Chapter Nine


Krista laid in her bunk on her side after romping in the ocean.  The buses had stopped for a break, but her back was hurting so she didn’t want to move.  There was a knock on her bunk and she turned slightly to see who it was.


“Yeah?”  She called out and James popped his face into her bunk,


“You got a visitor, Kris.”  He said and pulled back the curtain a little bit more to reveal JC standing there.


“Hey Josh, what’s up?”  She said and waved off James.


“Hey Krissie.”  JC smiled down at her, “Can I come in, or is this a private party?”  He teased and she laughed,


“Come on in!”  JC took off his shoes and crawled in next to her, “To what do I owe this visit?”  She said rolling to her back as JC laid down on his stomach next to her.  This was an unexpected visit, but she wasn’t going to complain about having JC in her bunk with her.


“I was bored and thought that I would come and bother you.”


Krista checked her watch, “Are you spending the night?  We leave in a few minutes.” Please spend the night.  She would die to have that happen.


JC shrugged, “If you don’t mind.  Apparently someone dragged me into the ocean and now I smell.” He said glancing around her bunk.


Krista gave him an innocent look, “That was a horrible thing for someone to do to you.  You poor dear.”


JC smirked, “I know and now none of my band mates want me around.”


Krista laid a hand on his arm, “You’re always welcomed here, Josh. Especially since I have a stuffy nose.”  She teased.


“Like I’d give you a choice.  You’re the one who made me smelly.”


Krista laughed, “The ocean doesn’t make you smell bad.  I was in the ocean and I don’t smell bad.”


JC made a face, “If you say so.”


Krista pushed him playfully, “You’re a jerk.”  She laughed, “I don’t smell bad.  You know you shouldn’t make fun of someone who being nice enough to take your sorry smelly ass in.”


He smiled at her warmly, “So, now I’m back to being smelly?”


“You never stopped being smelly.”  She teased,


“And here I thought spending time on my bus was going to make me crazy.”  He teased her.


Krista grinned back at him, “You’re not insane already?”


JC chuckled as he shook his head, “I probably should be, right?”


“I don’t know how I’d survive it all.”  She smiled up at him and rolled onto her back.  She winced at the pain.


“What’s wrong?” He asked worriedly and she waved him off,


“I hurt my back a while ago and it hurts every now and then.”  She said rubbing her lower back.


“Are you okay?”  He asked and she grinned,


“Nothing aspirin and a Jacuzzi won’t cure.  I think it’s all the traveling on the bus.”  She said still massaging the same spot.  She rolled on her side and winced again,


“You should get your back looked at.”


“I’m fine.”  She replied and winced in pain again,


“Do you want me to get you aspirin?”


“Yeah, that’d be great.”  She pointed in the direction of the bus’s kitchen, “It’s in the kitchen above the sink.”


“Okay, hold on a minute.”  JC left the bunk and soon came back with a bottle of water and holding pills in his other hand.  He dropped the two pills into her outstretched hand and she looked at him,


“Can you get me two more?” 


JC handed her the bottle, “What, bottles of water?”  He questioned,


“No,” She paused to take the aspirin, “The other two aspirin I need to take.”


JC frowned, “Four aspirins?  That’s not-”


Krista interrupted him, “JC, I know my body.  I can take four aspirins.  Two won’t even touch me.  I might as well as be eating m&ms.”


“Okay.”  He said and quickly retrieved two more aspirins for her.


“Thank you.”  She said and took the pills.  JC laid down next to her and began to rub her back.  Her sore back was the perfect excuse for him to touch Krista.


Krista purred, “Mmm.” 


“Is this the spot?” JC asked softly as he continued to rub her lower back.


Krista arched her back into his massaging hands, “Yeah, perfect.  How do you know the exact way to rub my back?  It feels so good.”  She half moaned.


JC smiled and shrugged, “Good guess.”  He leaned in and whispered in her ear, “Chill out and relax.”


“Okay.”  She said stretching out on her bunk. 


JC moved up slightly to get more comfortable.  He massaged her lower back in gentle circle. “Man, you can feel the tension in your back.”


Krista buried her face in her arms, “You’re helping out a lot.”  She replied.


JC slipped his hands under the hem of her shirt.  Her skin was silky soft to the touch and flowed under his hands.


Krista flipped to her side curling up into a halfway fetal position with her back facing JC.


“Krista?”  He questioned and stopped for fear that he had hurt her.


She didn’t move, “This is more comfortable for me.  Can you keep rubbing my back?


“No problem.”  He said curling up behind her and began to rub her back again.


