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Moments XoX
Times to remember...

« @ » Chinese New Year Visiting (I) 2007

  • When: 24/02/2007
  • With: Sook Teng, Siew Yen, Cze Wien, Michelle, Kah Yang, Andrew, Sueh Lung, Zhen Quan, Thiam Beng, Karl Son (Pot Luck Dinner, joined by) Kinz, Vincent.
  • Where: Everyone's respective houses except Sook's, Michi's, Kinz's, Vincent's and Zhen's, pot luck dinner at mine
  • Time: From 10 a.m. to 12.30 a.m.
  • Pictures: Below

    Cross-posted at nEutral


    My visiting day started at 9.45 when Sook followed me to Siew's house. We were the first there, and as usual, the rest were fashionably late. I was pretty dead at Siew's house because I just woke up, and they were playing cards. Saw Daniel, Siew's little bro, and he's not as shy as he used to be. Hehe. So cute. =p

    After sitting for around an hour while the rest arrived much later, we left for Cze's house. We thought there wouldn't be any drivers today, so I was asked to drive. In the end, Karl Son, Thiam Beng and Andrew drove. So I left my car at Siew's and jumped into Thiam's car with the other 3 girls (one of the girls was in Andrew's car).

      Cze: So kasihan, why no one sit in Karl Son's car wan? (It was only Karl Son and Zhen Quan in that car)
      Me: Choose between a Camry (Thiam's car) and a Wira (Karl Son's). =D
      Thiam: *laughs* Wah, too much.

    At Cze's, still abit dead. I mean me. Hahah. Cze taught everyone a new game, something like "8 or 9" or something liddet. And I learned a new game from watching Siew, Thiam, Karlson and Zhenquan playing, called "Yahoo Poker" haha. Quite cool. Yang and Andrew left at this point to go for Nigel's gathering, and would join us again later.

    Cze, Siew, Michi, Sook & I @ Cze's

    Left for Karlson's place after polishing off Cze's yummy tapioca chips and homemade chocolate chip cookies. I got into Karlson's car (yes, the Wira. Hahaha.) I must say that I like his driving much better than when I first sat his car. Zhenquan was nice enough to let me sit in the front passenger seat. Then he used the hanging Winnie the Pooh toy to whack my head, which reminded me of last year when he used the plastic hammer to whack my head. Sigh. Looks like old habits die hard. Hahaha.

    Karlson, Zhen & I in Karlson's car

    At Karlson's, Thiam and Zhen played Maplestory while the 5 girls played Chor Dai Dee downstairs. We had some girl talk too, which was nice.

    "I thought you deserved better"

    ... Thank you. =)
    Somehow, in a twisted way, it feels really good yet ironic to know that someone thinks that I deserve better than someone whom I think deserves better than me. =p

    Left pic: The girls @ Karlson's
    Right pic: Thiam, Zhen & Karlson

    So, back to visiting, after playing many rounds of Chor Dai Dee (which I won quite a number, hehe!) we finally left for lunch. Karlson, Zhen and I went off to fetch Karlson's sis home first, before meeting up with the other 5 and Suehlung at the shop. Suehlung didn't join us for the first few houses, so some of us were thinking, "Oh, maybe he's busy making sushi for the potluck tonight". BUT, haha, I didn't think he would be so rajin (hehe) and I was right, because when I asked him later, he said he was LAZY. Hahaha.

    After lunch, we went to Yang's house. I chup-ed the chair that I like spinning around on - the hand-looking chair in the computer room. It's so cute. Hehe. But this year we were running out of time, and the whole group was stuck in the living room because we were too engrossed with "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" which was showing on TV. Hahah, seriously, that show is hot, it makes me want to be an assassin everytime. LOL. And Yang's chocolate chip cookies were absolutely yummy. =p

    Yang gave us a short performance on the piano, surprising all of us because we never knew he played the piano. Haha. And when we left his house, it started drizzling. Michelle remembered that last year during our visiting, when we left his house, it was also drizzling. Haha. Coincidence? ;)

    This time, sat in Suehlung's car with Sook and Siew. We were on the way to Suehlung's house:

      Suehlung: Err... how to go ar?
      Us: *laughs* Your own house u dunno how to go ar!

    Hahah. Funny fella. Eventually reached there after everyone else did. Hahah. They were waiting under umbrellas in the drizzle for the host (Suehlung) to get there. Lol.

