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Moments XoX
Times to remember...

« @ » Italy

  • When: 20/11/2003 - 2/12/2003
  • With: My family and a tour (Travel Masters)
  • Where: Italy; transitted in Doha, Qatar
  • How: Qatar Airlines
  • Total hours of flight: 12 hrs (one way)
  • Time difference: Italy is 7 hours behind Malaysia
  • Pictures: Captured Moments

    It was really an incredible trip, one that I will never forget. We went to parts in Italy, France and Switzerland. Met many new people and learned a thing or two. This was the first place that I didn't want to leave... :)

    The Long Version
    At first I was reluctant to leave Malaysia. Before I even left, I already missed my friends and my home (My friends called me all the way from Genting, so sweet right hehe). But since there was no way out of it, I had to go anyway... Let me tell you, the plane ride there & back was torture!! There wasn't any entertainment system, except this radio station that kept replaying the same old songs... over & over again...

    The Places
    Included Rome, Venice, Florence, Pisa, Nice, Cannes, Monte Carlo & Milan.

    The Weather
    Sometimes was okay, sometimes was freezing cold. But I survived, phew! hehe..

    The People
    The people on my tour were really so wonderful. The tour leader is funny, patient and helpful. Um, the people were very, very friendly and some were extremely crappy. Hehe. Met some people around my age and they were all really fun to hang out with.

    The Trip
    This whole trip has been incredible, from the start till the end. But it was over too fast, and now it feels like a long, sweet dream. And if were really a dream... then I never want to wake up..

    Little Incidents

  • The people on my tour kept cracking jokes about Nice being nice. LOL. Lame, yeah, but funny anyway. Btw, Nice is pronounced as "Niece".
  • My sister learnt how to say 1 to 10 in Italian. Lol... Wanna learn? :p
  • I was video-taping the surroundings when this group of Italian guys jumped in front of me & started talking to the camera! Haha... cute.

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