“Mmm Josh, did I ever tell you that you were a Godsend?”  She said playfully,


He smiled at her comment, “No, but I appreciate the compliment.  Glad I could help.”


“I just might have to marry you.”  She teased,


“Well, I’ll keep that in mind.”  He laughed and then looked past at her at the wall of her bunk.  The wall was literally covered in pictures, “You’ve got a lot of pictures.” 


Krista reached out and gingerly touched a couple pictures on her wall, “Yeah, it’s somehow makes me feel close to my family and friends when I’m away.”  She said and JC leaned over her, pointing to one of Krista and an elderly woman.


“Is that your grandma?”


Krista smiled at the picture, “No, that’s my great aunt Joanie.  She might as well be my grandmother.  My real one died when I was like two.  Aunt Joanie filled in.  She’s awesome, simply the coolest woman on the face of the earth.  She was always there for me, at any and every event I had, cheering me on loudly, with a cowbell.”  Krista laughed to herself.


“She sounds like someone else I know.”  He teased,


Krista nodded, “Yeah, my mom said that we shared the same soul.  I would spend hours at her house growing up.  It was my home away from home.  She always believed in me, no matter what I did, in fact she was the one who taught me to believe in myself.  The woman’s amazing, she’s my best friend.  I think I call her more than I call my own mother.”


“I hope I can meet her someday.”


“I do too, she’s quite the experience.  She always comes to my shows when they’re close to home.  I usually can’t keep a straight face because off stage my eighty year old Aunt Joanie is rockin’ out to our music, dancing her life away.  Boy, if she does meet you guys, whoo, I don’t know what she’ll do, but I know for sure that one of your assess will be grabbed before she leaves.  She’s boy crazy.”  Krista laughed and so did JC.  It was then that she noticed that JC had his arms wrapped around her.  Instinctively she leaned back into his chest, enjoying the feeling.  JC didn’t seem to notice as he pointed out more pictures for Krista to explain.  They talked well into the night when they finally fell asleep.


The next morning Krista woke entangled in another body.  She looked up and realized that it was JC.  She giggled a little at the fact that she had slept in JC’s arms all night.  So many times had she dreamed of this moment and now here she was.  Krista simply snuggled back into his chest, making JC groan sleepily and pull her tightly against him.


          They slept for a few more hours till the bus stopped at their hotel.  Krista woke up and nudged JC,

“Joshy poo, it’s time to get up.”  She whispered playfully into his ear and he groaned pulling the covers over their heads.  He snuggled deeper under the covers with her.  She laughed, “Come on Joshy, we need to get up now.”


“Mmm, five more minutes spunk.”  He mumbled,


“Don’t make me do it, Joshy.  You know I will.”  She whispered sweetly, “You know I will.”


“Do what?”  He asked opening one eyes to peer at her,


“I’ll sing.”  She said softly and JC opened his eyes wide, sitting up instantly,


“Oh God, anything but that!  I’m up, I’m up!”  He said with a smile,


She pouted crossing her arms, “You are the biggest jerk, you know that?” 


JC playfully bopped her on the nose, “Hey you wanted me up.  What more do you want?”


“For you to shut your pie hole.”  She retorted with so much attitude that JC just had to laugh,


“Make me some pie woman and maybe I will.”  He teased back,


“Uh! As if!  I would never make your ass pie. I only make cool people pie.”


“I wasn’t asking you to make my ass pie.  My mouth wants it. I don’t think my ass would like it very much.”


“Jerk and a half, you really are.”  She retorted,


“Ooo, I’ve been upgraded.”  He taunted back,


“I am so going to beat your ass down.”  She grumbled and got out of bed.


“I’m always ready for a spanking from you.”  He said getting out of the bed after her.


“I really don’t know why I even hang out with you.  All you do is make fun of me.”  She pouted crossing her arms and tilting her head to one side.


JC scratched the back of his head, “Like you don’t make fun of me every chance you get?” 


She rolled her eyes, “Yeah, but it’s really easy with you.”  She smirked, “It’s like a requirement.”


“And you wonder why people don’t want to hang out with you.”  He retorted, shaking his head, as they got off of the bus at the venue.


“You’re still here.”  She pointed out and walked besides him.


“Only because I get paid to hang out with you.”  He teased glancing over at her.


“Oh really?”  She raised an eyebrow at him,  “Well you should talk to the guys, because they’ve been paying me to hang out with you so they don’t have to deal with your picky ass.”


“I’m not picky, I’m a perfectionist, there’s a difference.”  He defended playfully.


“Yeah, okay.”  She said looking away with a smirk and JC wrapped an arm around her shoulders.


