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Jane Carter Interview - Teen People Magazine - 1998
Interview - Teen People Magazine - 1998
(Interview With Nick & Jane)

Teen People: What made you write The Heart and Soul of Nick Carter-Secrets Only a Mother Knows (Onyx)?

Jane Carter: I was on tour with the Boys and saw how interested the fans wee in Nick. I felt this was the way to give the fans a really in-deph look into who Nick really is.

TP: Nick, were you a little nervous when your mom told you she was going to write a book about you?

Nick Carter: Of course, But it really wasn't anything to worry about. [We] did collaborate on it. She would always give me input on things that were going in.

TP: Your mom writes about your interest in joining the military. Will we be seeing a GI Nick in the future?

NC: I wanted to be a Navy SEAL or join some type of special forces. My father was in the army. But having my mom by my side, she's not gonna want me to do that.

TP: According to your mom, you used to be an outcast.

NC: I had a rough time in school, I was into acting and music, so there were certain times when I had to step out of school. The kids would notice me leaving, and I think that made them jealous. But I'm not the kinda person who would go back and say, "Ha, Ha, Ha! Look at what I've done!" To all the people who used to pick on me in school, this is my way of saying that I'm doing something I love.

TP: Jane, Nick is only 18, yet you've already written his life story. Any chance of a sequal?

JC: That's a possibility. He's got a lot ahead of him: He might go into movies and TV, and he's talked about being a basketball star. Who knows what he's going to do next? I just encourage him to follow his dreams.