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Moments XoX
Times to remember...

« @ » Langkawi 2003

  • When: 18/10/2003 - 20/10/2003
  • With: My schoolmates
  • How: Air Asia
  • Total hours of flight: 1 hour, I think (one way)
  • Time difference: -
  • Pictures: Got la, but if u want, ask personally la k..

    Nice place, great company, lots of fun... I mean, this is the first holiday I've been with my friends, without parents... So so cool... :)

    The Long Version
    I was really excited to go, and I had a hell of a time packing, since I kept feeling like I forgot to bring something... haha...

    The Places
    Included the Underwater World, Bird Paradise, Burnt Rice, Eagle Square, etc.

    The Weather

    The People
    Of course the people were fun! After all, they're my schoolmates and I bunked with 3 of my close friends, who were really great to hang out with. We stayed up late into the night, talking and playing and laughing. It was so great. :p

    The Trip
    It was so fun, really a new experience for me. Somehow the best parts weren't the sightseeing or touring, it was the late night talks, the games, the company, the breaking of certain rules... ::grinzz:: ... well, it was fun while it lasted.

    Little Incidents

  • When my friends and I were in a park, we were walking along this path when we saw the beach in the distance. Emily & I went crazy and we ran to the beach. Lol!
  • There were 6 of us playing this "Truth, Truth & Nothing But The Truth" game. The girls pakat-ed against Jason, who in the end, er, got bullied into telling us his secret. Haha. ;)
  • Had this late night party at the guys' dorm & they were blasting Meteora. That was fun, until this Malay guy called their room and yelled at them to turn the noise down. LOL.
  • Sorry to break the surprise, but Burnt Rice is just a small plot of land that is labeled "Burnt Rice", plus a board to tell you the history of it all. And I was like, "WHAT??" Anti-climax...
  • Eagle Square... wow. When you reach, you walk over this wide bridge. On both sides, there are huge lakes and some kind of Greece-looking pillars in front. Beautiful place. :)
  • In the cable car, the guys were trying to freak us girls out by shaking the cable car as much as possible. Haha... so mature... :p

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