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Jane Carter Interview - BOP HQ - 1999
Interview - BOP HQ - 1999

When Nick and Aaron's mother accompanied Aaron to the BOP HQ for a photo session, Carrie took the opportunity to talk to Jane Carter and get the scoop behind these babely blond brothers. Listen in on their convo as Jane reveals some interesting comparisons.

Carrie: What changes do you notice in Aaron's performance between last year, when he was 10 and performed in Europe opening for the Backstreet Boys, and this year, when he was one of the acts of Nickelodeon's "All That Music and Much More Festival"?

Jane: He's really grown into his own as an artist. Everybody is always associating him with Nick, but I think Aaron has earned the right to be thought of as Aaron Carter, who he is himself. I think he's managed to get people to notice him for who he is, not just (Backstreet Boy) Nick's little brother.

Carrie: That's great. So he doesn't feel like he's in Nick's shadow anymore?

Jane: I don't think he's feeling that as much- not at all. I think people are starting to realize that he's an individual and he's who he is.

Carrie: So he's starting to develop his own style now, huh?

Jane: Yeah, definitely. Aaron's got a lot of character in his face. He's really good at making eye contact with the audience and just showing expressions on his face.

Carrie: How would you compare Aaron's performing style to Nick's?

Jane: Aaron's a solo artist, so he's used having all the attention all of the time and he doesn't like to share it. He likes to be the star. He's just really confident and knows what he wants and goes for it. Nick's a conformist because he's in a group, and, therefore, (all the decisions) have to be a democratic thing, whether its music, clothing, looks, everything. Aaron knows he can call the shots, and so he does.

Carrie: But Aaron still looks up to Nick, who's 19, so I'll assume he still wants to emulate his big bro in some ways. Does Aaron ever ask you if he can get a tattoo like Nick's?

Jane: Oh yeah, but I just say, "No, not until you're 18." I am not happy about Nick's tattoo, either. But that's a mom thing.

Carrie: Does being Aaron's manager cause conflict in your "mom" relationship with him?

Jane: No, I think it helps. Aaron's taught me to be a good mom.

Carrie: Really? More so than with your other children?

Jane: Well, all of them. But because I've had to be with Aaron so much and protect him and everything, he's taught me to work harder, to make the effort to spend the time with the girls and do special things with them, too. He's taught me that the relationship between a mother and her children is something that is more important than anything. Your relationship with your children is what matters the most.