Times to remember...
Chinese New Year Visiting 2006
When: 04/02/2006
With: Sook Teng, Siew Yen, Cze Wien, Michelle, Kah Yang, Andrew, Sueh Lung, Zhen Quan, Thiam Beng, Vincent, Patrick, (later joined by) Karl Son, (Pot Luck Dinner, joined by) Peter, Wei Liang.
Where: Different houses, pot luck dinner at mine
Time: From 10 a.m. to 11.45 p.m.
Pictures: Below
One of the most fun times I've had so far this year. So glad we don't have to walk this time, hehe. Many little things happened, which made the experience all the much more memorable. When it ended, I felt that it ended way too soon.
The Long Version
We went to many friends' houses, and did many stupid things. We laughed, and they "opened table" (I only watched, ok! Lol). I noticed a few more of my friends who didn't join the game. Yay! :) Once or twice while visiting, I wondered if I would be with the same group of friends next year, having the same amount of fun I had this year. But I guess we'll never know what will happen in the future. One thing's for sure, I had a really, really great time. Thanks to everyone who was a part of it. :)
The Place
Hmm... I've been to most of the houses before, but yeah, it was fun. Went to around 10 houses. Again, let me say how glad I am that we didn't have to walk. Lol.
The Weather
Was good throughout the morning and afternoon, but when we were at Yang's house, it rained. Luckily his car was parked inside the house, and when we reached Pn. Liew's house (which was after Yang's house), it had already stopped raining. :)
The People
It felt really good to be with a group of friends, one which I'm close to mostly everyone there. It was like old times. And spending more than 13 hours with them and saying "So early" when they wanted to go back... well, that's saying alot. ;)
The Outing
Fun fun fun. It's not something you can do everyday. Getting to sit around in people's houses and play with the stuffs in their houses... see their families, as well as eat their nice cookies... hehe.
Little Incidents
Saw Vincent with his newly bleached hair. I heard it was like "omg" but I thought it was okay. Not that bad lah. Lol. And his shirt!! Invertible gold/black chinese-ey shirt. Haha.
Met Ezra near Siew's place, and I was like, "What are you doing here?" And he was like, "I live here". Oops. LOL.
All of us became the guinea pig for Cze's sis' alcoholic jelly. Lol omg. It was quite nice la, but I wasn't used to it. Cze saw me and said I looked like I was suffering. Hahah.
Nearly broke Patrick's antique chair. Hehe oops. And sorry for throwing your new pillow. Hehe oops again.
Kena scratch.
We discussed why MAS kept losing money. Haha! ;)
Whenever we went to a new house, we were very careful where we sat. Wherever the couples sat, we made sure we stayed far away from them. If not, teruk. Hahah.
Zhen Quan whacked me on the head with an inflated plastic hammer!! Argh!! Then later he whacked me with various things 2 more times! Eesh... when I wanted to whack him, he ran away. Lolz.
Sat on Yang's cute hand-chair! Yay! But at first kena bully by Sueh Lung, cause he sat there first. Lucky Yang was so nice, ask Sueh Lung to let me sit. Hehe.
Watched Yang and Karl Son play football on ps2. The way Karl Son played is super cute... got sound effects and body movements wan. Lol!
Played a racing game with Sueh Lung. Instead of going like 200++ km/hour like how people usually play, I was going like 50 km/hour. Hahah. Press the accelerator, then let go. Press, then let go. Hehe. Sueh Lung kept banging into me on purpose. After that, he'll brake and wait for me, then bang me again. Lol crazy fella.
Yang tricked me... when I was racing with Sueh Lung, Yang suddenly said "Waiee, eat this" and cause I was so engrossed in the game, I just opened my mouth and I didn't even know what he gave me. It was some kind of lemon cheese cake, I think? Sueh Lung also bodoh bodoh (like me, haha) open his mouth when Yang gave him. Haha. Before that, Andrew gave me some kind of fruit, I also dunno what was that... Until now I still dunno what it was, lol.
When we visited Pn. Liew, we had to leave. But I didn't want to say anything, and Sueh Lung didn't really know her, so he didn't want to say anything either. Karl Son was blur as usual, and Yang purposely didn't want to say!! So mean. In the end, after 15 minutes of procrastination, I finally "beh tahan" so I said we had to go. Eesh, kena bully again. :p
At the potluck, Andrew had to reheat his spaghetti sauce. He wanted to use my stove, and Yang and Sueh Lung were there. I was like, "No, don't use that button... no wait, not there..." and everything. On the other hand, the guys were so calm and Yang took the spark gun while Andrew turned the gas. Sueh Lung was like, "You stay back la" and then ta-da, they started a fire. And then they were teasing me, saying, "Waiee dunno how to use a stove." Eesh! So bad. Haha. Not I dunno, I scared you all spoil my stove! Blek! :p
Finally sat in Sook's car! Yay! And Patrick's too. Then that night, I sat in another scary driver's car. Hahaha. Joy ride. Sueh Lung, I bet you had fun, didn't you? Haha! =p
Sueh Lung was really nice, helped to carry the chairs and stuff before the dinner. Andrew too, but because he came later, he carried less... haha but still, they're both nice. :)
Vincent, Wei Liang & Patrick were talking about driving lessons. Lol super funny the way they talk.
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