    At Suehlung's, the majority of them were playing Blackjack or "8 or 9" or whatever else they were playing, while Karlson, Suehlung, Michelle and I were playing Chor Dai Dee. Before we began:

      Karlson: You play $ or no $ wan?
      Suehlung: She doesn't play $ wan
      Karlson: Then what only do you play other than Chor Dai Dee?
      Me: Chor Dai Dee! =D
      Karlson: *gives me a dot-dot-dot look*

    I know there were some funny moments during Chor Dai Dee, but I can't really remember them. I only know Karlson uses a very chinkak way of finishing, which is using the Dai Dee as the 2nd last card. And Michi later uses his tactic, and improves on it because she saw my cards and instigated me to come out with the Dai Dee before ending with Dee of Hearts and her last card. EESH. Hahaha.

    Next stop was Thiam's house. By then most of us were too lazy or tired to play, except Yang and Andrew who played Magic at almost every house we stopped at. I was ready to KO. So tired. Thiam's grandmother was really nice, she came out to talk to us.

    Stopped at Andrew's next. There was a last empty seat and I ran and jumped on it before Cze could get to it. Hahaha. =D

    Sat there, stoned and nearly KO-ed again. Hahha. It's like this everytime I've spent too long out. By the end of an outing, I'll become really quiet and stone.

    Wanted to visit Pn Liew, but she was out. Wanted to go to Sook's house, but we didn't have time, it was already 6 by the time we left Andrew's house. Karlson dropped me off at Siew's to get my car back, and I drove Sook home. By the time I finished bathing and getting ready, it was already 7. Siew said she would be there around 7.30.


    Around 7.30, Sook arrives despite the heavy rain (my mum was saying how it was lucky that we didn't plan a BBQ). Yang arrives around 8. Suehlung and Kinz arrive around 8.20 and everyone else is late. The agreed time was 8. Lol. Oh well.

    We had fried rice, pizza, sandwiches, sushi, cocktails, potato salad, roast chicken and jelly, if I'm not missing anything. Yee sang and sparkling juice later. Most of them were busy watching TV or "hoi toi"-ing aka "opening table". Kinz, Suehlung, Sook and I were sitting at the table where it was easier to gorge ourselves silly with Yang joining later. In fact, I was the last to leave the table because I was still happily eating when everyone left and Karlson and Zhen came to join me. Haha.

    Suehlung's octopus-sushi

    Suehlung kept pointing at his octopus-sushi, insisting that I try one, even though I kept going "Want meh..." haha. I finally ate it (give face lah, happy? lol), but after cutting it into 3 pieces and resting in between each piece. Hahah. Didn't help that Suehlung told me just before i ate it that it was a real baby octopus and that i had just decapitated it. SO SAD. Just like Yang's baby crabs snack. =(

    It was not bad la. Haha. But I still feel bad eating the poor thing:

      Me: Yer, it's like I'm killing the poor baby octopus.
      Sook: It's already dead lah
      Me: Ya, but it was just a baby, so kasihan
      Someone: Then you eat chicken?! You also kill chicken wert!
      Me: That wan different mar... chicken is nice. *hehe*

    And <3 to Cze's potato salad!! Hahha. Every potluck, I ask for her potato salad. I think I ate at least 1/4 of it. Heheh.

    Left pic: Them, playing
    Right pic: Me, looking scary

    Spent the night taking crappy photos with Cze and Suehlung's cams and my hp while the rest played the usual In Between, Blackjack, and whatever else. At one point I asked Kinz why he wasn't playing, he said he was a good boy. The next minute, I see him playing. Lol! What is this man. =p

    Left pic: Me, taking 'Right pic'
    Right pic: Suehlung, taking 'Left pic'

    Zhen kept glaring at me whenever I take his picture or when I aim the camera at him. SCARINESS. Hahaha.

    The ice was kept in a tupperware. Suehlung tugged at the lid a few times, unsuccessfully opening it. "Stupid thing," muttered Suehlung. I pulled the lid, and it opened with minimum effort. Hahahaa. Stupid thing hor. =p

    Group photos at 11.30. This was where everyone became scarily crazy. Lol! Started off with Kinz as the photographer and acting like a professional one, going, "Move there *puts thumb up to use as a guide and closes one eye* ah, there, perfect, perfect!". Hahha. Siew told us where to stand, like we were back in high school again, taking class photos. The tallest in the middle, with the left and right facing inwards. Lol.

    One of our few sane-looking pics

    Then after taking a lot of different group photos, Vince suddenly says everyone should bite their nails. Cze said she wanted a Hitler pose. I suggested a lala pose. Everyone became posers. Hahaha. Finally Kinz let the camera flash away and we all did our own stupid poses.

