Pictures: Below
cross-posted at nEutral
The Story
Note: Check this out! That's a 21st to remember! Hahah. Courtesy of my dad. :)
People say that you only turn 21 once, so you should make it special.
Five days before my 21st, if you had asked me, I would have said that I was planning to just go for a Japanese lunch and treat my friends, because I just couldn't be bothered to think of an interesting and fun party. I mean, if you only turn 21 once, you also only turn 22 once, right?
One night, I decided to Google (my best friend since starting internship) "Ideas for 21st birthday" and lo and behold, I got me a party idea. :)
So I sent out all the invitations and told everyone that the dress code was to dress backwards. As in, shirt front goes behind, because I'd decided to have a backwards-themed party. And among the RSVPs that I received, was the one from Zhen that went, "HAHAHAHA... u got really farneee ideas... ermm, anyway can la... my first time goin to a weird party..." -.-

Beng showing us how to dress backwards.
I even made every single guy change their pants backwards,
much to their horror. Hahaha.
In the mad bustle of getting a caterer in such short notice (2 days), and thinking of things to do and to buy, I finally managed to get everything ready an hour before the party was due to start. Granted, two hours of the morning was spent being "kidnapped" by Sook and brought to a nail studio for a manicure and pedicure. I honestly thought she was gonna take me out for lunch, so I walked towards the nearest makan place, but when she stopped I turned and looked at the shop and I was like o.O

Like this.
Anywayy. Hahah. Picked out the only thing in my wardrobe that is almost symmetrical both ways. But ended up looking a tad bit overdressed. >.<
So, I smsed all the girls to dress nicer. Which I'm glad I did, because upon seeing Karl wearing a T-shirt, Lilian made him change to something nicer. Hahah. :)

Getting ready.
See - I did wear it backwards!
Like Kinz already stated, a backwards party is where I greeted people with "Bye! Thanks for coming!" and where the dessert was served before the main course, which was served before the appetiser. But the very first thing we did was light the candles on the cake. Before anyone could react, I cut the cake, blew out the candles, made a wish and went, "Ok now you all can sing". They were like o.O and "Oiiiiiiii! Take picture!!!"
So, they relit the candles and I had to pose. -.-

My backwards birthday cake.
I did not give the people at the bakery a hard time!
They said they could do it.

Posing in my backwards dress.

With my family, who didn't dress backwards. Haha.
Hahah. So we had dessert, then main course, then appetiser. Then Karl went, "Aiya mm lei la! (Aiya don't bother la!)" and began to eat the normal way. So in the end, it was like rojak with no sequence. Hahah.

Spring rolls, among other yummy food. :)

Cze, Beng and Michi.

Lilian and Karl.

Cze and Sook.

Vince and Pui Ling.
Got a surprise when the door bell rang and Suehlung was outside the door, when he said he wouldn't be coming. Haha.
Later, I made them play Monopoly. I chose this game among the many games I could find online because (1) it was the most interesting among the other extremely lame ones, and (2) it was like a continuation from my 20th birthday, only with a twist in it. ;)

The twisted game.
This is how I began explaining the rules to them:
Me: *shout shout* listen listen!
*people keep talking*
*some go shhhh*
*some are listening*
*i am -.- ing*
Finally, when all was quiet:
Me: Ok, this game is not called Monopoly.. this game is called... *pause for dramatic effect* Drinkopoly.
Everyone: SO LAME!!!!!
Me: That's what they call it on the internet!!!!!!!!!!!!! -.-

The posers. :p
Hahah. Basically the game goes like this. Everything is played the usual way, only we moved backwards. Also, for every property owned by someone else that you land on, you have to drink. Drink what? Depends on the property you land on. It ranged from pure Chivas to a whole glass-full of plain water. Every property has a different drink. If you're in jail and someone has to drink, you drink too. And, unless you get a card that allows you to, you absolutely cannot go the bathroom no matter how much you need to.

... Does this sound fun already or what. :p

Of course - Cze is having fun!

But then again, maybe she's not. :p

Sook seems to enjoy her drink.

And while Vince passes all his drinks to Pui Ling... (-.-)

... he's enjoying his fried chicken.

Our bartender-aka-mixer, Suehlung.
Only because he was sick.
If not, no escape! :p

Vince showing us a magic trick which wasn't so magical after all.
Towards the end, Sook, Michi and Kinz helped me to clean and wash up, which was really so sweet of them, because I would've seriously died if I had to do it by myself. So a big THANK YOU to these three darlings. :)

Michi showing how un-darling she can be. Haha.
Pulling Karl, who is wearing MY primary school tie. -.-
Thanks also to Kinz for setting up the speakers for me and also for all the pretty pics. It's not his fault I looked horrible, and that his camera is so damn clear that you can see my messy hair and pimples. -.-
But it's ok Kinz haha, you have a lot of opportunities to make me look good. So make sure you do! Whee! :)

One of the better pics.

And the usual girls' pic. A funny story here.
Wei Liang was taking pics for us continuously, and said:
*click* Wait, one more.
*click* Ok now without clothes.

Michi doing her balancing act,
supported by Sook,
while I posed. Hehe.
Around 2+am, Zhen began asking if he could go home. I would've let him, but the rest said he couldn't. He kept pouting at me!! Hahah.

Already yawning.

He's upset cause he's not allowed to go home yet. :p

Zhen's not the only one pouting. Haha.
Kinz among two couples.
When we paused the game for a while, Cze began typing on my laptop and named her file, "Cze Wien to Wai Ee". Haha. So cute. It was a random message, which included this:
"hahahahaa... kin meng's an idiot because he wants me to say he's handsome... hmmmm... just because he's a Lim as well, yes, kin meng is handsome...hehe..."
Finally around 3+am the party ended, much to Zhen's relief. Haha.

Group pic.

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Look at Suehlung's arms! Lol!
Happy 21st to me! :)
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