Times to remember...
CF Camp 2006
When: 17/03/2006 - 19/03/2006
Where: Peacehaven
With: CF members & the lovely ex-students (Michelle, Siew Yen, Sarah, Sook Kuan, Huey Lynn, Hock Jeen, Raymas, Jason, David, etc. to name a few)
How: LRT, bus, cable car (yes!! hehe), walk, bus on the way back
Total hours of journey: 1 hour or so (one way)
Time difference: -
Pictures: Cameras weren't allowed this year, so not many nice pics, although we took a few...
As an ex-student, we had a little more freedom than the years before. Started off with me doubting if I should've gone, but ended with me wishing with all my heart that it didn't end so soon. I missed everyone. The new experiences, the old memories... how I'll miss them all so much.
The Long Version
Having our juniors do most of the work and we ex-students (well, me, Michelle & Siew actually hehe) basically just slept and enjoyed the camp. I felt so selamba!! Hahaha... =p
The Events
Praise & Worship sessions, games, morning devotions, meal times, workshops, candle-light service...
The Weather
It was cooling, sometimes it was cold, sometimes it was nice, and once or twice it rained. But hey, I'm not complaining, cause I spent most of my time indoors... like, in the room... sleeping. Hehe!
The People
What can I say, seeing all the ex-students and my juniors was fun. I especially missed all my form-mates, and now I miss them even more. Got to know people like Sarah and Sook Kuan better, cause they were my roommates with Michelle and Siew. We got the family room! Hehe! Haven't talked to David in a long time, nearly forgot how I enjoyed talking to him. Hehe. Always eating, he and Jason. Lol. And being anywhere with Hock Jeen & Raymas is always fun and nice. Not missing out, of course, my cute little juniors... not so little anymore. Sigh. =)
The Camp
It didn't start out exactly very well, but it got better everyday. I think the only things I participated in were the sessions and the meal times. Haha. Sorry. Chow kong was too persistent for me to resist. =p
Little Incidents
Taking the LRT, bus, and cable car (whee~!!) rocked! Haha. Then when we reached the top of the cable car, we had to wait for Hock Jeen and few other guys to come and pick us up. Felt like such a small kid. Didn't really want to make Hock Jeen and the rest walk all the way up and down for us, but they had their orders. Sigh.
When we bought the tickets for the bus & cable car, the 9 of us were just standing around. Then I wanted to sit down somewhere. So Siew and I went to a corner to sit down, and I was like, "What if they leave without us?" And Siew was like, "Don't worry, they can't go anywhere without us" and she showed me the 9 tickets she was holding. LOL! Damn she's smart. ;)
Ooh the cable car! Hehe! I was like begging everyone to take the cable car. And then Sook Kuan and Huey Lynn said they wanted to shake the cable car, so I said I wouldn't sit with them. Then, in all the excitement of getting into a cable car, I ended up jumping into a cable car with both Huey Lynn and Sook Kuan!!! Hahaha... and Siew too... but it was fun, the 4 of us, talking, laughing... me screaming whenever the cable car shook unnaturally... ahahaha... I love cable cars. =)
We reached just in time for dinner. Then erm, well, someone said something that kind of hurt me, but I guess it was more of how he said it than what he said. But I know I'm being over-sensitive.
Had a really nice chat with Sook Kuan. All the things she had to say... wow.
Talked with Michelle until 4 in the morning! She said she wanted to wake up for prayer meeting at 6 but in the end she didn't... hehe oops. We also skipped morning devotion cause we were so tired. In fact, we skipped both prayer meetings and morning devotions. Oopsies.
Went for this revival workshop by Annette. She asked the juniors what was stressful. A few said relationships. Most said studies. You think that's stressful?? Wait till you've experienced what I have.
I saw all the ex-students praying for others, and I felt like I had a duty to pray for them too. And not only that, I wanted to. But I didn't dare to, and I felt like, who am I to pray for them? But I really, really wanted to. And then on the 2nd day, Pn Julie came up to me and asked me to pray for the others. Was God trying to tell me something? Hehe... but it was a great experience. And you know what, they're right. The words just come even though you don't know what you're praying for. =)
Hock Jeen took my Maggi Mee in a Cup! Lol not really, I gave it to him since he wanted it. He was asking me why I was so nice. I'm always nice! Hehe. And then he was wondering what I wanted. Lol. Teruk la he.
Candle-light service. It wasn't as good as the years before, because everyone didn't seem to be singing. And there was this group of people - sorry, this group of leaders - who were talking and laughing away, even though we were singing worship songs and praying. You know what I think? I think it's sad that CF leaders aren't being good examples for the younger ones, and that they can't even have the decency to respect God. Somehow CF has become so commercialised... like, it's cool to join CF, so people join. Something called sincerity has been lost along the way.
Meals... Michelle, Siew and I usually sat with Jason, David, Sook Kuan, Sarah, sometimes Hock Jeen and Raymas, and other ex-students, and it was great. You know why? Usually Hock, Raymas & David would be so busy they wouldn't even have time to eat, what more eat with us. So it was great that after, what, 3 years (?) we finally managed to eat together... a real meal, not a rushed one.
I can't believe I've cried for a grand total of 7 times in 3 days... man! Lol. Some were during camp, some were after. Due to different reasons, but all related to camp. =p
On the way back down from Peacehaven, I ended up sitting right at the back of the bus next to Wai Kuan's brother... Kah Hong izit? Sorry if it's wrong... but he's really nice, and funny. And man, when we went up and down the bumps, it was FUN! Hahaha... we practically flew out of our seats everytime. Hehe.

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