Chapter Nine

Later that day they were laying by the pool catching some rays. JC would look at Eva lying in the chair next to his. She was absolutely gorgeous, JC wanted to tell Eva how he felt about her, he just didn’t know how. It was a good thing that he could pretend.

Eva looked at JC, they had been lying by her pool for most of the day now. He looked like he was a million miles away. Eva quietly pulled a super soaker out from under her chair. She silently pointed the gun at JC and pulled the trigger. The cold water hit JC as a shock and he jumped up and screamed.

“Hey!” he looked at Eva who had a mischievous grin on her face.

“Got ya.” She said wiggling her eyebrows.

“You’re dead.” He said and Eva squirted him again and then took off. He grabbed a gun and went after her. He chased her all around the house. It was like they were five years old again. In the backyard Eva hid behind a bush and jumped out when JC went by.

“Ahh!” he yelled and dropped his gun, then jumped on Eva pulling her down to the ground, right into a patch of mud.”

“Joshua Scott Chasez!” She yelled at him.

“Eva Marie Amour!” He yelled right back. They both burst out laughing at each other. Eva took some mud and slapped it on his face. JC returned the favor and put mud in her hair, soon they were wrestling and covered with mud. Eva quickly had JC pinned to the ground. Mike and the gang walked over and interrupted the pair.

“Whoa, sorry, we’ll leave you guys alone.” Garrett said laughing. Eva and JC stopped, looked at each other and smiled. They ran into the group pulling them into the mud patch as well. No one escaped with out getting mud on themselves. Afterward they took pictures of themselves covered in mud.

After they had cleaned up from the mud they went to the park for a picnic. JC and Eva were late getting there because they had the most mud to clean off. JC gave Eva a piggyback ride from the car to where the gang was gathering. Tim gritted his teeth when he saw them, he just wanted to rip them apart. He knew that he had no chance against JC. JC was a famous, rich, pop star, he could give Eva everything she could want. Even though their school was a huge success, it wasn’t enough to measure up to JC. Eva hopped of JC and came over to where Tim was standing.

“Hey you, what are you doing here all by yourself?” She asked Tim,

“Nothing just thinking, that’s all.”

“Oh, what are you thinking about?” She asked. Tim looked at her with a smile.

“Nothing really, just zoning.”

“Okay,” she said and paused, “Tim, I have a huge favor to ask you.”

“What do you need, Eva?”

“Would it be okay if moved our date on Thursday?” Tim’s heart sank.

“Why?” He asked but he had a feeling that he already knew the answer.

“Oh nothing big, it’s just that Josh is leaving on Friday and I want to try to get as much time in with him as possible. I probably won’t see him again for a while after this. Is it okay?” ‘No.’ Tim thought, but he said,

“Yeah, sure, no problem. When do you want to move it to?”

“Oh, how about next Wednesday or Friday?” she replied.

“Um, next Wednesday sounds great, as long as you don’t keep me out too late.”

“Well I’ll try to get you in before curfew.”

“Okay.” He joked and they both laughed. Eva slid her arm around his waist.

“Come on, I’m starving, let’s go eat.” Tim put his arm around her shoulders,

“You read my mind.”

When Eva and Tim came back to the group, JC glared at them. Did Eva not tell him something about her and Tim? JC knew that Tim was moving in on Eva, so he would have to tell her how he felt before it was too late.

The picnic went well, they played a game of touch football after they ate. It was one of Eva’s favorite days by far. She basically had everyone she loved near her and they were all getting along. Eva hadn’t been this happy in a long time. She took a break from the game and sat on the side watching everything around her with the biggest smile on her face. JC jogged over and sat down next to her. He took a long drink of water. He was all sweaty from playing football, but Eva thought he never looked better. ‘Wait a minute,’ she thought, ‘Did I just think that Josh looked hot? What the hell is wrong with me? This is Josh we’re talking about, the boy who used to cry every time he saw a clown.’ Another thought popped into her head, ‘He’s also the boy who held you all night when you were scared.’

“Hey, where are you, Eva?” JC said noticing her faraway look.

“Huh? Oh nothing, just thinking how perfect this day has been.”

“Oh,” he smiled, “Me too.” Their eyes locked for just a few seconds but it made Eva’s heart beat a little faster. A football flying into JC’s lap broke their conversation. They both looked where the ball came from and there was Tim smiling and waving at them.

“C’mon JC, you planning on wussing out?” He yelled. Eva laughed,

“You better go play, your manhood’s at stake.”

“If this was basketball, I’d be kicking their ass.” JC jogged back out to play. Roxy came over to sit.

“Hey you, why aren’t you out there playing? It’s a lot of fun! Cute boys chasing you and wrestling you to the ground.” Roxy laughed and Eva smiled.

“I would love to, but my knee is acting up again. I don’t want to push it.”

“Oh, okay, I didn’t know you had a problem with your knee.”

“It’s no big deal, I busted it when I was younger and every now and then it acts up.”

“Kay. You know what I can’t thank you enough for being JC’s best friend. He’s so sweet and nice. It’s like he’s a normal guy.”

“That’s because he is a normal guy, just like everyone else.”

“Except that he’s wanted by millions upon millions of girls and he’s worth about fifty billion dollars.”

“He’s not worth that much, besides money isn’t everything.” She finished.

“Yeah, but it sure helps. Do you think he likes me?”

“Sure he likes everyone. He thinks you’re all great!”

“No, no, I mean do you think I would have a chance with him.”

“Really Roxy, I have no clue. He hasn’t mentioned you, but that doesn’t mean anything. Why don’t you just ask him? But then again that would be way too easy for you.” Eva said sarcastically. Roxy rolled her eyes.

“It would be. Plus, what if I did and he didn’t feel the same way, how embarrassing would that be? I would just die! So could you talk to him and find out?” Roxy pleaded. Eva gave in,

“Sure.” Roxy nearly attacked her,

“Oh, I love you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Roxy hugged Eva almost suffocating her. Roxy then jumped up and ran to finish the game. Mike’s team (Mike, Kerrie, Anna, Sam and Tim) ended up winning the game. Eva suggested that everyone celebrate back at her house before they headed over to the bar. They all agreed and began to pick up the picnic to leave. Eva tried to get up and he knee gave out on her, JC caught her and helped her to stand.

“You’re knee bothering you again?” He asked and Eva nodded her head wincing in pain.

“Okay let’s get you home.” JC quickly scooped her up in his arms. Mike ran over worried,

“Is everything okay, Eva?” JC answered for her.

“She’s okay, her knee is just bothering her again.” Mike ignored JC,


“I’m fine Mike, my knee’s just acting up just like Josh said.”

“Well maybe we shouldn’t come over to your place then.”

“No really, I’m fine. We’re having the get together. Now go get ready.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” Mike saluted jokingly and ran off
