Times to remember...
Chinese New Year 2009
When: 31/01/2009
With: My family, Sook Teng, Cze Wien, Michelle, Natalie! :p Andrew, Thiam Beng, Sueh Lung, Zhen Quan, Thiam Beng, Kin Meng, Karl Son, Vincent, Pui Ling
Where: Cze's, Karl's, Zhen's, Suehlung's, Andrew's, Beng's, Kinz's, Paris Restaurant, Sook's, mine
Time: From 10 a.m. to 2 a.m.
Pictures: Below
Cross-posted at nEutral
CNY for me began with a trip back to my parents' hometown on the eve. The much anticipated eve dinner at night, waking up to lion dance drums and the sound of Lilian Too on the TV, wearing new clothes and getting dolled up much to the impatience of my family haha, the visiting of relatives' houses and the food... :)
The delicious cake my uncle brought. With mum and sis on the first day. Aunties and uncles! All of us minus my dad, the cameraman. The first few days of CNY at my cousin's house passed by mostly with many, many, many, many, many games of Chor Dai Dee. Taught my sis and aunt how to play, and after proclaiming myself the Queen of Chor Dai Dee, I managed to lose every single round other than 3 out of the million games we played. -.-
With my aunt and sis outside our lunch place, 2nd day. Last Saturday, went for the annual visiting with the gang. Started at Cze's house, and played with her niece, Natalie. She's so cute! She was dancing around and singing songs for us. And the best part: when we were taking group photos, the girls were sitting on the couch. Every girl called out to Natalie to coax her into taking a picture with us, and she chose me! Awww! Hahah. While we all called out to her, she looked a little lost as to who she would chose, then she walked to me. So cute! So she sat on my lap while we took the picture. So so cute. I love kids. :)
Natalie. :) I'll let Kinz explain why he likes this shot, if he bothers to. :p
Have to get the picture from Andrew though, so proof will come later. :p
Proof is here! :)
Proof #1!
Proof #2! Hehe. She looks so cute there. :) I must say, Michi is so damn natural with kids. You should've seen the way she played with Natalie and carried her. *in awe*
Proceeded to Karl's, then Zhen's. Because we kept scolding Zhen for saying to his mum last year "Mum, they're not your friends!", he said that he would keep quiet this time. And true enough, he did! Haha. Though halfway through, I saw him starting to put his socks back on and kept going to the door. Haha.
Went for lunch before heading off to Suehlung's, then Andrew's, Beng's then Kinz's. At Beng's, as usual, we played Wii. He has this really cute game, where the whole group of us could take turns and play. We begin as angels flying in the air, and do random tasks. If we lose, the angels fall and die. Fun game. Haha. :)
Playing Wii, jumping. Imitating the picture on screen for a Wii game.
Andrew. Playing In Between. When Zhen got an Ace and a Queen, they told him to take all, because "What could go wrong??!" Well... this. :p
Then went for dinner, which was really yum and cheap. I was having trouble resisting all the nice snacks and cold drinks the whole day because I was recovering from a sorethroat, but towards the end I just couldn't resist anymore. :p
I swear, I get sick every single time I come back. I suspect it must be the weather, the gorging on unhealthy snacks, not drinking enough water or the messed up sleeping cycle. Or maybe just all. *shrugs*
Ku lou yuk!
Michi and Beng. :) I love her top. In fact, I'm starting to realise that I like all her tops. -.-
Went to Sook's, then ended at my house. Towards the end, only Vince and Zhen were left playing a dumb game where they were pretending to be playing one-arm-bandit in a casino. When Vince won, he poured the coins out of a bowl like he just hit jackpot, and even made the sound effects.
Hahaha. Damn funny. More pics!
Karl and Lilian playing I-dunno-what. Haha. Cute pic of them. :p Lilian and Sook. According to Kinz himself, he says this shot I took of them is good! And no, he's not biased. :p
The photographer. The poor guy takes so many pics of others, but has so little of himself, so I thought I'd do him a favour. Well, other than the fact that I wanted to play with his cam a little. Hehe. Is this shot good or what! :p Cze checking her cards slowly while Sook looks on. Beng and Michi. And as usual, our group shots. This year, Kinz set it on timer and we were supposed to run there for each picture and pose within those few seconds. So what ensued were, well, these:
Relatively normal poses. More randomness, with less people.Kinz being gay. Ultraman? Hahaha. Getting crazy, and that's Zhen's arm on the bottom right. He wanted to run in front of the cam, but was too slow. Haha. But he wasn't. :pKinz grabbing the limelight. And the proper group picture, with the whole group. As always, thanks to Kinz for the pics during visiting. :)
Thanks to Andrew for more pics! Haha.
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