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Moments XoX
Times to remember...

« @ » CF Camp 2004

  • When: 15/03/2004 - 17/03/2004
  • Where: Peacehaven
  • With: CF members
  • How: Bus
  • Total hours of journey: 1 hour or so (one way)
  • Time difference: -
  • Pictures: Captured Moments

    Definitely one of the most incredible camps of my life... The experience... The events... It was so so amazing...

    The Long Version
    Every year, CF camp is a big deal for me. Everything must go well or I get really bummed...

    The Events
    Praise & Worship sessions, games, morning devotions, meal times, workshops...

    The Weather
    Good... cooling

    The People
    This was the first year so many of my non-Christian friends came along, plus my usual Christian friends. It was so cool. Although, I must admit, people-wise, the years before were better than this year. So... if you get what I mean, then yay good for you.

    The Camp
    Overall... only one word is enough to describe it: Incredible. I miss it... being in camp was like running away from the troubles of reality. It was as though I was in another world... which gave me so much peace. Too bad it had to end so soon.

    Little Incidents

  • Watching the salvation of so many that I care for... for the first time in my life, I knew what it meant to experience pure joy... :)
  • I watched as a close friend of mine was worked to the bone, busy doing this and that. And one of those days when he just started eating lunch (I was at the same table), a certain someone sort of ordered him to do something else. Like, cmon, give the guy a break. I was kinda pissed for him.
  • Watched Joseph playing floorball. Lol, did you guys know, he roxx at it? Haha... He's also super nice, everytime at breakfast, he'll be one of the very few gentlemen that will toast the bread for the whole table hehe... ::cheers for Joseph::
  • Having only 4 hours of sleep every night, is not a good idea. Haha.
  • I practically forced my friends to take pictures with me everytime there was free time. I'm glad I did, lol, cause I enjoy looking through the pictures over & over again. :D
  • Meal times were... funny, sort of. Once Siew Yen broke the tradition of 4 of us girls (Michelle, Cze Wien, Siew Yen & I) eating together at every meal. So the 3 of us playfully pakat-ed and glared at her throughout the meal. Haha...

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