    Hitler pose

    Cze and I kept doing crappy poses like pointing our hands like guns at each other, she shooting and me faking death, us hiding our faces while the guys did some stupid pose. Hahah.

    Hey, I was high ok. Hahah. ;)

      Cze: back row fold arms la!
      Me: serious ah???
      Vincent: you don't fold arms also can, you do liddet la *covers his chest like, er, covering something*
      Me: o.O
      Me: *laughs* you do la!

    Vincent is the guy in white in the middle. Lol!

    And today when I see the pics, he really did it. HAHAHAHA.

    Lala pic:

      Someone: 1,2,5 rule. one finger like this *poses*, two fingers like this *poses* and 5 fingers *poses*
      Everyone: oh ok *poses*

    Lala pic. Watch the bottom row.

    Today when I see the pics, Yang's, Kinz's and Thiam's definition of the one finger rule = middle finger. -.-" ahhahaha

    Damn embarrasing la some of my pics. Hahaha. I look so stupid. GOSH. Hahaha.

    Soon it was time to "lou" the yee sang. Sook got the yee sang ready while Suehlung poured the sparkling juice. I wanted to help, so I opened the sesame seeds... and spilled almost all of them. -.-"

    Hahaha. "Yuit pong yuit mong", which translates into the more I help, the more work they have. =p

    Then we "lou"-ed the yeesang, and you're supposed to say out your wishes like "May everyone be healthy" or "May my children's studies be good" or something like that lah. Instead, I went, "Pck! Pck!" hahahahaha. Even Cze was like, "Hope that Waiee and Sookteng get boyfriends soon!" LOL!! Um, thanks, I think. Hahahahaha.

    Lou-ing =p

    After that, we wanted to yum seng. But my parents were already sleeping, and it was late, so we did a silent yum seng. Hahaha. It was so damn funny. We all went softly "Yuuuuuuuuuuuuum..." and whispered "Seng!" Hahahaha. Damn funny. Kinz even captured a video of it. Hahah.

    That was the end, everyone had to leave cause it was late (12.30). Thanks to those who helped me to clean up, because it would've killed me to clean up alone and I had absolutely no idea where to throw the rubbish. Hahaha. Thanks to Siew for organising, and to those who drove! =)


    After everyone left, I actually mopped the floor and wiped all the tables and chairs. I really did. And when I told Suehlung, he was like, "I don't believe. You don't even know how to turn on the kitchen stove". SOB.

    Then he told Sook and Kinz online:

      Suehlung: u believe anot, she mopped the floor and wiped all the tables and chairs
      Suehlung: I don't believe
      Sook: Sure boh... don bluff la
      Suehlung: so unbelievable right
      Sook: I go buy lottery tomoro
      Me: yerr, y u all don't believe me.. i really did!
      Me: dowan to talk to you all already. byebye. hmph.
      *leaves chat*
      *they add me back*
      Suehlung: OOi
      Sook: don't angry la. just surprising ma. muakz.
      Suehlung: VERY
      Sook: sayang balik
      Kinz: oi oi, apa jadi? i didn say i din belief oso
      Kinz: i was just seeing ur LENGLUI face picture mar
      Me: ahahaha WAHH... flattery won't get u anywhere =p
      Kinz: but then i put 50% (resize) then cannot see aredi.
      Me: DOT

    Hehehe I just kacau them onli la, cause they were being mean. I'm not that siu hei... most of the time. Hehe! =p

    While Kinz was going through the pics before sending them over:

      Kinz: eh waiee.. u wan proof u kena bully? here i got plenty
      Kinz: ahahaha.... either suehlung whack ur head... or pull ur hair
      Suehlung: oh shit. ahah. i pulled her hair??
      Kinz: hahaha think so
      Me: HAR?!?!
      Kinz: u hafto ask urself man
      Me: serious crap ah. hahaha. SUEHLUNG. when did u pull my hair! wanna die ar. hahahaha
      Suehlung: i don think i pulled
      Me: ya, i dont think u pulled also. hahaha
      Suehlung: pushed got la
      Me: HAR!
      Kinz: ahh same lah. hahaha
      Me: admit pun! hahaha
      Kinz: i see hair. and hand.
      Suehlung: got pic aredi... how not to admit
      Kinz: must be pulled la
      Suehlung: if i pulled there wud b a bunch of hair in my hands

    See how I get bullied by my oh-so-wonderful friends. haha.

    All in all, it was a really fun day. Started off quite blandly, but ended with a blast. The laughs and things we crazy people do make it fun. Hehe. I try not to think that this could be our last CNY together, even though it probably is. Even so, we still had this one, and hopefully we all had fun. =)

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