Bring It On
Ready for a challenge? Bored and have nothing better to do? Great! Check out this sort-of-game... you might like it. Or not. :p
Here's How It Goes:
- Players (you) will have to guess an object/person/etc. based on the clues given.
- Clues will be given weekly or so, depending on how free I am. ;)
- Vote the answer (once per clue, pls!) by clicking on the link below, going, "I Know The Answer!"
- Lastly, have fun! Answers will be posted by the date given.
Game 1
Answer will be announced on: Late June/Early July
People banned from playing this particular game & banned from telling the answer: Emily!! lol
1. The name of the person who wrote in "Schizophrenia", a blog at the link
Attention: Okay, big sorry here. I am too lazy to be updating this page. Not like anyone plays, I think. Lol. Want something that's updated relatively more often, check out my blog/journal. :)
I Know The Answer!
| Yours Truly | nEutral | Schizophrenia | Moments | On Paper | Connected | 1000 Words |