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= = > News < = =
= = > *NEWS* < = =
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~* March 3, 2002 *~
Not a whole lot new with Jane Carter! She is currently on Aaron's Winter Party Tour... along with Bob and Angel. Leslie was out for a few days in late February, but had to go back home because of school. Jane is busy but having a blast seeing Aaron perform, and meeting all the kind fans! If you got any pics of Jane from the current tour, feel free to email them to me. You'll get full credit if you want. :)

~* June 24, 2001 *~
As usual, Jane is with Aaron and Leslie on their current tour. BJ and Bob are also with them. Nick is touring with BSB, and Angel is taking some acting lessons.
Not only is Jane travelling on the tour, she is PART of the concert; Jane is one of Aaron's back-up singers. How cool is THAT?!? Check out the pics!

~* June 13, 2001 *~
Jane Carter is at it again. :) She is working on a third book, likely to be on daughter Leslie Carter. Jane's previous books on Nick and Aaron were amazing; can't wait to read her next one!

~* June 7, 2001 *~
I'm sure most of you have heard what happened to Nick Carter in late May with his boat. He was driving his boat in Marathon, Florida, and struck a shallow seagrass bed on the bay side at the east end of a bridge. :) Well, even though there was likely to be a fine payed because of this, Jane just thought this was absolutely HILARIOUS! I know it had some fans rollin' too! :)

Happy Belated 15th Birthday to Leslie Carter... her birthday was June 6!

~* June 1, 2001 *~
Jane is featured in the newly-out magazine FULL of Aaron! It's called "Aaron Carter: Life Story." There are some wonderful Jane pics, which I will scan soon, and of course Jane is spoken of and quoted alot in the mag! Go buy your copy now!

Jane is also busy, but enjoying, managing Aaron and Leslie's career, as well as being a MOTHER... hence the name of this site "Oh Mother!" :) Makes ya wonder, don't it?! *LoL*

Keep checking back for more news on Jane!

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