Times to remember...
When: 07/03/2008
With: Kit Mun, Shanice, Joanne, Manrou, Weng Yan, Ming Kim, Keith, Eric, Wei Siang, Samuel, Isabella
Where: College Square, Lygon
Pictures: Below, courtesy of Joanne
Cross-posted at nEutral
Due to a temporary case of insanity, I stayed up until 5am again, despite having to wake up at 10am to meet my friends for grocery shopping for our barbecue tonight. And when I tried waking up at 9.40am, I knew immediately that it was impossible. Hahah. So I smsed them that I'd be late and slept again.
At 11.30am, I finally met up with them, and Keith was having a fun time making sure I didn't forget that the day before, I had specifically told him, "10am ar, don't be late!!". Hahah. And he actually woke up at 9.30am, even though he insisted he'd only meet us at 10.30am, and thought that I'd kill him if he was late, so he actually, really made it at 10am! Hahah. I'd be amazed if I wasn't busy trying to defend my lateness. =p
And, btw, he insists that what he said was not "Zap!" (refer 2 posts down) but "Pzzt!". Just so you know, because for the past few days, he's been going, "It wasn't zap!!". So there you have it. Pzzt. Hahaha.
From the time I woke up at 11.30am right until 6pm, I was out either at the market, the supermarket or Shanice's place preparing the food for the barbecue. I swear, I have never spent so much time preparing for just one meal, and will probably not do so again in the near future. Hahah. But it was really fun, and I learned a lot of new things! =)
See! I helped ok!! =p I learned how to cut pepper. Hahah. I learned how to make potato salad that is simply addictive. And the best of all, I was introduced to the greatest creation ever: instant soba. Hahaha. Just boil the soba, dump it into ready-made soba sauce, and it's done! For lazy people like me, it's the next best thing to heaven. Hahah.
Kitmun with Shanice's huge bowl of kebab spare ribs with Szechuan seasoning. Yumm... Let me just mention that at this whole preparation stage, the guys very conveniently went missing (though to be fair, Keith and Eric did help carry the stuff in the morning, including lots of meat and a whole watermelon. Hahah). The only ones preparing were Shanice, Kitmun, Joanne and I, and later helped by Manrou. *sigh* Guys. -.-
Finally, at 6+ pm, we were ready to barbecue! We had tons of food: two types of chicken wings, spare ribs kebab, lamb kebab, corn, mushroom, crabsticks, Shanice's toast (inspired by Violet) which was a hit, prawns, potato salad, watermelon, and a birthday cake for Joanne. =)
Sitting around, waiting for the guys to start the fire. Look at the amount of food!!!
Still waiting for the guys to start the fire, with a fork in my mouth because I was so hungry by then. -.-
Shanice (right) with her roomate, Violet, who happens to also be my sister's good friend. Small world! Hehe.
L-R: Joanne, Wei Siang, Kitmun Kitmun & Wengyan! =) Joanne and Shanice with the awesome toast with honey, chocolate syrup and bananas! =) Among the highlights of the barbecue:
I invited Ming Kim over for the barbecue. Because it so happened that each of them invited friends of the same sex, and I invited a guy instead, Eric and Keith were "making my life difficult" (in their own words) by saying a lot of rubbish to me, but were thankfully, er, relatively good when Ming Kim was around. Hahah.
Joanne took this pic, then later showed me the pic, saying "Scandalous~" with the biggest grin. -.- The guys were doing the barbecue-ing, and I was telling Keith and Wei Siang, Me: Eh, barbecue the lamb la, or we'll be eating spare ribs and chicken the whole night!! *when they finally barbecue lamb and give one of the first pieces to me* Me: Eh, no, I dowan! Keith: Huh?? Weren't you the one who said you wanted?? Me: I said barbecue the lamb, I didn't say I wanted to eat it. *smiles innocently*
Hahah. Keith was ready to kill me, I think. Hahha. Scared laa. You know, in the dark, I was eating the spare ribs they just barbecued and when I walked into the light after finishing it, I was like, "Eh... why the meat pink colour wan...!!!" Hahaha. So many times the meat wasn't fully cooked yet (it was edible though, I guess... I hope. Hahah) -.-
Me with the gang of guys who barbecued for us. L-R: Samuel, Wei Siang, Keith, Eric, me. And I swear, I don't know why I did that peace sign thing. If I ever do that again without reason, please slap me. -.-
And the best part:
It was getting cold at night, and Wei Siang suddenly threw his arms out and said to Keith, "Want a hug to keep warm?" or something like that. And I went, "Omg, don't be gayy!!" Wei Siang turned around and said, "Okay then!" and wanted to hug me!!!! And I was like, "Be gay!! Be gay!!!!!" Hahahah.
Towards the end, all hell sort of broke loose and the guys went crazy. They were chasing after one another, pouring Coke on each other, and the girls weren't spared, though what we kena-ed was relatively light.
I was victimised as well. Wei Siang came up behind me and wiped his Coke-stained hands on my hair!! Then another time he suddenly smudged cake on my cheek, and later they were playing with ice. -.-
Let's just say that by the end of the night, almost everyone was either Coke-stained, cake-smudged, iced, a combination of some, or all. Hahah.
The birthday girl with her cake, which so happened to be her favourite! Whee! =)
Shanice, Joanne and Eric, after getting caked.
Joanne, with me sticking out at the back. Hahah. ;) Shanice said I spoilt the picture. =( Hahaha.
See how nicely she (Joanne) cut the cake! *impressed* After the barbecue, we still had a ton of food left even though I was eating non-stop since 6pm until 11pm! So they decided to revive our last year's steamboat game, and whoever lost had to eat one piece of food. Ming Kim had to leave early because he had to catch the last train out of the city, and I tried to get out of the game by saying I had to show him the way to the train station, but he immediately went, "It's okay, I know the way" with the cheekiest grin! Eesh. Hahah.
I ended up losing twice, while the previous King of the Game, Keith (who lost 11 times the last time, and ended up eating a whole load of vegetables, which he doesn't normally eat hahaha) managed to get away without losing even once! Sheesh. Hahah.
Wei Siang and Eric, being crappy. I had a lot of fun today. Everyone was seriously high today. Especially Wei Siang, Eric and Keith, and er, maybe me, a little. Haha. I crazily jumped into pictures whenever I saw anyone posing. Hahha.
Group pic! Back row (L-R): Manrou, Isabella, Keith, Samuel, Wei Siang, Eric, Ming Kim Front row: Shanice, Joanne, Kitmun, Weng Yan, me
... Really, it was fun today. Hehe. =)
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