Chapter Nine


On top of her day job of watching over JC and finding out who was out to get him, she evaluated clubs for her father.  The job never ended for her and her father decided that she could kill two birds with one stone.  She really wanted to go hang out with JC instead and wished he could be here with her.  But that would defeat the whole part of the club not knowing that she was there to evaluate them.  If she showed up with JC, they would give her the VIP treatment, just because she was with him.  That’s not what she wanted to see; she wanted to see how the club treated average individuals.


Kiora walked into the club that she was evaluating that night.  No one even looked twice; well not because she was Kiora Jordan.  Kiora was undercover as Susie Keyes, the southern belle.  She had on a long brunette wig and colored contacts that changed her bright blue eyes to a warm brown.  She had slathered on the makeup, purposely over doing it to go with the disguise.  Her short red halter dress completed the outfit with the strappy heels.  Kiora didn’t even recognize herself and suspected that no one else would either.


After she had been admitted she surveyed the floor and did initial assessments of the place.  She made the rounds chatting with individuals, female and male, getting the low down on the place. Guys were obviously trying to get her attention and buy her drinks, but she would politely refuse.  She didn’t trust any man to get her a drink, she preferred to buy her own, that way she could see them being made.


Kiora was at the bar chatting with a young guy named Steve, when she over heard the bartenders.

“Dude, you need to get ready, Nsync guys are coming and the boss wants us ready to serve them.”


“I’ll serve them, especially JC, he’s the hottest.”  The girl bartender giggled,


“When are they supposed to show up?”


“Any minute now.”


          Kiora’s mind raced, this was not good.  Granted JC couldn’t possibly see through her disguise.  He couldn’t know that she was here, right?  She needed to get away from the doorway that they would come in.

“Hey Steve sugar?”  She cooed in her thick southern accent to the man she had been chatting with, “Let’s go grab a table.”


“Okay.”  He willingly followed her to a table off to the side.  She had a good view of the club and could see the entrance.  A few minutes later, the Nsync boys arrived in style with bodyguards in tow.  Kiora spotted JC instantly, he was looking fine as ever and Kiora almost regretted not inviting him to be there with her.  He was smooth as he walked through the club up to the VIP section.  A few minutes later he was back down and on the dance floor.  She had problems paying attention to Steve because she was watching JC so intently.


          Watching girls dance with JC, made her extremely jealous.  Kiora shook that jealousy away, they were not a couple and she had no claim on him.  JC was a free agent and could do as he pleased.  Though she was not happy with the way he acted when she was not around.  It seemed like the complete opposite from when she spent one on one time with him.  Now she wondered if he was pulling one over on her.  Maybe he was more Hollywood than she thought.

“Screw this.”  She muttered and turned her attention back to Steve.  A few of the other guys she had chatted with earlier in the night made their way over to her and soon it was her and a table of five guys.  All the while she was keeping an eye on JC as he made his way through the club.  He never seemed to stick to one place for very long.  He would dance with a girl for a few seconds and then move on.  Finally he gave up on the dance floor and worked his way back towards the VIP section.


          Kiora knew she shouldn’t but she made eye contact with JC and gave him the sneer that had given her the reputation as an LA bitch.  JC stopped for a moment and stared at her, but Kiora quickly turned back to the guys, laughing at a joke one of them had just told.


After another half an hour Kiora decided to visit the ladies room.  When she came out of the bathroom, JC was waiting outside the door.

“Hey.”  He said with a smile and she smiled politely,


“Hello.”  She replied and tried to walk past him,


“Are you seriously going to ignore me?”  He asked softly,


“I don’t even know who you are.”  She said keeping up her disguise.


“Kee, I know it’s you.”  He whispered to her, “The disguise is good, but it’s not that good.”


Kiora flicked her hair over her shoulder, “I’m working.”


“I’ve noticed.”  He said throwing his eyes to the table of guys.


“I don’t have time for this.”  She retorted.


“Come on, I’m only asking for like ten minutes.  I haven’t seen you in a week.  I don’t want to fight.”


