19th Birthday
When: 10/01/2007
With: Sook Teng, Hock Jeen, Noelle, Sarah, An Yi, Ming Kim, Peter, Jason, Josef, Sueh
Lung, Kinz... later joined by Suan Li and Sher Huey
Where: My house
Pictures: Soon to come
I knew something was up, but I never expected so many of you guys to turn up. Thanks so so
much for making my day. =)
The Long Version
There I was, studying when Sook smsed me and asked whether I would be home around 5
something, cause she wanted to pass me some money which she owed me. I didn't remember lending
her money. But I just said ok anyway. At that time, I already suspected she might be planning
something, but I also thought that everyone's so busy that they wouldn't have time to plan
anything. So I was shocked (and touched =p) to see so many
of them walking towards my house. =)
The Place
They crashed dropped by my house. Hahah. And my house rocks. ;)
The Weather
Very windy. Bad. Will tell you why later. Haha.
The People
Sweet people who are too free. Hehe.
The Event
Little Stuffs
Things that gave Sook away:
She suddenly smses me to tell me she wants to pay me back.
Suspicion #1: Why of all days suddenly wanna pay me money? Lol. Suspicion begins.
She said she'd be over around 5 something. It was 6 and she still didn't appear.
Suspicion #2: For as long as I've known Sook, she's never late.
When she miss called me, to tell me that she just left her house, it took her a looong
time to appear.
Suspicion #3: It doesn't take a long time to walk from her house to mine.
But I hafto hand it to her, she was smart to come alone at first, pay me, then leave. I
thought that was all. Hehe.
I heard "Waiee!" and I opened the door when I saw Hock Jeen. Then I saw a few people
behind and I was thinking, "Oh, he came with one or two people"... then I saw the WHOLE GROUP
walking towards my house and I was like, "WHOA!" =)
Sook held the cake and asked me to make a wish then quickly blow the candles, cause
the cake was heavy. I didn't have any wish at hand, so I just said a little prayer of thanks
to God for these friends of mine. Then I blew the candles. =)
I was damn scared of them pushing my face into the cake. Hehe.
Then Hock was pulling my hand saying, "Come out, come out!" and I was like, "Nooo
wait, lemme get my handphone" and he was like, "Nooo, come out come out!"
That's when I suspected that they're gonna pour stuffs on me (Hock is notoriously famous
for thinking of the unthinkable) =p
So I walk out a little, and...
Me: Promise don't make me dirty k..
Hock: No no we won't
Kinz: Trust me lah, nothing wan lah
Me: Oookay... *walks out*
Someone: See, we didn't make you dirty. We even made you clean.
Me: *dripping wet* I thought you (Kinz) said nothing wan!
Kinz: I really didn't know they were gonna do that. *laughs*
Me: dot dot dot...
Okay, at least they (Hock and Jo) were nice enough to wrestle take my
handphone away from me so that it wouldn't get wet. But they got wet too in the process
because Jason sprayed anyway, even over Jo's head. Hahah.
IT WAS SO COLD!!!!! And I had to stand there, dripping wet, shivering and smiling for
the camera. Which is why you'll see that my face looked weird in the pics. Hahha.
Some smart fella went, "You're not hot anymore". EESH. Lol.
My green tea ice-cream = Teh ais. -.-"
Before leaving, Jason smudged one streak of chocolate cake down my left cheek. Which
was EWW enough. Only later did Mingkim tell me that Jason poked his finger into MY cake which
I already finished eating. GROSS!!! hahaha. Tell earlier la! =p
Special section dedicated to Kinz and his crappiness:
*Eating cake*
Kinz: Don't eat so much ar. If not tomorrow, during exam, your friend will be like
Kinz-Pretending-To-Be-My-Friend: *whispering* Eh... pst... pssst...
Kinz-Pretending-To-Be-Me: What you want?? Answers izit?
Kinz-Pretending-To-Be-My-Friend: *shakes head* No no... why you so fat already??
Was watching Korean drama, the guy in the show just fainted and people around him were
shaking him to try and wake him up, going "Hey, are you ok?" and it was supposed to be a
dramatic part, when suddenly...
Kinz: Eeyer, why those people molesting him wan...
Me: ... I don't wanna watch dramas with you next time. =p
Sher Huey: We owe u a present first k.
Me: Aiyo, no need la...
Kinz: Then when everyone go home already, she (meaning me) will call you (Sher Huey & Suan Li) and say,
"Eh, don forget ah!"
We were joking about putting birthday candles on my book
Kinz: Then tomorrow you'll say,
"Teacher, I got no books to
"I put candles on my book to celebrate my birthday, then it burnt."
"Aiyoh, so poor thing, no money buy cake? Oklah I let you pass your exam"
*dot dot dot* LOL crappiness.
Suehlung asked me to open the present he and Kinz gave me. It's a crazy box. It
took me 15 minutes just to open the thing. CRAZY. Just like the people who gave it to me.
Hehehe. =p
The same box which my sis managed to open in 2 minutes. Hahaha.
During the time it took me to open, Mingkim said, "Oklah, if by next year u still not
yet open, then your present next year will be teaching u how to open it" LOL
Happy birthday to Estelle, Dewgem and Mayshi's brother who all share the same birthday
as me. =)
Sorry I couldn't join you guys for dinner. =p
My sis is the sweetest. She came all the way back from uni just to have dinner
with me, then went all the way back later at night. And I didn't even have time to teman her
for long. SOB. Thanks dear. =)
A big thanks to Sook and Hock Jeen for planning the thing.
Thanks to all you guys who came! Really. Thank you. You guys made my day. =)
Thanks to the one who bought the cake, whoever you are. I bet you read my blog, because
you bought my favourite cake. Either that or someone told you. =p
Thanks to all who shared for the cake. ^^
Thanks to Sher Huey and Suan Li for coming all the way just to hang out for
a while.
Thanks to Emily for calling because she couldn't make it.
No thanks to Jason for spraying me with water from my own garden hose and smudging
cake on my face, from the cake that I was eating!!! Lol!
was the first because she cheated by 1 and half hours. Lol!
Sueh Lung
"Welcome to the 19th year of your life. Damn you're old"
"Ah Ee = Auntie"
Sook Teng
Who purposely stayed up late to wish me. =)
Who surprised me.
My sis
Ming Kim
Ming Kim: one year older lor...
Me: sob... I feel old too...
Ming Kim: So how are you celebrating?
Me: How to celebrate, got exams...
Ming Kim: wah celebrate with the books??
Me: SOB... =p
An Yi
"Happy birthday! u r older! guess wat. it's your last teen birthday. but u had to
celebrate with acc books."
Gee, thanks, Anyi. Hahah.
Siew Yen
Suan Li
Cze Wien
"May all your dreams and wishes come true and PCK come knocking on your door today!"
I wish. Hehe.
Ying Shyen (who said Nicole wishes me happy birthday too)
Sher Huey
Foong Kheng
Wai Kit
Thiam Beng
at 11 something. Last person to wish me happy birthday.
Thank you all for remembering and taking the time to sms me. =)
Not forgetting all those who sent messages through Friendster, all the testimonials and birthday wishes on your respective blogs. Thanks!
And last but not least, for all the presents, keep them coming!
er, i mean, terima kasih banyak banyak. hehe.
Coming soon (hopefully)...
Other links:
Kinz and Suehlung, a photo-version of my birthday surprise.
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