Times to remember...
20th Birthday
When: 10/01/2008
With: - my family for lunch;
- Sook Teng, Cze Wien, Michelle, Emily, Thiam Beng, Kin Meng, Sueh Lung, Zhen Quan, and Vincent for dinner
Where: - Lafite, Shangri-La Hotel for lunch;
- d' Italliane Kitchen, Jaya 33 for dinner
Pictures: Below
cross-posted at nEutral
The Story
Turned 20 on the 10th of January.
Two. Zero.
... Sorry, am going through a quarter-life crisis at the moment. Hahah. =p
No more -teen at the back...
(Unless I follow Enoch's example and claim I'm twenteen, hahah)
I feel so damn old. I spent the last few hours of my teenage life wailing that I'm going to be old. The very minute I turned 20, I was talking about crap. Literally. Hahah. Memorable? That was only the beginning. Hahaha.
Had lunch with my family, my aunt and uncle at Lafite. Discovered the ultimate camwhoring tool, aka my dad's cam, because the screen can be flipped. Spent the whole time camwhoring hahaha.
The place.
Absolutely delish desserts.
Food! =p Family pic. =) Me with too much appetizers.
Came back, rested for a while, then got ready for dinner. The night before, Sook gave me a panic attack when she suddenly smsed and told me to dress up just for the fun of it, and that she and Michi would be wearing dresses. I spent the next 45 minutes (after receiving that sms) mixing and matching my clothes, before being forced to settle for a dress which I initially didn't plan on wearing.
So back to dinner. I picked Sook and Cze up, and Suehlung called Sook to say that the normal road is flooded, so we should take another road. Cze decided to try a new road. Ended up getting lost on the highway hahaha. Made a grand entrance for dinner, almost half an hour late. Hehe.
Practicing our camwhoring skills in the car while waiting for Cze outside her house. The pizza I shared with Sook. Thanks a million to Kinz for the absolutely gorgeous pics!! Of course, it helps that he had absolutely gorgeous models. Hehe! I really love the pics! =)
Received a present from Kinz, Suehlung and Sook. Took it, shook it, and was amazed at how light it was. Kinz insisted that it was fragile, and to be careful when I opened it. The night before, he also said that I would "love my present" and that it's really cute. Halfway through opening it, he suddenly went, "Can I sit further first ar..." hahah. That's when I got suspicious. I thought something would jump out at me when I opened the wrapping. I even asked if they caught an insect and put it in a box for me. Hahah. But in the end, I got this:
Jokers, all of them. Hahah.
Spent the night talking, eating, taking pics and camwhoring. Hahah. I was ever ready throughout the whole night to take pics hahha. Whenever a camera was pointed at me, I'd go into instant poser mode. Hahaha. Of all the many candid shots we took that day, there were hardly any pics of me being not ready. Hahah. It's called skills. =p
With Sook, Cze and Michi. With Em. Kinz said this was his best shot of the day. What to do, 2 lengluis, sure best shot la. Hahah. =p
Towards the end of the dinner, a waiter came to our table and asked us, "Excuse me, but would you like us to serve the cake now?"
A silence followed before I turned to the rest and went, "What cake?"
Hahaha. This also happened at Vince's (I think?) birthday hahah. Good try anyway hehe. =p
Chocolate Indulgence from Secret Recipe. I keep getting this cake ever since I told Sook I like them hahah.
After making a wish and blowing out the candles. You can still see the smoke! Hehe. Kinz said that I MUST put this pic, so... =p
Zhen and Beng. Haha. Individual pics with everyone.One pic of everyone, and 9 pics of me! Hahaha. ;)
Group pic. =)
After dinner, I felt like having drinks. Haha sorry la, but I really did, so we went to look for alcohol in the supermarket nearby to bring back to my place, but they didn't have it. Vince and Suehlung went to another place to try their luck, and the rest went back to my place first. Sook looking sweet, hehe. I camwhored so much that Zhen got racun-ed too. This is him using my cam to camwhore with Kinz, the big poser. Hahah.
Finally Vincent and Suehlung arrived, and I was so delighted to see that they not only got the drink that I insisted on, they bought one whole carton of it! =D
With Vince, carrying the whole carton of Jolly Shandy! =)I remind myself of the peanuts brand, Cap Tangan. Hahah.Hahaha. Ok, it's only Jolly Shandy, but still! =p
Then, Michi and Beng arrived after picking this up from her place:
Monopoly.That's right, we spent the rest of the night having Jolly Shandy and playing, of all things, Monopoly. Hahah. Can you imagine, I just turned 20 and there we were, playing Monopoly. Hahah. We played from around 10pm to 3am, until Suehlung bankrupted and Zhen ate my $18 million. -.-" Around 1am, after Sook left, she called me to tell me to look in my room for something that didn't belong there. And there, sitting on my messy, unmade, clothes-strewn bed, I found a photo album! Besides being absolutely excited (would you believe I've always wanted a hand-made photo album thingy? Hahah weird, but true), I was also amazed that someone snuck into my room without me noticing, and horrified that someone saw my messy room. Hahaha. Parts of the photo album. The gay part is courtesy of Sueh Ling. Haha.
Thus at 3am ended a really really enjoyable and memorable 20th birthday. I had the best time, and it's all thanks to everyone! Thanks for all the birthday wishes, calls, emails, etc.! Hehe. =) *hugs*
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