“And I do?”


“Then come sit with me for ten, fifteen minutes, alone.”  His eyes pleaded with hers and she gave in,


“Fine, let’s go.”  She said stringing her arm through his and walking up with him to the VIP section.  They sat down in an empty dark corner booth.  He pulled her close,


“I’ve missed you baby.”  He said nuzzling her temple,


“It really looked like it before.”  She replied coolly,




“On the dance floor?  Ring a bell?”


“Kee, I was looking for you.”


“Really?”  She said suspiciously,


“Yeah, really, but then I spotted you in the booth.”




“Yeah, you sneered at me, that’s when I knew.  I mean, the Kee I know would never maul me on the dance floor, she would give me that LA attitude that she’s all too famous for.”


“Okay, okay I get it.”  She grinned with a little laugh,


“That’s what I’ve been missing. I was so jealous when those guys were getting that smile and your laugh.”


“Yeah, well they don’t get me.”  She said leaning in close,


“Do I get you?”


“If your good.”  She smiled playfully and JC pulled her onto his lap,


“How am I supposed to be good when you’re dripping with sin, dressed like that.”


“Hey, this is just my work uniform.”  She shrugged, “It comes with the territory.”


JC dragged his eyes up and down her body, obviously undressing her with his eyes, “That is one hell of a territory.”  He said huskily,


“Maybe I’ll let you explore it.”  She breathed back,


“There’s nothing I want more.”  He said staring lustfully into her eyes.  Kiora sighed,


“JC Chasez, you have me in your arms.  Why the hell haven’t you kissed me yet?  The last time-” She was cut short by JC’s lips.  How she had missed him and those lips in the past week.



          The other guys spotted JC making out with the brunette in the corner.

“What the hell is going on?”  Lance asked,


“I thought he was into that Kiora chick.”  Chris said,


“Maybe he’s gotten over her.”  Joey shrugged, “Then again they weren’t dating.  Maybe I rubbed off on him.”  He teased,


“Why that habit?  You have so many other endearing ones, like belching and eating everything in sight.”  Chris taunted and the two went into an argument.  Lance glanced back over at JC and twisted his mouth to the side,


“She’s not even his type.”



          Kiora pulled away from JC,

“Your hellos are just as good as your goodbyes cowboy.”  She mused and he nuzzled her cheek,


“They’re better because they last longer.  I wanna take you home and greet you some more.”


“It’ll have to wait till at least two.”


“You can’t leave any sooner?”  He pouted playfully,


“JC.”  She warned,


“Hey don’t dawg a guy for trying.  Can you stay the night with me at least?”


“I think I can manage that, the only thing is-” JC cut her short with another head spinning kiss.  Her brain completely shut down with each one of his kisses.  The only thing she could comprehend was how good his lips felt against hers.


“I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of your kisses.”  She smiled,


“Hey, if kissing you keeps you in my arms, then I’ll take one for the team.”  He teased.  She playfully smacked his arm,




“Pain.”  He retorted and they both laughed,


“I should get back to work.”  She said,


“Could work include dancing with a well know singer?”


“And who would that be?”  She teased,


“I don’t know, I wonder.”


“Okay, tell Lance that I’ll fit him in later.”


“Hey you.”  He lightly tickled her and she squealed,


“JC!”  He didn’t stop so she countered attacked and kissed him.  He immediately stopped and pulled her closer.


“You’re playing dirty.” He said.


“I just know your weakness.”  She replied,


“It’s yours too.”  He mused,


“So we’re tied.”  She said and kissed him one last time before sliding off of his lap. “I’ve got to go to the ladies room and put on all the lipstick that you kissed off.”


“Mmm, my pleasure.  So can I steal a dance or two tonight?”


“Later you can, and in later I mean like an hour, okay?”


“Okay, go to work.”


“Bye cowboy.”  She winked,


“Bye baby.”  He replied and watched her saunter out of the VIP section.  The guys were instantly at his table.


