Pictures: Soon
Cross-posted at nEutral
Went visiting with the gang. Started at Zhen's house at 10am, which we left at 11.30am because his mum was very friendly. Haha. Cze's, Karl's, Suehlung's, Andrew's, Kinz's, Michi's, mine and finally Sook's, where we had our steamboat.
Steamboat was good! Sook's mum's soup was yummy, and so much food. From two types of mushrooms, to too-many-to-count types of balls (because they like their balls, I quote, hahah), to too much veggie, to alot of other food, like my crabsticks! Whee! =)
After steamboat and cleaning up, they started playing Blackjack at the table, so I just sat there and watched, occassionally helping Vincent to take a card and peeking at Karl's cards, with Beng as the chongker.
Then Sook brought out the Chivas, and everything sort of started from there (at least, for me it did). Hahah. While they played cards, I drank 5 successive glasses in my boredom before saying in a slurred voice, "I think I'm getting tipsy". Hahah.
Karl, who was on my left, was beginning to get high on the alcohol too (and if you remember me saying, he's hilarious when drunk), so when he laughed like an idiot when he saw his cards, I laughed at him (a little like an idiot too, I think), and everyone laughed at us for, I suspect, being idiots. -.-
Karl and Zhen, being gay. =p
Cze tried to take advantage of the situation, and asked, "So waiee, who do you like?" and I went, "I dunno....!!" while placing both of my palms on each of my cheeks and moving my head from left to right, smiling ridiculously. Hahaha. Somehow Zhen decided to make that his new signature move, and immitated my actions while saying in an amused, high-pitched voice, "I'm tipsyyy!". Hahah.
Then Sook brought out the yee sang, and even with her mum there, when everyone was lou-ing, I yelled, "I want a boyfriend this year!!" (It was the alcohol, I swear. Hahah) and everyone laughed while saying, "Waiee get boyfriend this year!!". Then, Karl yelled, "I also want a girlfriend this year!!" and everyone laughingly chorused, "Karlson get girlfriend this year!!" Hahaha. Damn funny wei that Karl. ;)
I then proceeded to try and eat all the yee sang in my drunken stupor so that my future boyfriend wouldn't have any pimples. Hahah. Unfortunately, I didn't manage to finish it, so pck, sorry la. Hehe. I tried my best.
All tipsy.
Cze, Michi and Beng.
And for some reason, everyone suddenly wanted to take a picture with me while I was just sitting there, talking and doing nonsense. In the midst of trying not to look drunk on camera, I said, "Why everyone suddenly wanna take picture with me wan, I feel like a monkey in a zoo." Hahah. Normal days never take my pic la, now when I'm tipsy only wanna take my pic laa... sheesh. =p
With Kinz.
Kinz's signature pose. Hahah.
I just noticed there's lots of pics of him posing like this. =p
See what I mean? Hahah.
L-R: Kinz, me, Cze, Sook, Andrew
With a very gay Zhen.
Seriously, look at him in the next few pics. Hahaha.
With Beng and Zhen doing the *i'm tipsyyy* pose.
Again with Beng and Zhen.
Hahaha Zhen's face here is priceless! Hahah.
With Sook and the gay guy. Hahah.
Beng and Vince were trying to take advantage of the situation too, and decided to play strip poker with me. Hahaha. The first round, I lost, but the next round Vincent lost, so we were even and didn't need to strip anything (not like I would've, haha, I was tipsy, not drunk or stupid). Then the third round, we were tied, so I went, "Ok, both also chui..." (chui = strip) Hahah.
Ran out of Chivas so I was forced to settle for beer. Every gulp I took, I went, "YUCK" and took another gulp. Hahah. Vince was supposed to drink half but I drank most of it anyway, the bluffer. Sook and Suehlung tried to keep the drinks away from me but I always took it back, hehehe.
Then got bored and started moving back and forth from the hall to the dining table (where they were playing cards). Karl had already KO-ed on the couch and I was trying to poke/kick him awake but Sook and Suehlung always stopped me. Sob sob. No fun la, he get to sleep while I have to entertain them. Hahah. Poor Sook (especially) and Suehlung were running around after me, making sure I was walking properly and not doing idiotic things. Hehe.
Zhen even video-ed me!! And I didn't realise until much later. Then when he played the video on his phone, I suddenly reached across the table, grabbed it, and made a mad dash to the bathroom, laughing crazily. But, Sook was too fast for me, and I didn't manage to lock the door, but I still managed to get them to delete the video (at least, I really hope Zhen wasn't lying when he said he already deleted it, lol). I didn't see the video, but I remember the first thing I heard me saying on the video was, "Lenglui lehhhh". Hahah. I don't even remember saying that. =p
Now I really hope Kinz doesn't have pics of me looking drunk, or doing something stupid. And Beng said he had a lot of pics of me in Michi's phone, so er, I think it's safe to assume that I'm going to get blackmailed for life. Hahah.
All smiles. =)
L-R: me, Cze, Sook, Michi, Beng
Finally at 2am, with only Sook, Suehlung, Karl, Zhen and I left (the rest left around 1-ish), I finally consented to leave to relieve poor Sook of me. Sook and Suehlung got down from the car (Zhen drove, since he didn't drink) and walked me right up to my doorstep, and for a moment when I stood there waving blankly with a smile, I wondered why they weren't moving yet. Then I heard Sook going, "Gate! Gate!" before I realised I forgot to close the gate. Hahaha.
Among the other things I remember doing are, trying to use Vince's laptop to talk to his girlfriend/friends on his MSN when he wasn't looking (but unfortunately was always caught and stopped), and trying to log into my Facebook but being unable to type properly. Hahah. When Sook went to bathe just before the few of us (Sl, Karl, Zhen, me) left and we were lying on the floor as the after-effects of being wasted, I went, "You all don't play play ar, I know sm wan ar... come, I teach you all..." or something liddet. Hahaha. Inside joke. ;)
I can't remember a lot of the other things I said or did (too many la haha), but if any of you guys remember, tell me ya, so I can add it to the list. Haha for remembrance's sake. =)
Girl's pic. See, I don't look tipsy/drunk, do I? Hehe. L-R: me, Cze, Sook (top), Michi.
I had damn alot of fun being tipsy; I was at an all-time high and I think it was the best time I've had all year! =D
We shall do this again, ok. And next time, I will start charging entertainment fees already. Hehe.
Siew and Yang, wish you guys were here!
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