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Moments XoX
Times to remember...

« @ » Brighton Beach + Shopping + Sleepover

  • When: 14/03/2008
  • With: Kit Mun, Shanice, Joanne; Kit Mun, Weng Yan, Amanda, Jillian
  • Where: Brighton Beach; Melbourne city; Amanda's place

    Cross-posted at nEutral

    The Beach

    Went to Brighton Beach last Friday with Shanice, Kitmun and Joanne, because we knew the weather would be a scorching 40 degrees on that day. Shanice told everyone that whoever was late would have to dance on the tram, which made me so stressed over it (I didn't want to dance on the tram!! Haha) until I had nightmares that I was late. And in the end, she and Kitmun turned out to be the latest, by 15 minutes. -.-

    Kitmun in the train.

    Caught the train for the first time. Chatted and camwhored all the way in the train. And it wasn't until almost an hour later that we begun to wonder, why so long wan ah. That's when we heard the announcement, "This train will terminate at Cranbourne".

    And we were all, o.O ???

    Hahaha. We found out that we were supposed to change trains back at the 2nd stop, so we took the train all the way back to the 2nd stop, and took another train for 15 minutes that got us to Brighton Beach easily. =)

    Gosh I love this pic.
    The beach looks so good. =p

    Pretty macro shot by Shanice.
    Collection of colourful shells I collected and arranged for fun.

    Me, Kitmun and Joanne.

    Shanice, Kitmun and Joanne.

    Even though I look bad in this pic,
    I still like it cause all of us are laughing real hard at something.
    I can't remember what though. =)

    More camwhoring.

    It was hot that day; the sun was killing and the sand was abit hot, but the day was windy, and the sea was freezing cold at first. But after dipping a while in it, it's so freaking awesome. Hahah. Just imagine the warm air and the cooling water, and you'll know what I mean. =p

    Because we smart people didn't have swimsuits, we were the only crazy people who were walking in the sea, fully-clothed. And to top it off, we were the only ones camwhoring in the sea like crazy. Hahah. There's a lot of pictures that I quite like.

    Joanne and Shanice,
    with a very cheeky Kitmun posing in the background.

    Kitmun's doing it again. -.-
    Hahaha she looks abit scary here though. Hehe!

    I wasn't posing.
    ... Or was I? Hahah.

    A very sweet pic of Joanne and Shanice.

    Being random.
    One of the 6 consecutive shots we took.

    One of the 6 consecutive shots they took. =p

    I actually brought my own camera but the batteries died on me on the first shot. -.-
    I seriously need a new cam. *sigh*

    The beach wasn't that great, though people have told us that it's nice. Though walking in the cold sea was a chunted feeling, the view was nothing to shout about. I've seen nicer beaches, like the beach in PD. Haha. Walking about in the sea here reminded me of the time I walked in the sea with Kinz and Vince in PD, because of Vince's random idea of trying to reach a far-away rock. And watching Karl and Zhen go around catching crabs. The rocks, the water, the sand... =)

    This was fun too, but in a different way. Haha. It was fun camwhoring. Hahah.

    Because I realised we each had a nice individual shot. Hehe.
    I am so in love with Kitmun's pose.
    I swear she's a natural model in the making. -.-

    At the train station before leaving.

    The Shopping

    Came back in the afternoon and went straight to shopping, meeting Manrou there. I went crazy in the first shop, picking out tops and dresses every second (I think the shopaholic in me emerged with a vengeance after being suppressed for so long), until I had a loadful of clothes in my hands. When I found out that we were only allowed to bring in a maximum of 6 pieces into the fitting room, I ended up going in twice, and asking my friends to help me take this and that while I was in the fitting room, until I went way over the 6 limit. Haha.

    And I really pity my friends (though I'm really grateful and feel bad); they had to stand outside the fitting room, and when I tried on each piece, they'd have to give their opinion - whether it's nice, not nice, buy, don't buy, this colour or that colour, this size or that size... Hahah. And if you think that's bad, sometimes after hearing their opinions, I'd go, "Really ar? Should I? Should I not?" and then the whole process would repeat itself. Hahaha.

    Sometimes, if only two out of four of them were there, and after showing the two and changing out of the clothes, if the other two came back, I'd try the clothes on again to get their opinion. Hahaha. Yes I'm that fickle. I swear no one will want to shop with me again. -.-

    So finally settling on 2 tops two hours later (each of us bought 2 tops, except for Kitmun who bought a pink dress which is really pretty on her), we moved on to the second shop which my cellmates told me is a must-go.

    Spent the next two hours there, going through the gazillions of dresses they had, trying on another handful of dresses, with poor Kitmun and Shanice especially having to put up with me and give me their opinions. I went into the fitting room like 3 times. Hahah.

    Fell in love with this blue print halter dress as soon as I wore it (Kitmun actually just randomly picked it out and I just tried it on for fun). The problem is that it's an XXS dress. -.-  But I somehow managed to fit into it, and I knew I just had to have it, even though there's a slight problem with it (in the sense that I'm not sure if I dare to wear it, hahah). So I bought it. =)

    Tried on another black dress which had big metal circles linked together as its straps, and though it looked more like clubbing clothes, I really wanted to get it. But after finding out that it was wrongly placed on the racks and was three freaking times the price I thought it was, I decided I could live without it. But I looked so good in it. =(

    Hahah. Then again, I look good in everything, so anyway! =p

    Wheeeeeee!!! =D

    The Sleepover

    Went home 12 hours after leaving it in the morning, with 2 new tops and 2 dresses, just to shower and pack, before leaving again for a sleepover at Amanda's. We talked until about 5.30am. Amanda and Wengyan are just crazy!! I love listening to them story-tell. Hahah. Then because it was so interesting, I didn't want to let them sleep:
    Me: What's the point of having a sleepover if you all are gonna sleep? Liddet might as well sleep at home!
    Amanda: ... Ya hor.

    The 5 sleeping beauties.
    L-R: Wengyan, Jillian, me, Kitmun, Amanda

    So we continued talking a while more. Hehe. When everyone finally really KO-ed, I managed to persuade Kitmun into staying up with me (sound familiar, Siew? Hehe) until about 7.30am before I finally felt bad and let her sleep. Hahah. Now I'm sure that not only will no one ever go shopping with me, no one will invite me for sleepovers either. Hahaha.

    Sitting/lying around, talking nonsense.

    Woke up around 12pm and went for "breakfast", eating at 2pm. Hahah. The Bonanza thingy that I had (which is actually a really awesome version of Continental breakfast) was so damn good, but so damn expensive too, at $16. And I have a feeling that the waiter purposely gave Amanda and I mineral water when we asked for water, so that they could charge us a whopping $3 per person. >=(

    Jillian's absolutely delicious, mouth-watering chocolate & raisin brownie!
    And a pretty girl in the back. Haha. ;)

    Kitmun and I.

    More camwhoring on the streets.

    Wengyan's salmon thing.

    Surviving the rest of the day on a one-and-a-half-hour nap, I was crazy enough to stay awake until 5am yet again despite knowing very well that I'd have to wake up at 8am for church. But it was fun. Hahah. ;)

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