,


“Hey I like my women a little on the trashy side, but not garbage man style.” He teased making Carrie laugh and shake her head,


“So, where’s Miss Lee?  I know she’s here somewhere.”  Carrie glanced around,


“I don’t know, last time I saw her she was heading towards the bathroom.”  He shrugged,


Carrie rolled her eyes, “Some brother you are, some hick could be macking all over her.”


“Eh, she’s Jeff’s problem tonight.  I took the night off, especially if she’s here.”  He laughed and looked over her shoulder at the guys, “Hey, I’m Patty.”  He said waving his beer at them gently.


“I’m JC.”


“I’m Lance.”  The boys replied,


“And they’re Nsync.”  Carrie teased finishing for them.


“We’re not all here, so we’re really not.”  Lance laughed,


“I see.”  Patty replied and nodded to the bar, “The bar’s over there, they basically carry domestic, don’t order drafts.  Stick with Coors and Bud and you’ll be alright.  I’ve got to go, catch me later, kay babe?”  He said planting a kiss on Carrie’s cheek before waving to the guys.


“Bye Patty.” Carrie waved and the boys turned to her,


“He seemed familiar.”  Lance said,


“He’s in Tripmic.”  Carrie explained and pulled them over to the bar.


Ahh, so that’s how Lisa knows the band so well.”  JC mentioned,


Carrie gave him a strange look, “Uh yeah, she grew up with all of them.”


“I found Lisa.” Lance said nodding to the dance floor.  The three turned to see Lisa dancing to a country song with an elderly man and laughing her head off.


“Oh dear lord, it’s going to be one of those nights.”  Carrie laughed shaking her head,


“Excuse me?”  JC smirked, “Lee hardly looks like the type to be trouble.”


“You obviously don’t know her very well.” Carrie grinned, “She can be a handful when she wants to be.”


“I just don’t believe it.”  JC shook his head,


“Are you in for a surprise. Don’t be shocked if she ends up dancing on the bar, and the sad thing is, I’ll probably be up there with her.”


          JC watched Lisa dance her way over to where the guys of Tripmic were sitting.  She dance with one of them as they sat there, finally she got them to get up and dance with her.  JC narrowed on Jeff and watched him.  He wasn’t sure what his relationship with Lisa was. From what he saw, it looked like they were together, they were obviously close.  The one thing he was sure of was that Jeff had a temper, especially after his display last night.


Lisa walked away from the Tripmic guys over to the bar to get a new beer.  JC walked over there to see if he could talk to her.


“So what’s good here?”  He asked her and she looked up at him, blushing,


“Oh I-, anything’s good.”  She shrugged,


“Really? Patty said not to order drafts.”


“Well, yeah, everyone knows that.”  She said looking around nervously,


“LEE!  Get over here!”  Jeff yelled out and she looked over her shoulder,


“What do you want?”  She yelled back and Jeff gave her an angry stare,


“I want you to get your ass over here, that’s what I fucking want.”  He retorted and she sighed sadly,


“I’m coming, calm down.”  She said and walked away from JC and the bar.


          Jeff pointed to the table and Lisa promptly sat down where he sat down next to her and another Tripmic guy sat on the other side.  Jeff gave JC an angry glance before waving over a waitress to get the table drinks.  JC sat back, contemplating the situation.  Lisa looked like a scared mouse next to that brute.  He easily outweighed her by at least 200 pounds.  JC didn’t like the interactions he had seen between them, but he had no basis to do anything about it.


          The next time the crew saw Lisa she had been on the dance floor and walked over to the railing next to where they were standing, “Hey!”  She screamed up to them as Sam tried to pull her back onto the dance floor, “Are you coming on the dance floor or not?”  She laughed and let Sam pull her back to the dance floor where other people where dancing around.  In the short while they had been there, a crowd had begun to gather.  Most of them appeared to be locals or fans of Tripmic.  No one had even noticed JC or Lance were there.  Lisa was dancing around like she didn’t have a care in the world, singing along to the songs as Sam twirled her about.


          Suddenly Lisa broke away from Sam and ran over to them.  She grabbed Carrie’s arm, “Come on you guys, they’re gonna be playing my song next!”  She said excitably and dragged Carrie with her back to the dance floor.  Lance and JC followed to see what was going to happen.  Garth Brook’s. ‘Ain’t going down till the sun comes up’.  Blasted through the stereo system and everyone began a fast paced line dance to it.  Carrie and Lisa fell right into step with everyone else, dancing in what was a whirl of faces and limbs.  The girls added their own things to the dance while they kept in time.


          For the rest of the night, Lisa barely spent time in once place. She spent most of her time with the Tripmic boys at their table or dancing with them.  She come over to Carrie, JC and Lance a few times but only to say hi or grab Carrie to dance.  Carrie teased her all night long about being a social butterfly, to which Lisa would just shrug and wink before flitting off to another place in the bar.


Carrie was right, Lisa did end up dancing on the bar at the end of the night along with Carrie. They had the whole bar going with their dance.  Finally at the end of the song, Jeff went over and told Lisa to get off the bar.  She protested and he just picked her up, tossing her over his shoulder.  Lisa screamed and kicked to be let go, but he held her tight and carried her out of the bar.  The rest of Tripmic followed them out of the bar.  Carrie shook her head as she hopped down and found the guys.


“Dude, I’m so ready to go home.”  She said wiping her face, “Are you guys ready?”


“Do we need to get Lee?” JC asked worriedly looking at the door.


“Oh hell no, that girl is too drunk for me to deal with.”  She said and caught herself from falling, “Because I’m too drunk as well.”  She laughed, “She’ll show up tomorrow sometime.  The boys have her, she’s fine.”  Carrie waved off and began to walk out of the bar. 


Carrie and Lance got into the cab that was waiting to take them back to the hotel.  JC looked out in the parking lot, he saw Jeff fighting to get Lisa in the back of his car.  Each of them were yelling and screaming at each other.  The other guys from Tripmic were no where to be found. 


JC poked his head into the cab, “Uh Carrie, I really think we need to get Lisa.”


“I told you she’s fine.”  She said with a roll of her eyes and told the cab driver where to go.  JC started to protest but Carrie had slumped against Lance fast asleep.  He sighed and got into the cab.  He gave one last look to Lisa as they drove away from the bar.



