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I Want You Back (North American)

I must say, I LOVE this video! Justin's hot, JC's hot, Lance's hot, and Chris and Joey are...ok. The warehouse was cool. Justin was actually hot in this video. I usually don't like the matted down, highlighted only on top style he had (or his pirate-like earring), but he was hot here and I seriously don't know why. Nice solo, Justin. Now we see other people, always a good thing. Joey's hair, may I add, is way out of place and everywhere. Same with Chris. Although Lance's hair is really really dyed, it looks nice here. And JC! Yep, he looks awesome, too. Good dancing in the chorus, then we go to JC!!! When he pulls up the car in the beginning, he looks like he belongs in the fifties! But he looks good, though, in a brown jacket and jeans and a black shirt. Chris scares everyone in the middle of the solo when he's at the pool table, but then we go back to JC. :) They do the chorus again, and this time, they show Lance 2 or 3 times! Yay! Now we have a group shot at Justin's solo, and then they all have tons of energy. JC and Justin do the adorable head nod, which always makes me crack up. Then, they're ending, and again, we see Lance twice. I love this video because I love the song, and I like how everyone's focused on. Two things I've noticed: They keep changing clothes in JC's verse. Speaking of their clothes, aren't some of them from the back of their first album? Hmmm...

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