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Moments XoX
Times to remember...

« @ » Class Dinner 2005

  • When: 19/03/2005
  • With: Classmates... will name them later! :)
  • Where: Souled Out, Sri Hartamas
  • Time: Around 7 p.m. - 11 p.m. >> I came late. Lol.
  • Pictures: Below

    I had to rush from CF camp to dinner, cause my bus was late by 4 hours. When I reached, everyone had finished!! Lol but it was fun to just be out with my classmates. I was so happy so many turned up! Hehe. :)

    The Long Version
    Our first ever class dinner! Orkidianz-only. Hehe. It was cool.

    The Place
    My second (?) time to Souled Out. First time was during Valentine's Day one of those years with some friends. Have no idea why it's so popular. Hehe. The food is okay I guess. The place... well, I heard the inside is really nice, but guess what, I always get stuck sitting outside. Lol.

    The Weather
    It was dark, and it was hot. No rain. Thinking back, maybe it should've rained so I could've sat inside. Hehe!

    The People
    Like I said, Orkidianz-only! Hehe. I guess being in the same class for 2 years just makes you closer. They're really a nice bunch of people. Really glad I got to know them.

    The Outing
    Didn't really get to spend much time with them. Came late, most of them were going to go home already (aww...) and a bunch of guys left to the nearest cyber cafe... eesh... lolz but yeah, it was fun... ^^

    Little Incidents

  • Halfway through, *poof* there was a blackout!! LOL. I think it must've been the F1 thingy going on in front. They were doing some wiring thing I think.
  • My friends were chatting with the waitress a little, and she was like, "You guys aren't college students right?" and when we said we're not, she was like, "Oh, cause you guys don't look like college students"... oookay... lol what's that's supposed to mean! :p

    Clockwise from top left: Ying Shyen, Ting Fang, Nicole, Sangithah, Lee Ming, Sook Teng, Sher Huey, Sueh Lung, Kin Meng (Kinz), Ee En, me, Andrew

    MIA: Abel, Victor, Aaron, Chung Wye, Khai Ming, Kuan Ting, Noelle... am I missing anyone?

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