“Breakfast, Spunk?”


 She looked up at him and rubbed her stomach, “Mmm, you read my mind.”


“Wasn’t hard, there wasn’t much there to read.”  He teased steering them towards the cafeteria.


“Wow, I walked right into that one.”  She laughed as they entered the cafeteria.


“Yes, I’d have to agree with you that you did.”  He laughed with her as they walked over to the food and got their trays.  They made their way through the line getting food and placing it on their trays. Krista looked over her tray and wrinkled her nose, “You know, back in school I couldn’t wait till I got out to the real world where I could eat real food on a plate.  Look where I am, still eating my food off a tray.”


“The food’s not half bad and you get a plate on your tray.”  He pointed out piling more food on one of his plates.


“Okay so I’ve moved up a little.”  She rolled her eyes,


“And you call me picky.”


“Hey I just don’t want to carry my food on a tray to my table. I don’t think that’s too much to ask for.”  She complained.  JC snatched up the few small plates that were on her tray and placed them on his. “Hey!  That’s my food!”  She complained trying to take them back.


He held his tray out of reach, “I’m not going to eat it, calm down Spunk!”  He chuckled as he took her now empty tray and handed it to a worker.  He began walking over to a table and Krista had no choice but to follow him.


“What are you doing?”  She asked and followed him.


He looked over his shoulder at her as he sat down at a table, “You didn’t want to carry your food to the table on a tray.  Quit your bitching and eat.”  He retorted placing her food down on the table next to his seat. Krista smiled at JC before leaning over and giving him a kiss on the cheek.


“You’re so sweet.  Thank you.”


He grinned down at her, “You’re welcome.” He replied and she sat down to eat.  Krista pulled out a small container from her pocket and dropped a pill into her hand.  She then opened up her water and quickly swallowed the pill.  JC frowned as he watched her, he didn’t think she was sick.  “What was that?”  He asked and she swallowed down more water.


“Meds.”  She replied as she put down her bottle and dug into her eggs.


“Oh, I didn’t know you were sick.”  He replied,


She glanced up at him, “I’m not.”


“Then why are you taking medicine?” He inquired,


“It helps with my disorder.”  She shrugged and played around with her food on her plate.


“Disorder?”  JC questioned with concern,


“I have ADHD, it’s to help control it.”  She said quickly and ate more of her food.


“Oh okay.”  He answered and paused for a moment, “I thought only kids had that.”


Krista shook her head, “Not so much.  Lots of adults have it, but it’s just their brains have created coping strategies and deal with it.”


He pointed his fork at her, “What about you?”


She grinned with a shrug, “I’m one of those lucky few special cases where I need meds to help me.”


“What happens when you don’t take it?  If you don’t mind me asking.”


“I don’t mind.  I’m really glad to talk about it.  Trust me, it clears up a lot of confusion.”  She laughed a little,

“First of all, don’t even try having a conversation with me, it’s impossible.  I can’t focus on anything for more than a second, maybe less.  I forget tons of things and say lots of things I shouldn’t.  It’s almost like I’ve lost control over my mind.”


He frowned, “That’s scary, is it that bad?” 


“Without medicine, yeah.”  She nodded, “It’s weird because I see everything going on but I just can’t stop myself.  I know it’s wrong, yet I can’t keep myself from doing it.  Mainly because my brain’s on overdrive and my body can’t keep up.  It’s insane.”


“Sound like it, but the medicine helps?”


“Yeah totally.  I’m actually normal, well as much as I can be.”  She laughed, “Which is why I take it everyday like clock work.”


“Chris had it and just hearing you talk about it explains a whole lot.”


“Gives you a new perspective huh?”


“Yeah, I mean sometimes he would do things and we’d all be what the heck?”


“Oh how I understand.  The worst part is when people label you one way, like I was always considered a flake and air headed or stupid, when in reality-”


“You weren’t, it was just the disorder.”


“Exactly, my entire life changed when I went on the meds and my family learned how to work with me.”


“Wow, when did they figure it all out?”


“When I was in 5th grade.  My grades when from Cs to As, it was pretty remarkable.  I felt like a new person.”


“That’s incredible and the meds are the only thing that helps?”


“No, they’re like a jumping off block.  Everything else is basically me working hard to control it.  It’s gotten easier over the years.”  She shrugged, “I’m pretty good with it now.”


“That’s cool.  I have to say that you are one interesting person.”


“Thanks, I think.”  She said giving him a weird look.


“I mean that in a good way.”  He grinned at her,


“Uh huh sure.”  She teased with a wink.