“Who was that Mr. Chasez?”  Chris asked,


“Did you forget about Kiora?” Lance asked,


“Does she have a friend?” Joey asked and JC just smiled at his friends,


“I know exactly who she was and no I haven’t forgotten about Kiora and not she doesn’t have a friend here tonight.” He replied all in one breath.


“Huh?” All the guys said together and JC just laughed,


“Never mind.”



          Kiora did her rounds and caught JC’s eye every now and then.  An hour later he found her on the dance floor.  They danced a couple of songs and she sent him on his way.  Around three-thirty Kiora decided that it was time to go home.  She made her way up to the VIP lounge and found JC sitting with a couple of the guys.  She smiled at him and nodded to the exit.  He got up from the table and put his hands on her waist.

“Are you ready to go home?” He asked,


“Sure sugar, if you are.”  She cooed,


“Give me a few minutes and I’ll meet you at the exit.”


“Sound good.  Don’t take too long.”


“I won’t.”  He smiled and Kiora left to gather her things.  She was only waiting for a few seconds at the door when JC strung his arm around her waist.  They left together, when they got outside she turned to him.


“I’ll go get my car and I’ll follow you.”


His car was pulled to the curb by the valet, “I’ll drive you to your car.”


“Okay.” She agreed and JC helped her into his car and quietly drove her to her car.


Kiora followed him to him house and they quickly went inside.


“I’m gonna need to borrow some clothes.”  She said as she chucked off her heels in his room.


“Dresser, left side, top two drawers.”  He pointed to it and went into his closet.


“God, I can’t wait to get this crap off my face.  I want to be Kiora again.”  She mentioned as she pulled off the wig and unpinned her real hair. She opened the top drawer and noticed purple lace panties.  Kiora pulled them out and hung them on a fingertip.


“And who’s are these, Mr. Chasez?”  She asked coolly.  JC popped his head out of the closet.


“Those are yours.”


“Huh?”  She didn’t own purple lace panties.


“I bought you a few things in case you stayed over.  I don’t have a random closet filled with girl clothes for you to borrow.”


“You bought me clothes?  That’s so sweet.”  She dug into the drawer a little and found cotton panties and wife beaters.  She slipped on the underwear and a wife beater.  JC had been paying attention in the times they had spent together.


JC came out of the closet dressed in his boxers. “Darn, I was hoping for the purple lace ones.”  He joked and pulled her close. 

Kiora kissed him lightly, “Thank you, I really appreciate it.”


“You’re welcome.”


“Okay, I’m gonna wash all this gunk off my face.  Do you have a spare toothbrush?”


“I told you I would, it’s blue.”  He grinned,


“You sure were expecting me to stay here.”  She teased,


“You or some other girl I took home from the club.”  He teased and she smacked him playfully,


“Jerk.”  She said and he pulled her close,


“You like it.”  He teased and she rolled her eyes.


“Something like that.”  She played and pulled away from him.  She went into the bathroom and chucked her contacts into the trash.  She washed her face twice to make sure that she was clean of all the make up she had been wearing.  After she brushed her teeth, she felt like herself again.  She went back into the room and noticed that JC was fast asleep in his bed.  She turned off all the lights and crawled in next to him. Kiora kissed him quickly and he stirred,


“Hey.”  He said sleepily and she stroked his hair,


“Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you.”


“Kisses from you are always welcomed.”  He smiled and he pulled her in for another one.  She curled her body next to his and they laid nose to nose.  Kiora traced the features of his face gingerly with her fingertip.  JC took her hand in his and held it to his lips.


“JC when you get up tomorrow, can you wake me so I know when you leave?”


“Sure Kee, I have to get up kind of early.”


“That’s okay, I just don’t want to wake and find you gone.”  She said softly and JC kissed each one of her fingertips on the hand he was holding.


“Okay, I’ll tell you when I leave.”  He yawned and she giggled.


“Go to sleep, cowboy.”


“Goodnight Kee.”


“Good night JC.”



